HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Casino game html5

Online casino sites to play on real money

The downside of that, however, is that it’s a lot more difficult for companies to protect their digital creations. You may have heard of HTML, it stands for hypertext markup language and it is basically a language that you can use to speak to computers. Just think of it as another language alongside english, german, spanish, etc. It’s a whole lot more complicated than that but for this article let’s keep it simple.

HTML5 vs flash casino games

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Players of online games don’t often need to think about the system that allows those games to work, it isn’t their concern. They just want to get lost in the game and enjoy themselves. That’s not a problem, as technology has evolved to such an extent that things work exactly as they should do 99.9% of the time.

However, the software providers that make the games have to think about what goes on under the hood, and their actions directly affect the experience of the player – and there’s a big change coming in this respect that has already seen a shift in the way games are being made.


If you have ever seen a moving image on your computer then you will have used flash. In layman’s terms, it is a software platform that allows developers to create animated graphics for games etc, as well as being a ‘player’ to allow people to view those animations. It comes pre-installed on most machines, and around 99% of internet users have it.

Adobe, the company responsible for creating and maintaining the flash system, has announced that it will phase out flash completely by the year 2020. One of the big ways in which they will do that is by changing what customers can use the software that created flash for; this was known as flash professional CC but is being renamed as animate CC. The hope is that people will now start to use more secure and modern software, such as HTML5, that can do essentially the same thing as flash.


You may have heard of HTML, it stands for hypertext markup language and it is basically a language that you can use to speak to computers. Just think of it as another language alongside english, german, spanish, etc. It’s a whole lot more complicated than that but for this article let’s keep it simple.

A very basic example might look like this:

HTML was introduced in its earliest form in the early 1990s, but the idea had been brewing with tim berners-lee many years before. It has had several reincarnations since then, each one making it a more useful and powerful solution for the modern world, and HTML5 is the latest.

It has now got to the point that HTML5 can do almost everything that flash could do and better, without the need for a plugin, and flash can no longer keep up.

Differences between HTML5 and flash games

Let’s have a quick look at some key differences between HTML5 and flash, to further understand why this change is going ahead.


HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
Web browsers are unable to render media created in flash by themselves, so your device will need to have flash player installed on it in order to run any website, or part of a website, that uses flash. This can obviously be quite tricky in some instances, especially when it comes to mobile devices that can’t have external programs installed.

HTML5, meanwhile, can be rendered by virtually every browser in existence because HTML is the default system used by most of them.

In the past, adobe have circumnavigated this particular issue by releasing a tool that would allow flash to be converted to HTML5, but it was an imperfect system that only worked some of the time, and added to the workload.

Prior to 2008, the only player that could use flash was the company’s own adobe flash player, and new players created after that were still not fully compatible with certain files. Apple, who have never liked being restricted to any framework other than their own, doesn’t allow flash to work on ios systems, ruling out its use on the likes of ipads and iphones. 1-0 to HTML5.

Tools and features

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
Flash is a proprietary software and, as such, the only way to create websites that can use it to its full potential was to use adobe’s own software. That can be expensive for developers, limiting the number of tools available to develop flash-based programming.

When it comes to HTML5, on the other hand, it’s an open format system, meaning any company can design a new tool for developers to use.

Consequently, the options available for creating and developing a site in HTML5 are significantly more numerous as well as being much more convenient. Another nail in the coffin for flash.

Performance improvements

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
Though adobe have improved the way that flash works with every new release of the software, older versions of the flash platform could cause problems for people who don’t have the latest or greatest computers.

Macos users, in particular, would find that the CPU usage of flash-based sites would cause their machines to heat up as they have to work harder to process the information.

Flash is quicker than regular HTML, but the development of that technology means that HTML5 will be the quicker software in the future. So flash is just about hanging on in this area but not for long.

Digital restrictions management

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
One of the major plus points of HTML5 is that it is an open format system, meaning that both developers and users can take advantage of it without any restrictions put upon them.

The downside of that, however, is that it’s a lot more difficult for companies to protect their digital creations.

Flash, meanwhile, includes digital restrictions management as standard, often called DRM, which protects the likes of videos, songs and ebooks.

Many people actually see the lack of a DRM as a good thing, citing that the only people who benefit from them are the copyright companies; but in 2017 tim berners-lee gave an endorsement for a DRM in HTML5, so it may end up a moot point anyway.

Use on apple devices

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
As mentioned before, ios devices can’t use flash, though native applications can be created using flash if the vendors wish to do so.

Apple have been pushing HTML5 to developers for some time, encouraging them to use it as an alternative for embedding video or graphics on sites that users might wish to look at when they’re on the go.

Given that apple mobile devices and tablets are some of the most popular in the world, it was no surprise to see so many companies moving more and more of their creations over to HTML5 even before adobe announced their decision to cease support for flash.


HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
One of the biggest reasons for the switch from flash to HTML5 involves security concerns around the use of the former.

Time and again adobe have released updates to their flash player in order to plug security holes that were concerning people, but often another hole would upon up elsewhere just as quickly.

HTML5 isn’t flawless when it comes to security, but many consider it to be significantly more stable than the alternative, which has not been able to plug the holes over the many years it has been trying.

In brief

age browser support cost processing audio visual support mobile compatibility
HTML5 new tech works natively on any browser free, open source less strenuous for computers some but lacks in-built support excellent
FLASH showing its age requires plug in morse costly for developers uses more processing power excellent no longer supported

What does this mean for online casino players?

In short, nothing. The reality is that if you have been playing games at online casinos for some time then you’ll likely already have flash player installed and won’t notice any major differences moving forward. Most of what happens goes on ‘under the hood’, meaning that you don’t need to do anything to get the benefit of the changes – you might not even notice.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
One of the things you might notice as we get closer to the 2020 cut off point for flash-based technology, is that some of your favourite games may disappear. In some cases, companies will create a new version of the same game using HTML5 technology, but occasionally they may feel that this is not very good value for money and so they’ll just remove the game from circulation. This will depend on the game itself.

Arguably, the biggest difference will be felt by mobile users. At present, any casino that uses flash for its games needs to create a native app for most mobiles and tablets. That’s not necessary with HTML5, however, as it will run on all mobiles at a high speed. As a result, all you’ll need to do is open your browser and select the game you want to play.

Don’t expect it to be a completely smooth transition though; at the time of writing about three-quarters of all videos and graphics online run through flash. There is a lot of work to be done.

Conclusion: flash is doomed

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
There’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to which of the two technologies is the ‘better’ one, though the fact that adobe are phasing out flash makes it something of a pointless conversation.

Certainly, the older technology has more downsides than the new pretender to the throne, with constant crashes plaguing flash users for years. There’s also the fact that HTML5 will work natively with far more websites and devices than the alternative – most of the biggest websites around, from youtube to dailymotion, have already stopped using flash and made the switch to HTML5.

Even so, you shouldn’t be running off to uninstall the adobe flash player just yet. There are still numerous sites and companies sticking with the older technology as they update their software and programmes in preparation for the move, meaning that plenty of online casinos will require your device to have flash installed for a little while longer yet.

Casino software solutions
HTML5 games development
and slots to buy


  • Slot games (+HTML5)

  • Slot games (web, social, mobile)

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HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.


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Online casino software developers

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

2winpower specializes in the integrated development of slot games



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We did not know that it was so fast to get a casino. Our order was not a complicated one. A usual casino + several HTML5 slots though unique ones that were developed specially for us. For a month affairs are going fine because we feared for these very developed games. Anyway, we want to add 2-3 slots from novomatic.

Profitable offers


HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Global gaming awards 2014

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Global gaming awards 2014

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Casino software solutions: where to buy casino games?

An efficient igaming market is built on healthy competition, transparency, reasonable expectations of participants and effective regulation. Everything we do at 2winpower is fully harmonized with the principles of an effective market. We have been making every effort to improve our service for years and now we can rightly claim to be the best provider of casino software solutions.

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HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

What’s the best browser for playing new HTML5 casino games?

HTML5 technology saw the light of day in 2014, but not every developer picked it up at first. Today, however, nearly all new casinos use games created using it.

One of its major benefits is the responsiveness on all devices. This makes the new casino software work on mobiles, tablets and laptops alike – without any extra effort during production.

On the other hand, not all internet browsers can cope with this technology equally well. Hence, even a suitable device won’t necessarily run the new casino software the way it’s supposed to. It all depends on the browser and the operating system you use.

So, use this guide to choosing the best browser for new HTML5 casino software – the answers are just below. And if you’re interested in the reasons why these browsers are better than others, keep scrolling for in-depth explanations.

Best browsers

  • The best HTML5 web browser on mobile is samsung internet 6.2

  • For desktop users, it’s chrome 66

  • If you play casino slots on a tablet, edge 17 is the way to go

Of course, this can change at any time with a new and improved version of any browser. All of the major web browsing software companies improve HTML5-compatibility with each new version of the application.

Right now, there are no programmes that would support the new technology in full. However, they’re all pretty close to perfection. You’d be surprised at how little some of these apps differ from one another.

Running casino software on mobile

If you have a samsung, just use their internet app for the best results. If you don’t have access to it, though, firefox mobile 48 is just as versatile, especially when it comes to web applications.

On the other end of the spectrum, ios 10.3 isn’t as capable as many others. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to launch HTML5 slots or table games at all.

However, you may encounter issues at some sites or software which are more complicated. For example, most of the popular mobile browsers except samsung internet 6.2 don’t support webgl 3D graphics. This means that you won’t be able to run some 3D slots as intended.

Using blackberry’s own browser is also not recommended if you can get a third-party alternative like firefox, chrome or opera.

Desktop browsers on pcs and laptops

For desktop users, chrome 66 nails it with almost complete compatibility. It supports most 2D and 3D graphics apis. It’s also the most secure browser, which is useful when dealing with money at online casinos.

On the other hand, firefox 60 has a slightly better web application support. It’s the only software so far that can recognize custom content handlers.

Of course, it won’t really matter for the most part of your online casino experience. Nevertheless, it’s always good to know that your browser is ready for anything.

After all, online gambling developers are picking up new technology and solutions to engage the player in new ways. So, you can never know which feature will become useful at one point or another.

On the bright side, all of the programmes for online browsing can deal with HTML5 games easily. The only exception is internet explorer 11. While it does support the technology, it doesn’t recognize everything, nor does it support all the functions.

HTML5 gambling on tablet devices

Tablet browsers are generally the least developed kind of portable device when it comes to the newest HTML technology. The good news is that the difference isn’t really perceptible for the everyday user.

To play mobile live casino or slot games without problems, use edge 17, chrome 52 or firefox mobile 48. However, edge is the only piece of software that supports VR graphics in HTML5. So, if you’re into virtual reality gambling on tablets, the rest simply won’t do.

Do all new casinos use HTML5 games?

Yes – all new casinos will use HTML5 for their games if they aren’t doing so already.

You might still stumble upon some games that are run by flash technology. Frankly, it’s been a popular way of making gambling software not that long ago.

However, the times have changed with the all-supporting HTML5. Now, top game studio brands use the new technology for their gaming titles. It makes sense – they can save time and resources:

  1. First of all, their games are compatible with all devices, screens and operating systems;

  2. These new slots and table games also run faster, making them much easier for gamblers to enjoy;

  3. Finally, they offer better functionality and integration with other elements of online casinos. This guarantees a smoother player experience.

  4. As if that wasn’t enough, all of this is free to use as the technology is open-source.

For the reasons above, online gambling isn’t imaginable without HTML5. Thus, you should also stay updated and seek for the best web gaming experience possible.

Free mobile casino games for fun in HTML5 slots

Online html5 slot games free to play

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
In our catalog we list the top online casino mobile game developers and new HTML5 slot machines that can be played in any browser, desktop and mobile on smartphones and on tablet devices.

HTML5 video slots and mobile online casinos are the new thing after flash casino games. Since flash technology is slowly being replaced with the new promising and more secure and advanced HTML5 slots, more and more casino game developers release their games in this format, which means that more casino games become mobile, allowing you to gamble while you go. Explore the new mobile slot machines with our catalog of mobile demo slots for free. The most popular mobile casino games are available on all tablets and smartphones

Betsoft mobile games

Betsoft, the developer of popular casino 3d slot machines, is also pioneering with HTML5 mobile slots. Most of betsoft gaming's slot game titles have been ported in HTML5 format to play at the mobile casinos.

  • Mr vegas
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Boomanji
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Sugarpop
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Under the sea
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Greedy goblins
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Netent touch mobile casino games in HTML5

Netent mobile slots go under the name netent touch. With games designed specifically for mobile, netent touch slots are able to maximize the enjoynment and gameplay experience on portable devices. With smooth and stunning graphic and effects netent mobile video slots are highly praised in the mobile casino world.

  • Mythic maiden
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Reel rush
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Hook's heroes
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • South park
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Blackjack classic
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Yggdrasil gaming HTML5 slot machines

This company is among the first casino game providers to develop beautiful mobile slot machines in HTML5.

  • Chibeasties
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Cyrus the virus
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Magic mushrooms
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Reef run
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Cazino zeppelin
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Mobile casino games are free to play on all devices

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
To summarize, online casino gamblers are now free to play on mobile phones and tablet devices as well as desktop, or any other kind of portable devices that supports the modern HTML5 browsing components. Mobile slots are fun, secure and a great way to win an extra income while traveling or on the go. Free yourself from the computer desktop monitors and go outside to play mobile casino games online! For the HTML5 mobile browser games, it really doesn't matter whether you are using samsung smartphone with android or iphone with an apple ios. The games would work in any modern browser that supports all standard modern tech.

There is a little difference though, between the mobile games presented in this section, and free mobile slots apps, that are available for download in application stores, like google play and apple itunes. HTML5 mobile slot games that are presented on this page are real games available in most online casinos where you can play them for real money, while on the go. Unlike the free slots apps, that are provided in appstores and must support the native operating system of the mobile device. Such games are made by game developers like playtika, or zynga, for example.

Free mobile casino games for fun in HTML5 slots

Online html5 slot games free to play

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
In our catalog we list the top online casino mobile game developers and new HTML5 slot machines that can be played in any browser, desktop and mobile on smartphones and on tablet devices.

HTML5 video slots and mobile online casinos are the new thing after flash casino games. Since flash technology is slowly being replaced with the new promising and more secure and advanced HTML5 slots, more and more casino game developers release their games in this format, which means that more casino games become mobile, allowing you to gamble while you go. Explore the new mobile slot machines with our catalog of mobile demo slots for free. The most popular mobile casino games are available on all tablets and smartphones

Betsoft mobile games

Betsoft, the developer of popular casino 3d slot machines, is also pioneering with HTML5 mobile slots. Most of betsoft gaming's slot game titles have been ported in HTML5 format to play at the mobile casinos.

  • Under the sea
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • After night falls
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Boomanji
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Three wishes
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Rook's revenge
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Netent touch mobile casino games in HTML5

Netent mobile slots go under the name netent touch. With games designed specifically for mobile, netent touch slots are able to maximize the enjoynment and gameplay experience on portable devices. With smooth and stunning graphic and effects netent mobile video slots are highly praised in the mobile casino world.

  • Jack hammer
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Blackjack classic
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • South park
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Hook's heroes
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Piggy riches
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Yggdrasil gaming HTML5 slot machines

This company is among the first casino game providers to develop beautiful mobile slot machines in HTML5.

  • Chibeasties
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Cyrus the virus
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Magic mushrooms
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Reef run
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

  • Cazino zeppelin
    HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Mobile casino games are free to play on all devices

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
To summarize, online casino gamblers are now free to play on mobile phones and tablet devices as well as desktop, or any other kind of portable devices that supports the modern HTML5 browsing components. Mobile slots are fun, secure and a great way to win an extra income while traveling or on the go. Free yourself from the computer desktop monitors and go outside to play mobile casino games online! For the HTML5 mobile browser games, it really doesn't matter whether you are using samsung smartphone with android or iphone with an apple ios. The games would work in any modern browser that supports all standard modern tech.

There is a little difference though, between the mobile games presented in this section, and free mobile slots apps, that are available for download in application stores, like google play and apple itunes. HTML5 mobile slot games that are presented on this page are real games available in most online casinos where you can play them for real money, while on the go. Unlike the free slots apps, that are provided in appstores and must support the native operating system of the mobile device. Such games are made by game developers like playtika, or zynga, for example.

HTML5 vs flash casino games

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Players of online games don’t often need to think about the system that allows those games to work, it isn’t their concern. They just want to get lost in the game and enjoy themselves. That’s not a problem, as technology has evolved to such an extent that things work exactly as they should do 99.9% of the time.

However, the software providers that make the games have to think about what goes on under the hood, and their actions directly affect the experience of the player – and there’s a big change coming in this respect that has already seen a shift in the way games are being made.


If you have ever seen a moving image on your computer then you will have used flash. In layman’s terms, it is a software platform that allows developers to create animated graphics for games etc, as well as being a ‘player’ to allow people to view those animations. It comes pre-installed on most machines, and around 99% of internet users have it.

Adobe, the company responsible for creating and maintaining the flash system, has announced that it will phase out flash completely by the year 2020. One of the big ways in which they will do that is by changing what customers can use the software that created flash for; this was known as flash professional CC but is being renamed as animate CC. The hope is that people will now start to use more secure and modern software, such as HTML5, that can do essentially the same thing as flash.


You may have heard of HTML, it stands for hypertext markup language and it is basically a language that you can use to speak to computers. Just think of it as another language alongside english, german, spanish, etc. It’s a whole lot more complicated than that but for this article let’s keep it simple.

A very basic example might look like this:

HTML was introduced in its earliest form in the early 1990s, but the idea had been brewing with tim berners-lee many years before. It has had several reincarnations since then, each one making it a more useful and powerful solution for the modern world, and HTML5 is the latest.

It has now got to the point that HTML5 can do almost everything that flash could do and better, without the need for a plugin, and flash can no longer keep up.

Differences between HTML5 and flash games

Let’s have a quick look at some key differences between HTML5 and flash, to further understand why this change is going ahead.


HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
Web browsers are unable to render media created in flash by themselves, so your device will need to have flash player installed on it in order to run any website, or part of a website, that uses flash. This can obviously be quite tricky in some instances, especially when it comes to mobile devices that can’t have external programs installed.

HTML5, meanwhile, can be rendered by virtually every browser in existence because HTML is the default system used by most of them.

In the past, adobe have circumnavigated this particular issue by releasing a tool that would allow flash to be converted to HTML5, but it was an imperfect system that only worked some of the time, and added to the workload.

Prior to 2008, the only player that could use flash was the company’s own adobe flash player, and new players created after that were still not fully compatible with certain files. Apple, who have never liked being restricted to any framework other than their own, doesn’t allow flash to work on ios systems, ruling out its use on the likes of ipads and iphones. 1-0 to HTML5.

Tools and features

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
Flash is a proprietary software and, as such, the only way to create websites that can use it to its full potential was to use adobe’s own software. That can be expensive for developers, limiting the number of tools available to develop flash-based programming.

When it comes to HTML5, on the other hand, it’s an open format system, meaning any company can design a new tool for developers to use.

Consequently, the options available for creating and developing a site in HTML5 are significantly more numerous as well as being much more convenient. Another nail in the coffin for flash.

Performance improvements

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
Though adobe have improved the way that flash works with every new release of the software, older versions of the flash platform could cause problems for people who don’t have the latest or greatest computers.

Macos users, in particular, would find that the CPU usage of flash-based sites would cause their machines to heat up as they have to work harder to process the information.

Flash is quicker than regular HTML, but the development of that technology means that HTML5 will be the quicker software in the future. So flash is just about hanging on in this area but not for long.

Digital restrictions management

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
One of the major plus points of HTML5 is that it is an open format system, meaning that both developers and users can take advantage of it without any restrictions put upon them.

The downside of that, however, is that it’s a lot more difficult for companies to protect their digital creations.

Flash, meanwhile, includes digital restrictions management as standard, often called DRM, which protects the likes of videos, songs and ebooks.

Many people actually see the lack of a DRM as a good thing, citing that the only people who benefit from them are the copyright companies; but in 2017 tim berners-lee gave an endorsement for a DRM in HTML5, so it may end up a moot point anyway.

Use on apple devices

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
As mentioned before, ios devices can’t use flash, though native applications can be created using flash if the vendors wish to do so.

Apple have been pushing HTML5 to developers for some time, encouraging them to use it as an alternative for embedding video or graphics on sites that users might wish to look at when they’re on the go.

Given that apple mobile devices and tablets are some of the most popular in the world, it was no surprise to see so many companies moving more and more of their creations over to HTML5 even before adobe announced their decision to cease support for flash.


HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
One of the biggest reasons for the switch from flash to HTML5 involves security concerns around the use of the former.

Time and again adobe have released updates to their flash player in order to plug security holes that were concerning people, but often another hole would upon up elsewhere just as quickly.

HTML5 isn’t flawless when it comes to security, but many consider it to be significantly more stable than the alternative, which has not been able to plug the holes over the many years it has been trying.

In brief

age browser support cost processing audio visual support mobile compatibility
HTML5 new tech works natively on any browser free, open source less strenuous for computers some but lacks in-built support excellent
FLASH showing its age requires plug in morse costly for developers uses more processing power excellent no longer supported

What does this mean for online casino players?

In short, nothing. The reality is that if you have been playing games at online casinos for some time then you’ll likely already have flash player installed and won’t notice any major differences moving forward. Most of what happens goes on ‘under the hood’, meaning that you don’t need to do anything to get the benefit of the changes – you might not even notice.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
One of the things you might notice as we get closer to the 2020 cut off point for flash-based technology, is that some of your favourite games may disappear. In some cases, companies will create a new version of the same game using HTML5 technology, but occasionally they may feel that this is not very good value for money and so they’ll just remove the game from circulation. This will depend on the game itself.

Arguably, the biggest difference will be felt by mobile users. At present, any casino that uses flash for its games needs to create a native app for most mobiles and tablets. That’s not necessary with HTML5, however, as it will run on all mobiles at a high speed. As a result, all you’ll need to do is open your browser and select the game you want to play.

Don’t expect it to be a completely smooth transition though; at the time of writing about three-quarters of all videos and graphics online run through flash. There is a lot of work to be done.

Conclusion: flash is doomed

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.
There’s no hard and fast rule when it comes to which of the two technologies is the ‘better’ one, though the fact that adobe are phasing out flash makes it something of a pointless conversation.

Certainly, the older technology has more downsides than the new pretender to the throne, with constant crashes plaguing flash users for years. There’s also the fact that HTML5 will work natively with far more websites and devices than the alternative – most of the biggest websites around, from youtube to dailymotion, have already stopped using flash and made the switch to HTML5.

Even so, you shouldn’t be running off to uninstall the adobe flash player just yet. There are still numerous sites and companies sticking with the older technology as they update their software and programmes in preparation for the move, meaning that plenty of online casinos will require your device to have flash installed for a little while longer yet.


HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

What’s the best browser for playing new HTML5 casino games?

HTML5 technology saw the light of day in 2014, but not every developer picked it up at first. Today, however, nearly all new casinos use games created using it.

One of its major benefits is the responsiveness on all devices. This makes the new casino software work on mobiles, tablets and laptops alike – without any extra effort during production.

On the other hand, not all internet browsers can cope with this technology equally well. Hence, even a suitable device won’t necessarily run the new casino software the way it’s supposed to. It all depends on the browser and the operating system you use.

So, use this guide to choosing the best browser for new HTML5 casino software – the answers are just below. And if you’re interested in the reasons why these browsers are better than others, keep scrolling for in-depth explanations.

Best browsers

  • The best HTML5 web browser on mobile is samsung internet 6.2

  • For desktop users, it’s chrome 66

  • If you play casino slots on a tablet, edge 17 is the way to go

Of course, this can change at any time with a new and improved version of any browser. All of the major web browsing software companies improve HTML5-compatibility with each new version of the application.

Right now, there are no programmes that would support the new technology in full. However, they’re all pretty close to perfection. You’d be surprised at how little some of these apps differ from one another.

Running casino software on mobile

If you have a samsung, just use their internet app for the best results. If you don’t have access to it, though, firefox mobile 48 is just as versatile, especially when it comes to web applications.

On the other end of the spectrum, ios 10.3 isn’t as capable as many others. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to launch HTML5 slots or table games at all.

However, you may encounter issues at some sites or software which are more complicated. For example, most of the popular mobile browsers except samsung internet 6.2 don’t support webgl 3D graphics. This means that you won’t be able to run some 3D slots as intended.

Using blackberry’s own browser is also not recommended if you can get a third-party alternative like firefox, chrome or opera.

Desktop browsers on pcs and laptops

For desktop users, chrome 66 nails it with almost complete compatibility. It supports most 2D and 3D graphics apis. It’s also the most secure browser, which is useful when dealing with money at online casinos.

On the other hand, firefox 60 has a slightly better web application support. It’s the only software so far that can recognize custom content handlers.

Of course, it won’t really matter for the most part of your online casino experience. Nevertheless, it’s always good to know that your browser is ready for anything.

After all, online gambling developers are picking up new technology and solutions to engage the player in new ways. So, you can never know which feature will become useful at one point or another.

On the bright side, all of the programmes for online browsing can deal with HTML5 games easily. The only exception is internet explorer 11. While it does support the technology, it doesn’t recognize everything, nor does it support all the functions.

HTML5 gambling on tablet devices

Tablet browsers are generally the least developed kind of portable device when it comes to the newest HTML technology. The good news is that the difference isn’t really perceptible for the everyday user.

To play mobile live casino or slot games without problems, use edge 17, chrome 52 or firefox mobile 48. However, edge is the only piece of software that supports VR graphics in HTML5. So, if you’re into virtual reality gambling on tablets, the rest simply won’t do.

Do all new casinos use HTML5 games?

Yes – all new casinos will use HTML5 for their games if they aren’t doing so already.

You might still stumble upon some games that are run by flash technology. Frankly, it’s been a popular way of making gambling software not that long ago.

However, the times have changed with the all-supporting HTML5. Now, top game studio brands use the new technology for their gaming titles. It makes sense – they can save time and resources:

  1. First of all, their games are compatible with all devices, screens and operating systems;

  2. These new slots and table games also run faster, making them much easier for gamblers to enjoy;

  3. Finally, they offer better functionality and integration with other elements of online casinos. This guarantees a smoother player experience.

  4. As if that wasn’t enough, all of this is free to use as the technology is open-source.

For the reasons above, online gambling isn’t imaginable without HTML5. Thus, you should also stay updated and seek for the best web gaming experience possible.

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Recent posts



Roulette royale – HTML5 casino game

Roulette royale is a HTML5 casino game. Enjoy this roulette game
with high quality 3D graphic!

The game contains all the main roulette game features like
voisins zero, tier, orphelins, neighbor,final bets.

This new version of roulette is optimized for mobile devices.

If you want a version more suitable on desktop, take a look

This game has been developed in HTML5/js and third-party
library createjs – (not construct2 or other framework).

The ZIP package contains the game with 1280×768 resolution that
scales to fit current screen device.

Please note that for very wide screens, the game may not be
perfectly full screen.

The game is fully compatible with all most common mobile device

    Sounds are enabled for mobile but we can’t grant full audio
    compatibility on all mobile devices due to some well-know issue
    between some mobile-browser and HTML5.

So if you want to avoid sound loading, please read

Sounds can’t be enabled for windows phone as this kind of
device have unsolvable issues with and

If you are willing to make an app out of this game, we suggest
you to reskin or at least rebrand it

We can’t be held responsible and offer support for eventual
issues met during the use of the game in third party software (i.E.
Phonegap, cordova, iudei)

This game is fully compatible with

wordpress pluginthat allows you to create a real
arcade on your website.

Easy to install

With CTL arcade you can:

  • Monetizewith your games adding
    ads banners

  • Promoteyour website with
    social share buttons

  • Improve our games with
    leaderboard, and
    rating feature

=== even if we do our best to minimize any inconvenience, we
can’t ensure the full compatibility of all our games on every
device and every operating system update.

Thank you for the understanding. ===


HTML5 casino games: a new era in the world of online gambling

For many years people used a flash technology from adobe for the slot game development. In olden times it became a real salvation, as it relieved players from the necessity to download slot machine software to a computer. However, new times have the upper hand, and good old flash format does not cope with modern ideas and developments. It is replaced by HTML5 slots.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Initially the HTML5 format was created for the design of gaming sites, but software manufacturers were able to see the great potential of the improved programming language and integrated it into their video slots. HTML5 browser games can brag of advanced graphics and high-quality optimization.

But the main schtick is that HTML5 is supported by absolutely all operating systems and can be equally well displayed on screens of any size. HTML5 mobile games are rapidly gaining popularity, because today users prefer to use their smartphones to play different kinds of games and for other types of entertainment. You must admit that it is much more pleasant to lie on the bed, completely relaxed, and launch a couple of spins, rather than to sit at a computer.

Why HTML5 casino games are the future of online gambling?

Cross-platform makes HTML5 slots more and more popular. Computers and laptops on macos or windows, tablets and smartphones based on android or ios – it does not matter what gadget you are using. HTML5 casino games work fine on any of these devices. In order to start the game you need only a good web browser. It is worth noting that 97% of active devices support this format.

For online casino operators such games will become very profitable investment with short payback period. HTML5 slots are an open source code that can be easily integrated into any platform, while using flash you will in any case need to rework something. You do not have to optimize HTML5 mobile games, because the technology itself works perfectly on any platform.

Many people complain that flash games often hang up, do not want to be launched from some browsers, etc. The described format, with all its advantages (for example, the possibility of integrating advanced animation effects), operates seamlessly and does not need serious resources or installation of additional software. Both HTML5 mobile games and their desktop versions have such advantages.

The HTML5 casino game development

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

The creation of HTML5 casino games provides for the usage of not only one programming language. For example, in slot machines of the next generation such language as javascript is widely used. Thus, possibilities of creators are significantly expanding, and this is why all new HTML5 slots please gamblers with something interesting and unusual.

Such a high quality can be achieved with the help of vector graphics SVG. It is a unique technology that allows operators to receive improved and colorful animation in casino games and upgrades the quality of user interaction.

But the main feature of SVG is its scalability. It means that HTML5 casino games are equally well displayed on screens of any size. You want to play on the TV after having connected your computer to it, or to relax on a couch with a smartphone in your hands? Whatever you choose, the slot machine will look explicit.

We should also mention that in the future the slot game development based on HTML5 will flourish, as the technology continues to get improved. So, in a short time we should expect to see even more interesting opportunities, and that the gambling industry will move to a new level.

HTML5 game development: achievements

Most modern providers have already started to develop games using new tools. Now we will consider the most popular gambling software developers, which have successfully mastered the HTML5 mode and applied it in practice.


Of course, the austrian company novomatic was one of the first who had analyzed the situation and began to use HTML5 in their products. Moreover, the developer had successfully converted all its old games into a new format, which allows the younger generation of gamblers to play all famous slot machines using a smartphone.

The book of ra, dolphin's pearl, lucky lady's charm and many others are among those fascinating HTML5 games that are now available on any device, and the desktop versions of which have become a legend. In updated versions of its games (the deluxe series) there are new features and functions, improved graphics and soundtracks. So these video slots from novomatic will always be modern and in great demand.


Microgaming is a world-famous swedish developer. The company was the first to open an online casino, and today it has already presented more than 800 games. All released slots can boast have high-quality graphics, user-friendly interface and wide winning opportunities.

Games from microgaming can be easily distinguished from other vendors' products thanks to a recognizable control panel and unique additional functions. Therefore, fans of branded video slots quickly master its new games and are completely wrapped up in the gameplay. And now with the HTML5 format young gamblers can also get acquainted with legendary slot games.

This company has never disappointed players, because it releases only interesting thematic slots, among which we would like to particularly note the following games:

  • Hellboy;

  • Playboy;

  • The dark knight rises;

  • Jurassic park.

A unique atmosphere of slot machines from the world-famous developer makes it recognizable and distinguishes it against the background of others.


HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Playtech is one of the best developers of slot machines. The company was founded in 1999, and it was among the first to create HTML5 mobile games. In 2016, the developer introduced a roulette that was made with the usage of the HTML5 technology.

Today the company employs more than 5 thousand highly qualified specialists who produce really high-quality and advanced games. The main highlight of the provider is a series of exclusive video slots based on comics and popular films: cat in vegas, hulk, top gun, ace ventura, iron man, etc. In addition to "one-armed bandits" the company also works at other games, including poker, blackjack and baccarat.

Players are very fond of this provider for its unprecedented munificence, because in some games the RTP indicator reaches 99%. The manufacturer is also sympathetic to gamblers and gives them an opportunity to place bets the amount of which starts from 1 cent.

Another interesting fact: for today playtech has paid 220 million dollars in total for jackpots. By the way, almost every participant has a chance to win several million dollars, since all branded videoslots and slot machines are belonging together and form a common jackpot.


Igrosoft is the only russian company that has won international recognition and has also transferred its games to the HTML5 format. The igrosoft team creates undoubted masterpieces with exciting storylines, simple functionality, minimalistic design and unusual soundtracks.

Initially, igrosoft was engaged in the development and production of gaming machines for land-based casinos, but after the ban on gambling it was necessary to move to online gambling. Crazy monkey, resident, garage, fruit cocktail and lucky haunter are the best games from the russian developer, which are familiar to many players in the years since creep-joints existed. Thanks to the capabilities of the HTML5 format, today these games are available even on smartphones.

EGT is a bulgarian developer who managed to get rolling and become a large organization. Initially, the provider was engaged in the creation of the equipment for land-based gambling establishments, but the popularity of online casinos made him to conquer the internet niche.

HTML5 vs Flash Casino Games, casino game html5.

Today, EGT is a welcome guest at all big gambling shows. Many modern online casinos offer players software from the bulgarian developer, which has successfully mastered the HTML5 browser games development and the development of HTML5 mobile games. Of particular note, all games of this company were translated into russian.

How to order HTML5 casino games?

The great news is that it is possible not only to buy games in the HTML5 format from the world’s leading providers but also to order the development of original slot machines on the basis of your personal requirements.

This approach has several advantages:

Advantages of the individual development of games


The more interesting and unusual games you offer your audience, the stronger will be the attachment of gamblers to your gaming portal, which, in the future, will have a positive effect on the size of the bets and on the number of visits of players

Dozens of online casinos offer the same slots. By ordering an original HTML5 slot you get an opportunity to stand out against the background of your competitors and gain customers

A casino that orders the development of slots is chosen by gamblers because they think of it as of a more serious gambling establishment that cares about its reputation. It is more easy for them to entrust their money to such a website

Compliance with the requirements of the audience

You probably know perfectly well what your players prefer. If you can offer a slot that meets the requirements of the audience, then it will definitely help you to increase your income

We recommend you not only to install games in the HTML5 format from well-known manufacturers but also to order new slot machines that are appropriate exactly for your gaming site.

Whichever you choose, it is important to remember that technologies always forge ahead, and it is better to plan the development of a casino taking into account the perspective. And the current forecasts of experts state that it is HTML5 games that will lead the way in the gambling market.

The process for ordering HTML5 slots:

  1. You contact the manager from 2winpower or fill out the feedback form.

  2. Our manager will ask you a few questions and try to determine what business challenges your project is facing and suggest the possible options for achieving your goals.

  3. Our team of specialists will select the best gambling software for your casino or create it from scratch.

  4. We will integrate all programs into your website, test them, and provide further technical support.

With 2winpower, the process of updating the game content is always easy. Slot machines pay off very quickly, and casino owners usually get a pleasant and regular income within the shortest possible time.

Here, you will find the widest range of games from the world-famous manufacturers and rare slots that VIP clients are always out for. Our team of technical specialists will be glad to bring to life your bold ideas regarding the new slot games. Just do not wait for tomorrow and start updating the games on your website today!


Future belongs to games in the HTML5 format. Already today, ambitious entrepreneurs should think about updating the games in their online casinos and provide their websites with stable mobile traffic.

Also, you should not give up on the development of original HTML5 slots, which will help your casino to stand out against the background of competitors and gain the confidence of the audience.

Craps – HTML5 casino game

30 $ free trial version coming soon

Craps is a HTML5 casino game. Try your luck with this stylish 3D version of craps casino game! This game has been developed in HTML5/js and third-party library createjs (not construct2 or other framework).

Craps – HTML5 casino game

Craps is a HTML5 casino game.
Try your luck with this stylish 3D version of craps casino game!

This game has been developed in HTML5/js and third-party library createjs – http://createjs.Com/ (not construct2 or other framework).

The ZIP package contains the game with 1280×768 resolution that scales to fit the whole screen device
just warning that for very wide screens, the game may not be perfectly full screen.
The game is fully compatible with all most common mobile device browsers.

  • Sounds are enabled for mobile but we can’t ensure full audio compatibility on all mobile devices due to some well-know issue between some mobile-browser and HTML5.
    So if you want to avoid sound loading, please read the documentation

  • Sounds can’t be enabled for windows phone as this kind of device have unsolvable issues with and tag.

  • If you are planning to make an app out of this game, we suggest you to reskin or at least rebrand it.

  • We can’t be held responsible and offer support for eventual issues met during the use of the game in third party software (i.E. Phonegap, cordova, iudei)

This game is fully compatible with CTL arcade

A wordpress plugin that allows you to create a real arcade on your website.

Easy to install

With CTL arcade you can:

  • Monetize with your games adding ads banners

  • Promote your website with social share buttons

  • Improve our games with leaderboard, and rating feature

=== even if we do our best to minimize any inconvenience, we can’t ensure the full compatibility of all our games on every device and every operating system update.
Thank you for the understanding. ===

– button fullscreen added
– orientation alert added
– option show/hide credits added
– updated sound library
– bug fixed on clear bet
– added 2 event (clear_bet and bet_placed) for wordpress plugin CTL arcade: http://codecanyon.Net/item/ctl-arcade-wordpress-plugin/13856421
-bug fixed on credits panel params


so, let's see, what we have: players of online games don't often need to think about the system that allows those games to work, it isn't their concern. They just want to get lost in the at casino game html5
