The Big Number Trick at Roulette, casino game roulette tricks.
Casino game roulette tricks
Online casino sites to play on real money
These negative betting methods are just as valid as the one I am proposing but they are in a different category. The big number is a positive betting trick, going with the scoreboard’s numbers and not against them, and it is far simpler than the negative category which requires the player to keep track of the numbers that have not hit (if they are not on the scoreboard) which might require a notebook and pen. And how many of these numbers that have not hit or repeated do you wager on? Those can be tough questions to answer. The american wheel has two green (or blue) zeros (0 and 00). The french or european wheel has only one green (or blue) zero.
The big number trick at roulette

- In this article I will explain a couple of interesting “roulette tricks” to use at the game of roulette. Mind you, these cannot give you a mathematical edge but they are fun to play and using my money management advice they might reduce the overall negative expectation of the game.
Roulette and craps are probably the two oldest games that are now found in our modern casinos and on any online casino. Actually, dice games were played all the way back to caesar’s time – and perhaps even further into the past than that.
Those bones people rolled were from sheep and (wait for it) sometimes from humans – and roulette of a type goes just as far into the past. Heck, shields could be used for more than just shielding oneself. Soldiers needed their games to play and those spinning shields could give a lot of enjoyment without worrying about being killed by an enemy.
First things first: what is the difference between a gambling system and a gambling trick? Actually not much. I look at gambling systems as a more complicated type of approach to a game such as roulette. I think of a roulette trick as a shorter, simpler method of approaching a game. One requires a certain type of discipline to follow; the other is short and sweet and not very taxing.
One of the most enjoyable of my roulette tricks is the utilization of a big number roulette strategy. This is a straight number strategy where you bet directly on the chosen number or numbers.
Take a look at any roulette scoreboard, those that usually show the last 20 numbers that hit, and what do you almost always see? That’s right; some number or numbers have repeated. Don’t get too excited; this is not unusual; in fact, it is usual in any random game of which roulette is one. Numbers do tend to repeat even in such short lengths as 20 spins.
The big number roulette trick is to take whichever number has been a repeater and bet that number. If there is more than one number you then bet on each of those numbers.
Whatever your normal bet is then that is the bet you make on that one number. If there is more than one number than you bet your minimum bet on all the repeaters.
It is rare indeed that there will be three repeating numbers. Still, although I haven’t seen that a profound number of times, it does happen.
Please note: if you are a player who bets more than the table minimum, then try to apportion your betting amounts so that you are not betting more than what is usually a single bet if you are betting multiple big numbers. A $50 player might want to break up his bet $25/$25 on two big numbers.
In the big number roulette trick you are betting with the scoreboard. Once a number disappears from the scoreboard you stop betting on that number. If no number repeats you do not bet until a repeater shows. Not betting does take a modicum of discipline on the part of players but not betting on certain rounds does save you some money. That is not something to be dismissed. No bet is not susceptible to the house edge – naturally.

What about roulette players who prefer to bet against numbers that have hit? Or what if they want to bet numbers that have not shown up as yet on the scoreboard?
These negative betting methods are just as valid as the one I am proposing but they are in a different category. The big number is a positive betting trick, going with the scoreboard’s numbers and not against them, and it is far simpler than the negative category which requires the player to keep track of the numbers that have not hit (if they are not on the scoreboard) which might require a notebook and pen. And how many of these numbers that have not hit or repeated do you wager on? Those can be tough questions to answer.
Let us say that a certain number repeated once but another repeated twice? Do you treat them differently? Some players might want to bet more on the number that repeated more than once. I wouldn’t recommend that as such larger bets can be dangerous to your bankroll. Just go with one bet on the repeating numbers.
You are not enhancing your chances of winning when you bet more money. You are merely increasing the overall amount you are expected to lose over time. True, if a number with more money on it hits, you certainly make more money but that does not mean the house will win less over time when you wager this way. The more money you wager the more money the house edge will grind away at.
Please note: you must always keep in mind that whatever betting trick or system you are using cannot change the fundamental mathematics of roulette. In the american double-zero wheel you have a one in 38 chance of your number hitting and in the european single-zero wheel you have a one in 37 chance. Those probabilities do not change based on your betting methods.
Players do not have to bet straight up on the numbers. After all, with a one in 38 chance of winning on the american double-zero wheels, there can be long waits for a number to hit (yes, true, the number could hit right away) and this could be discouraging to many players.
If we use the american double-zero wheels as our guide, we can postulate other ways to play the big number. You can use the same exact technique for the european wheel so those of you lucky enough to play the european single-zero wheel, I envy you!
Please note: the european single-zero wheel is almost twice as good as the american double-zero wheel. The house edge is 2.7 percent while on the american double-zero wheel the house edge is 5.26 percent. So whenever given the option think in terms of playing the single-zero wheels.
If you wish to avoid straight-up bets, then you could make outside bets on one, two or a few of the outside proposition bets such as the red/black, odd/even, high/low, 1st dozen, 2nd dozen, or 3rd dozen. By doing this you reduce possibly long waiting times between decisions. Many players prefer more frequent hits; to them this makes the game more enjoyable. I tend to be one of those players!There are many combinations of these bets that can be made. I’ll cover a few here and you can, I am sure, come up with more. You might even want to wager straight-up bets and outside bets!

We look at the scoreboard and we see that 10 has repeated. That number is a black one, it is an even number, and it is also a low number (low numbers are 1-18, high numbers are 19-36). Also 10 is one of the inside dozen numbers.
Please note: on all the outside bets a hit on the 0 or 00 loses the bet. Yes, the 0 and 00 can also be the big number but that would mean a straight up bet on that number. Avoid making the five-number bet at the top of the layout as the house edge is 7.89 percent.
Now you have some choices to make if 10 is the repeater. Here they are:
- Make a black bet which has a one-to-one payout
- Make an even bet which has a one-to-one payout
- Make a low-number bet which has a one-to-one payout
- Make an inside dozen bet which has a two-to-one payout
You can also make any combination of the above bets, or all of them! The truly aggressive player might decide to also plop down a straight-up bet on the number. Such an aggressive player would be making five bets.
I think five bets are somewhat overboard as you are betting a lot of money. I would go with one or two of the propositions. You don’t want to throw too much money into the game at once because a losing streak could wipe you out. However, if you are breaking up a single bet into five units – say a $50 wager into $10 each – then that would be fine, as long as your minimum bet is really that $50.
Let me go over some of the obvious problems with betting these outside propositions.
- If you have two big numbers of different colors then you obviously do not bet red or black.
- If you have two big numbers and one is high and one is low, you do not bet that proposition.
- If you have two big numbers and they are on two different dozen lines you bet one or the other.
- There are other combinations on the inside numbers to spread out your betting. These you can create for yourself.
I am a very conservative player. I try to protect my money even as I am betting my money. To me gambling is a combination of fear and fun. I find it fun to play the games but I do not find it too much fun when I get clobbered and I have been clobbered at times in my almost 30 years of casino play. I am sure that many of my readers have been clobbered at times and I am guessing that it was a miserable experience for them as well.
So my fear can also be my protection against foolish play. Such fear has helped me study the games for the best possible ways to play them. I think all players should incorporate fear within themselves. How can that fear manifest itself? Here are the good products of fear:
- Do not make too many bets at once. The more money you bet the greater the chance that bad luck can knock you out. Go slow. You worked hard to earn your money.
- Do not increase your bets to make up for previous losses. This is often called “going on tilt” and it has hurt many a player. Going on tilt is a sure way to get destroyed on bad sessions. If you are feeling rotten, quit for that session and do something else. The games will always be there. In fact, there are probably more casinos in the world today than there were yesterday.
- Make sure you have enough money in your bankroll not to get upset should you lose. Use the large bankroll to small bet equation. The larger your bankroll, the less a loss will hurt you.
- Have a separate bank account for your gambling money. Never mix your daily-living money with your play money. You can make deposits in your gambling account so that it grows. Put your wins in it too!
- Recognize that all casino games have a built-in advantage for the casinos. Casinos are in the business of making money. They have structured their games mathematically to beat the players. The casino’s math will defeat the player’s luck over time. Players ultimately need good luck to win; casinos just need the math; luck does not play a part on the casino end of things.
Please note: although the betting advice I am giving cannot overcome the math of the game, using such roulette tricks can be fun and give you a satisfying strategy for the playing of roulette. Just be cautious. Play with discipline and enjoy the thrills of the games.
Question 1: what is the house edge on roulette?
The european wheels’ edge is 2.70%. The american wheels’ edge is 5.26%.
Question 2: what is the fibonacci system?
The fibonacci system using the following number sequence to establish one’s betting levels. If you are a 10-unit bettor, the sequence would go like this: 10 units, 20 units, 30 units (on up).
Question 3: what is the difference between the american wheel to the european/french wheel?
The american wheel has two green (or blue) zeros (0 and 00). The french or european wheel has only one green (or blue) zero.
Question 4: should the odds be the same on an RNG game?
Yes, the odds on an RNG game (such as online roulette) and the payouts should be the same (or better than) the odds and payouts on a regular roulette game.
Question 5: what is the RNG?
The RNG is the random number generator. It is a computer program that randomly selects number sequences that will correspond to symbols or elements of a casino game or slot machine.
Roulette tips and tricks

Our tips for roulette looks at three separate strategies to be used with the game:
1. Minimize the house edge – by choosing the right roulette wheel
2. Betting – choose the best bets for you
3. Roulette betting systems – learn how to bet smarter
All of these help give us more control over the odds of winning, and are explained in full below.
Minimize the house edge
First and foremost, it’s best to play on a european (including french) roulette wheel over an american one whenever possible, even if all three are on offer at the same casino. That’s because while all wheels offer the same payouts, the european wheels have better odds. The average house edge on an american roulette wheel is 5.26%, whereas the house edge on european roulette wheels is just 2.7%. If you can find online roulette that not only offers a european wheel but also offers an “en prison” rule – which allows players to hold and repeat their bets for a single turn after the ball has landed on 0 – then the overall house edge is reduced to just 1.35%. Similarly, if you can find a casino that offers a french variation of roulette that offers the “la partage” rule then even money bets that land on a zero are halved and given back to the player resulting in the same house edge of just 1.35%. Based on our experience it is very rare for online casinos to feature the en prison rule, however a few do feature the la partage rule, which has the same house edge (see box below).
Online roulette games with a house edge of just 1.35%
- Intercasino features the “la partage” rule in their new european roulette game
- Coral casino features the “la partage” rule in their premium french roulette game
Because roulette is at its heart a game of chance, and players have no way of controlling the outcome of every spin, you have to go with the best odds available to you. That’s why a smart roulette strategy focuses on betting. Below are all of the inside and outside bets that are available to roulette players.
Inside bets
- Straight-up – a bet on any single number on the wheel
- Split – a bet on two numbers adjacent to each other on the betting layout
- Street – a bet on three numbers in a horizontal line on the betting layout
- Corner – a bet on four numbers on the betting layout, marked by placing chips where the corners of the numbers meet
- Six line – a bet on six numbers in two adjacent lines or streets
- Trio – a bet on 0, 1 and 2 or on 0, 2 and 3
- Basket – a bet on 0, 1, 2 and 3; on a double zero layout this is just a bet on 0, 1 and 2, on 0, 00 and 2, or on 00, 2 and 3
- Top line – a bet on 0, 00, 1, 2 and 3 on a double zero layout
Outside bets
- Column – a bet on any of the three 12-number rows on the betting layout
- Dozen – a bet on any of the three groups of 12 consecutive numbers (1-12, 13-24 or 25-36)
- Even/odd – a bet that the ball will land on either an even or an odd number
- Red/black – a bet that the ball will land on either a red or a black slot
- Hi/lo – a bet on either 1-18 or 19-36
Simple math is all it takes to see that the outside bets offer the best odds because they have nearly 50/50 probability. Because of the single green 0 space, unfortunately they still carry a house edge, but it’s the smallest possible edge at the roulette table. That’s also why it’s important to play at a european wheel whenever possible, since the extra green 00 featured on american wheels affects the odds on all of the bets.
Roulette betting systems
Finally, a lot of players use betting systems while playing online roulette. There are numerous systems published that do work with roulette to a point but do not be fooled by any of them as there is no such thing as easy money. The most popular betting system that lends itself to roulette very well is the martingale betting system, which we have written up about. Ultimately, you will likely win for quite some time but following it over the long term will eventually lead you to hit a losing streak that could break you.
While it’s important that players understand that these systems won’t improve their odds, there is a logical reason why such systems were once popular with roulette. Back when roulette wheels were first invented, it was common for wheels to develop biases as they got worn down. Systems like the labouchere were designed to subtly take advantage of such biases. Today, unfortunately, live roulette wheels are too well-kept to develop such biases, and online roulette wheels operate on unbiased random number generation software. As with most casino games it may be possible to take advantage of online bonuses to reduce the house edge and enhance your experience but you need to check whether you are allowed to play roulette whilst meeting the bonus requirements and if so whether there are any restrictions such as maximum bet size allowed that you should be aware of.
So where’s the best place to play?
Taking into consideration our strategies above we have short-listed 4 online casinos in the table below, which use 3 different software platforms to power their roulette games. So, you should be able to get a fair deal of variety and be safe in the knowledge that these casinos are the best places to be playing roulette – we determine this primarily because these casinos offer the lowest house edge for roulette but also because we know from experience they are all big casino brands, using reputable game software that offer a wide variety of banking methods and quick cash-out times.
8 tips on how to win at roulette

Roulette players are an ancient lot. By that I don’t mean they are all elderly; instead, I mean that they play a game with much heritage --- a long heritage that goes back hundreds if not thousands of years when shields were spun and villages and towns lived or died by the results.
Betting methods and elaborate betting systems of all types have been employed to try to beat the game and guess what (oh, come on, you can guess)? None of these betting methods and betting systems was able to bring the laurels to the players. That house edge was (is) indomitable and cannot be defeated with a betting method or system of any kind.

Still, there are better and worse ways to play the game of roulette. There are even ways --- at least in the almost near past --- where players had worked out wheel strategies that could actually beat the game. Keep in mind now that a wheel strategy is not a betting strategy. The two are worlds apart. So here are my eight best tips to play this ancient game.
- Look for games with “surrender” or “en prison.”
- Always play a single-zero wheel if you can.
- Create a 401g account.
- Play in a leisurely fashion.
- Don’t sweat a loss on a previous number you didn’t bet this time.
- Play within your bankroll.
- Look for biased wheels.
- Sit out some decisions.
These two terms accomplish the same thing. In casinos that offer “surrender” anytime one of the propositions of red/black, odd/even or high/low hits only half the bet is lost because the 0 or 00 appeared. The other half is returned to the player. These are called “even-money” bets because they pay one-to-one.
In the american game of roulette “surrender” cuts the house edge in half. Instead of facing a 5.26 percent edge, the player now only faces a 2.63 percent edge. Find games with surrender and only play those outside “even-money” bets.
En prison is the same thing --- it cuts the house edge in half --- but it is done in a somewhat different fashion. If the green 0 appears (en prison is usually found on european single-zero wheels) the “even-money” bets are locked up until the next spin of the wheel.

Let us say you bet red and the 0 hits. The red bet stays on the table for the next round. If red hits, you get your bet back; if black hits you lose your bet; if the 0 hits again, your bet continues to remain in prison.
En prison reduces the house edge to 1.35 percent instead of the normal 2.70 percent on the european game.
Again if you are lucky enough to find either of these two options then play them.
This isn’t a hard proposition. Given the choice of playing a single-zero wheel with a 2.70 percent house edge or a double-zero wheel with a 5.26 percent house edge --- come on now, take a wild guess. Yes, you are right; play the single-zero wheels.
The only caveat on that is this: if the single-zero wheel has a higher minimum bet, say 25 units, to a double-zero wheel’s 10 units, you would then be better betting the 10 units. Otherwise, go with your first answer.
Playing games should only use “play money,” that is money reserved especially for playing games.
Set up an account at the bank and put in funds only (as in only) to be used for gambling. Weekly or monthly add a little at a time from your entertainment fund. This account I call a 401G and that “G” stands for gambling.
You are only allowed to gamble with money from this account. That will save you the anguish of lulu covering her mouth at her wedding.

Roulette is a leisurely game so play it in a leisurely fashion. Don’t be in a rush to get those bets out should you be the only one playing.
So you were consistently betting the 8 for spin after spin after darn spin. And it never hit. In fact, no number near it hit. Maybe it had an invisible shield over the pocket, who knows? So, being clever, you didn’t place the bet this time and as fate (or the angry gods) would have it that stupid hit! Just your bad luck.
Don’t sweat it. The game is random and no “fate” or “gods from olympus” had anything to do with it. Some pocket has to hit and it happened to be that one. The ball wasn’t thinking, “let me screw that dope by landing on the 8”.
The player next to you is wagering thousands of units on the numbers. He is betting more than you make in a year! He is royalty. You are a peasant.
Nonsense. You have to bet what you can afford to bet. Trust me, casinos are not impressed by the royalty who bet thousands of units. They just think of these people as a shark thinks of a seal; something to be devoured.
Play based on your 401G. Maybe use 10 percent of the money you have in your account as a session or a two-session stake. Hey, we’re way past the age of royalty anyway.
I think all roulette players know what a biased wheel is. But just in case, here is a handy definition: a certain number and/or numbers are hitting out of all proportion to their probability. Of course, to ascertain this you’d have to study the wheel for thousands upon thousands of spins.
Indeed, the players who broke the bank at monte carlo did just that. I doubt most (or any) of our readers would be interested in trying to find biased wheels among today’s super-computer-perfectly balanced ones but have at it.
So here is a way to (pretend) to play a biased wheel. Check the scoreboard and any number that has come up twice then bet that number.
Are these numbers indicative of a biased wheel? Please. But it is fun to imagine that they are.
The more you play, the better for the casinos; the less you play the better for you. I think all casino gamblers know that (or they should know that). So sit out a decision every now and then to reduce the hit of the house edge on your bankroll.
Again, don’t worry if a number you selected in the past comes up. The game is random and no deity has it in for you.
Roulette tricks in casino!
Roulette is believed to be a game of chance as it is more a game of gambling than a game which is based on rules. There is no sure way of winning it. However, you can enhance your chances of victory by putting into practice some tricks while playing it.
At times, you may come across some guarantees that seem to be tempting but are unrealistic. It is important to resist the temptation and play the game wisely. This will help you avoid unnecessary risks, and cut down your losses.
It is imperative to avoid such prospects. Also, it is important that you have a strategy in mind and put it in place at the time of playing the game. Whether you are a beginner or a pro at roulette, the following roulette tricks in casino will help you chalk up a resounding win.
1. “haste makes waste”
This is the basic principle of playing the game of roulette. Once you find the right table for your game, observe how the wheel spins. Take a look at a couple of rounds. This will help you in making an informed decision at the time of placing your bet.
Gelling with the players on the table would be equally important. When at a brick and mortar casino, take the atmosphere around it into consideration. Avoid playing the game on the table where people are unfriendly, and wherein you find people under the influence of alcohol. Also, be careful about placing your bet on the table wherein too many bets are being placed by players.
Take precautions from your end to make sure you are not playing the game of roulette at a table where the game is being rigged. Most of the times, the game is rigged so as to favour a particular individual. On your part, ensure that this is not the case.
If you wish to employ roulette tricks in casino on the internet, do check if a casino website has the seal of a recognized gaming authority. This is a virtual certificate of authenticity.
2. American vs. European roulette wheels: know the differences
American and european roulette wheels are the two main variants on roulette wheels used in the game of casino worldwide. Both look the same in terms of structure. However, there is a difference when it comes to numbering. There is an additional green “00” spot among the markings of the wheel in the case of the american roulette wheel.
Your manner of trying out roulette tricks in casino would depend a lot on your understanding of the type of roulette wheel on which you are putting your bet.
Despite the same payout, there is a marked difference in the chances of winning with regard to both the kinds of wheels. In the case of european wheels, the odds are 1 in 37, whereas it is 1 in 38 in the case of american roulette wheels. Going by these figures, it is a wise decision to put your money on the former than the latter.
3. Do your math before placing your bet
What amount of money should you put on each bet? This is a million-dollar question which newbies, as well as experienced players, ask themselves. This would depend on your bankroll and chances of your survival to a large extent.
On average, the wheel spins about 40 times in an hour. Depending on the amount of money you are ready to put and the length of time you are willing to spend in rolling the wheel, you need to do your math. If you are willing to play the game for one hour, you need to make sure you survive until that time. Because there is no hard and fast rule concerning the game, you will feel the need to go with your instincts.
Work out the probability of your chances beforehand. Divide the pocket on which you wish to place a bet by the total number of pockets on a wheel. This will give you a rough idea of what you can expect or what is more likely to happen. You can arrive at your decision accordingly.
As a matter of fact, the best practice to ensure maximum gains with minimum chances of suffering a loss is to be realistic with your expectations. By adhering to this fundamental rule, you can put your bet accordingly. The idea should be to survive until the last spin with whatever money you are willing to spend. Placing more of small bets is a better idea than placing a larger one and losing all your money at once.
4. Choose the right betting strategy
While it is true that there is no cardinal rule for placing your bet in a casino game, there are some effective strategies that you can employ. Using these strategies will significantly improve your chances of doing well.
There are three distinct strategies that you can follow: the martingale strategy, the grand martingale strategy and the james bond strategy. These are arguably the best roulette tricks in casino.
The grand martingale strategy encourages players to put two times the money on a losing bet. That is to say, this strategy advocates the idea of repeating a losing bet with twice the sum of money which you had put previously.
The grand martingale strategy is an extension of the martingale strategy but with a slight difference. For a change, it is all about putting an additional amount of money on the last bet to 2x the sum of money you had previously put on it.
The james bond roulette strategy revolves around the idea of putting a fixed amount of money on a series of boxes. For instance, if you are playing on the european roulette wheel, you should place €10 on the zero, €140 on the box ranging between 19 and 36 and €50 on the box ranging between 13 and 18.
Choose your strategy wisely, depending on the amount of money and the duration of time you wish to put on a roulette session. Your best bet to enhance your chances of winning is to take the amount of money and the duration of time at your disposal into consideration.
Final thoughts
Roulette casino is a game of uncertainties. You never know when a simple trick would work wonders, and a tried and even the tried and tested roulette tricks in casino would land you into losses. Employ the aforementioned strategies to minimize your chances of losing and maximize the possibility of making a profit on each bet.
Roulette tips and tricks

Our tips for roulette looks at three separate strategies to be used with the game:
1. Minimize the house edge – by choosing the right roulette wheel
2. Betting – choose the best bets for you
3. Roulette betting systems – learn how to bet smarter
All of these help give us more control over the odds of winning, and are explained in full below.
Minimize the house edge
First and foremost, it’s best to play on a european (including french) roulette wheel over an american one whenever possible, even if all three are on offer at the same casino. That’s because while all wheels offer the same payouts, the european wheels have better odds. The average house edge on an american roulette wheel is 5.26%, whereas the house edge on european roulette wheels is just 2.7%. If you can find online roulette that not only offers a european wheel but also offers an “en prison” rule – which allows players to hold and repeat their bets for a single turn after the ball has landed on 0 – then the overall house edge is reduced to just 1.35%. Similarly, if you can find a casino that offers a french variation of roulette that offers the “la partage” rule then even money bets that land on a zero are halved and given back to the player resulting in the same house edge of just 1.35%. Based on our experience it is very rare for online casinos to feature the en prison rule, however a few do feature the la partage rule, which has the same house edge (see box below).
Online roulette games with a house edge of just 1.35%
- Intercasino features the “la partage” rule in their new european roulette game
- Coral casino features the “la partage” rule in their premium french roulette game
Because roulette is at its heart a game of chance, and players have no way of controlling the outcome of every spin, you have to go with the best odds available to you. That’s why a smart roulette strategy focuses on betting. Below are all of the inside and outside bets that are available to roulette players.
Inside bets
- Straight-up – a bet on any single number on the wheel
- Split – a bet on two numbers adjacent to each other on the betting layout
- Street – a bet on three numbers in a horizontal line on the betting layout
- Corner – a bet on four numbers on the betting layout, marked by placing chips where the corners of the numbers meet
- Six line – a bet on six numbers in two adjacent lines or streets
- Trio – a bet on 0, 1 and 2 or on 0, 2 and 3
- Basket – a bet on 0, 1, 2 and 3; on a double zero layout this is just a bet on 0, 1 and 2, on 0, 00 and 2, or on 00, 2 and 3
- Top line – a bet on 0, 00, 1, 2 and 3 on a double zero layout
Outside bets
- Column – a bet on any of the three 12-number rows on the betting layout
- Dozen – a bet on any of the three groups of 12 consecutive numbers (1-12, 13-24 or 25-36)
- Even/odd – a bet that the ball will land on either an even or an odd number
- Red/black – a bet that the ball will land on either a red or a black slot
- Hi/lo – a bet on either 1-18 or 19-36
Simple math is all it takes to see that the outside bets offer the best odds because they have nearly 50/50 probability. Because of the single green 0 space, unfortunately they still carry a house edge, but it’s the smallest possible edge at the roulette table. That’s also why it’s important to play at a european wheel whenever possible, since the extra green 00 featured on american wheels affects the odds on all of the bets.
Roulette betting systems
Finally, a lot of players use betting systems while playing online roulette. There are numerous systems published that do work with roulette to a point but do not be fooled by any of them as there is no such thing as easy money. The most popular betting system that lends itself to roulette very well is the martingale betting system, which we have written up about. Ultimately, you will likely win for quite some time but following it over the long term will eventually lead you to hit a losing streak that could break you.
While it’s important that players understand that these systems won’t improve their odds, there is a logical reason why such systems were once popular with roulette. Back when roulette wheels were first invented, it was common for wheels to develop biases as they got worn down. Systems like the labouchere were designed to subtly take advantage of such biases. Today, unfortunately, live roulette wheels are too well-kept to develop such biases, and online roulette wheels operate on unbiased random number generation software. As with most casino games it may be possible to take advantage of online bonuses to reduce the house edge and enhance your experience but you need to check whether you are allowed to play roulette whilst meeting the bonus requirements and if so whether there are any restrictions such as maximum bet size allowed that you should be aware of.
So where’s the best place to play?
Taking into consideration our strategies above we have short-listed 4 online casinos in the table below, which use 3 different software platforms to power their roulette games. So, you should be able to get a fair deal of variety and be safe in the knowledge that these casinos are the best places to be playing roulette – we determine this primarily because these casinos offer the lowest house edge for roulette but also because we know from experience they are all big casino brands, using reputable game software that offer a wide variety of banking methods and quick cash-out times.
When deciding to play electronic roulette, the ideal thing is to look for and make use of the different electronic roulette tricks that exist today.
Within these tricks we can find very important tips, such as knowing each of the roulette versions and knowing its rules, norms and objectives.

Electronic roulette gifts: different versions
The knowledge of the game version that we are going to enter is without a doubt an advantage and one of the great electronic roulette tricks that we can not stop using.
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Therefore, to begin with, the first thing we must do is distinguish between the different versions of electronic roulette that we can find today. Although, the versions are very varied within them the most popular are the following:
- European roulette: this usually presents a large table and within it we only find a zero, which stands out from the others for its green marking. Also, this version introduces us to the numbers divided into odd and even, the red and black. On the one hand, we have even numbers from 1 to 10 and from 19 to 28 as well as odd numbers from 11 to 18 and from 29 to 36 marked in red. On the other hand, there are pairs 1 to 10 and 19 to 28 and odd pairs 11 to 18 and 29 to 36 marked in black.
When talking about electronic roulette tricks it is very important to clarify that although many consider european roulette the same as french roulette, they are actually different despite the fact that both have only a 0.
On this version of roulette it is necessary to consider that the casino margin on bets in this case is only 2.70%.
- French roulette: in this way when talking about electronic roulette tricks we must learn to distinguish this version from the previous one. This nation in the 17th century in france and in its beginnings presented only 36 numbers, from 1 to 36. It was not until the 18th century that the square 0 was integrated into this roulette and therefore presents 37 boxes, starting from the green box from 0 to the box of number 36.
But then, if both roulette are physically the same (the french and the european), what makes them different.
What makes these two versions different and that must be very clear to use as electronic roulette tricks are the special rules that european roulette has integrated and are called “in prison” and “la portage”.
What makes the first of these rules is that when making a bet directed to red or black and in the case of determining the winner zero, that is the green box, what is allowed is that the player recovers half of your money or use the entire balance on a second play.
In the case of the rule known as la partage, this also allows us to recover half of the money wagered pro in this case when it has been bet on odd or even. This way when the ball falls to zero, the player is allowed to recover half of his bet.
Considering these two special rules of european roulette, it is clear that the margin of 2.70 in these cases is reduced to 1.35%. Hence, one of the best electronic roulette tricks is then to look for the european roulette version and that is when it has these rules available it greatly reduces the margin of the house.
- American roulette: this is one of the most famous versions there is and therefore it is so easy to find it in most casinos. Moreover, in many casinos only this version of the game is offered, which despite being very attractive and fun brings the disadvantage for the player to present a higher margin for the bookmaker. This margin is 5.26% and is due to the fact that in american roulette, one more square has been added and it is double zero (00).
This roulette was developed in the 19th century in the united states. In this country, roulette arrived at the end of the 18th century, with a single 0, and over the years there they developed their own version and with it the local gaming sites decided to give the house more room. The numbers then go from 0.00 and 1 to 36.
Likewise, this roulette differs from the other versions in the order it presents its numbers. As for the design of the table this is similar to the other versions.
In addition, it does not present the favorable rules presented by european roulette and that is why in the electronic roulette tricks the recognition of the version of roulette that is being played is so important and that the advantages or disadvantages that we have in the game.
Roulette tricks in casino!
Roulette is believed to be a game of chance as it is more a game of gambling than a game which is based on rules. There is no sure way of winning it. However, you can enhance your chances of victory by putting into practice some tricks while playing it.
At times, you may come across some guarantees that seem to be tempting but are unrealistic. It is important to resist the temptation and play the game wisely. This will help you avoid unnecessary risks, and cut down your losses.
It is imperative to avoid such prospects. Also, it is important that you have a strategy in mind and put it in place at the time of playing the game. Whether you are a beginner or a pro at roulette, the following roulette tricks in casino will help you chalk up a resounding win.
1. “haste makes waste”
This is the basic principle of playing the game of roulette. Once you find the right table for your game, observe how the wheel spins. Take a look at a couple of rounds. This will help you in making an informed decision at the time of placing your bet.
Gelling with the players on the table would be equally important. When at a brick and mortar casino, take the atmosphere around it into consideration. Avoid playing the game on the table where people are unfriendly, and wherein you find people under the influence of alcohol. Also, be careful about placing your bet on the table wherein too many bets are being placed by players.
Take precautions from your end to make sure you are not playing the game of roulette at a table where the game is being rigged. Most of the times, the game is rigged so as to favour a particular individual. On your part, ensure that this is not the case.
If you wish to employ roulette tricks in casino on the internet, do check if a casino website has the seal of a recognized gaming authority. This is a virtual certificate of authenticity.
2. American vs. European roulette wheels: know the differences
American and european roulette wheels are the two main variants on roulette wheels used in the game of casino worldwide. Both look the same in terms of structure. However, there is a difference when it comes to numbering. There is an additional green “00” spot among the markings of the wheel in the case of the american roulette wheel.
Your manner of trying out roulette tricks in casino would depend a lot on your understanding of the type of roulette wheel on which you are putting your bet.
Despite the same payout, there is a marked difference in the chances of winning with regard to both the kinds of wheels. In the case of european wheels, the odds are 1 in 37, whereas it is 1 in 38 in the case of american roulette wheels. Going by these figures, it is a wise decision to put your money on the former than the latter.
3. Do your math before placing your bet
What amount of money should you put on each bet? This is a million-dollar question which newbies, as well as experienced players, ask themselves. This would depend on your bankroll and chances of your survival to a large extent.
On average, the wheel spins about 40 times in an hour. Depending on the amount of money you are ready to put and the length of time you are willing to spend in rolling the wheel, you need to do your math. If you are willing to play the game for one hour, you need to make sure you survive until that time. Because there is no hard and fast rule concerning the game, you will feel the need to go with your instincts.
Work out the probability of your chances beforehand. Divide the pocket on which you wish to place a bet by the total number of pockets on a wheel. This will give you a rough idea of what you can expect or what is more likely to happen. You can arrive at your decision accordingly.
As a matter of fact, the best practice to ensure maximum gains with minimum chances of suffering a loss is to be realistic with your expectations. By adhering to this fundamental rule, you can put your bet accordingly. The idea should be to survive until the last spin with whatever money you are willing to spend. Placing more of small bets is a better idea than placing a larger one and losing all your money at once.
4. Choose the right betting strategy
While it is true that there is no cardinal rule for placing your bet in a casino game, there are some effective strategies that you can employ. Using these strategies will significantly improve your chances of doing well.
There are three distinct strategies that you can follow: the martingale strategy, the grand martingale strategy and the james bond strategy. These are arguably the best roulette tricks in casino.
The grand martingale strategy encourages players to put two times the money on a losing bet. That is to say, this strategy advocates the idea of repeating a losing bet with twice the sum of money which you had put previously.
The grand martingale strategy is an extension of the martingale strategy but with a slight difference. For a change, it is all about putting an additional amount of money on the last bet to 2x the sum of money you had previously put on it.
The james bond roulette strategy revolves around the idea of putting a fixed amount of money on a series of boxes. For instance, if you are playing on the european roulette wheel, you should place €10 on the zero, €140 on the box ranging between 19 and 36 and €50 on the box ranging between 13 and 18.
Choose your strategy wisely, depending on the amount of money and the duration of time you wish to put on a roulette session. Your best bet to enhance your chances of winning is to take the amount of money and the duration of time at your disposal into consideration.
Final thoughts
Roulette casino is a game of uncertainties. You never know when a simple trick would work wonders, and a tried and even the tried and tested roulette tricks in casino would land you into losses. Employ the aforementioned strategies to minimize your chances of losing and maximize the possibility of making a profit on each bet.
Roulette game tricks in real casino
The roulette game is one of the most popular games played at both at land-based and online casinos. While most people play it solemnly for fun and entertainment, a vast majority choose it over other games due to a number of reasons. Unlike most casino games today that requires a great deal of luck, winning at a roulette game is not solemnly dependent on luck. It also depends on your strategy, understanding of the rules, ability and patience.
In a roulette game, you can soar up your chances of winning by applying proper strategies. So if you’re a regular roulette player, or about kickstarting your roulette gaming career, then this article is for you. We are here to enlighten you on the little roulette tricks that can double your earnings and provide a steady source of income for you. The internet today is filled with articles on how to win and earn cash playing roulette, but most of these articles are written by novices with almost no experience in winning roulette games. Now, let’s get to business. Listed below are seven roulette tricks you should follow when playing a roulette game.
- Always bet on inside bets. You stand a greater chance of winning when you bet on inside. Unlike the inside bets with specific sectors of the wheel, outside bets are a lot harder to beat due to it’s scattered representation of the roulette wheel. This is a little roulette tip most gamblers seem to ignore. So if you’re looking for a way to consistently win for a long period of time, try the inside bets.
- Try your best to observe the roulette wheel and see I you can figure out where the ball would land. This is the only way you can beat the roulette.
- Most gamblers base a betting strategy on the type of roulette table layout available at a casino. The table layout plays no significant role when choosing a strategy to adopt. Your full attention should be on the wheel and ball.
- It is crucial to understand the cause and effect of a winning number. There are numerous factors that determine where the ball will land on a roulette wheel. Once you can decode these factors, and adopt or develop a strategy, then winning becomes a regular event for you.
- Having mapped out the desired roulette game strategy to use, try out that strategy for a couple of days or weeks, rather than hours. Chances are that you might not get it right at the beginning. But continuous use of the strategy would enlighten you on new ways to play. If after playing for some weeks, and you can’t seem to win any bets, then you can move on and try another strategy.
- Always understand that irrespective of the roulette strategy you choose, you will have your losing days. But it doesn’t mean you should lose all the time. Of course, it’s gambling, there is no surety that you are going to win at all times, but if you follow these tips, you stand a better chance of winning. The goal is to earn profits in the long run.
- Whether winning or not, it is important you know when to quit. Gambling is fun, but should not be done always. Moderation is key.
Roulette game strategies you can find useful.
Just as you’d imagine, having a plan or strategy before playing any casino game is very important. A strategy in place helps you to remain focus and increases your chances of winning. There are numerous roulette strategies that people follow
. While most of the strategies seem to work, others fail. Listed below are four effective strategies you can find useful.
- James bond strategy.
James bond strategy is unarguably one of the most popular and effective roulette strategies used by most gamers today. This strategy was invented by james bond and follows a simple pattern. For starters, a player is required to have at least $200 before trying out this strategy. The rules work as follows;
- The player needs to bet $140 on the high number column which ranges from 19-36
- Around $50 is to be spread across numbers between 13-18.
- Then with the remaining $10, a player is required to bet on 0.
In essence, once a player uses this strategy he has more than 50% of winning. Basically, if the outcome falls between 13 to 36, he/she wins. $160 is won if outcome falls on 0, $100 if it falls between 13-18 and $80 between 19-36. However, you lose all your money if outcome is between 1-12. Not such a bad strategy, right?
- Martingale strategy.
Martingale strategy is another popular strategy used by roulette players all over the world. Unlike the james bond strategy that requires players to allocate money to different numbers, the martingale strategy is quite different in nature. It advises players to increase the value of their bet after every loss. This means players are going to recover all the cash in previous games if the bet enters eventually. But that’s where the main issue lies; there are no guarantees the bet would enter if you continue playing. Hence, following this strategy can result in a total loss of all your money. But, the strategy is worth a shot. Remember, gambling is a game of chance, you might be lucky.
3. Reverse martingale strategy.
Reverse martingale strategy is as popular as the martingale approach. But unlike the martingale approach, players are advised to reduce their bets when they lose, and only increase it when they are winning. Basically, this helps to limit and their losses and fully capitalize on their wins.
4. D’alembert strategy.
D’alembert strategy is another effective approach considered safe by most gamblers who use it.
The whole principle behind this method is to encourage players to increase their bets by $1 every time they lose. Additionally, players are to reduce their bets by $1 every time they win. Following this method means that you’re going to win as many rounds as you lose.

Anastasia mazur
Anastasia is a freelance writer from ukraine with experience at companies like best choice service, template monster, poster, bozkadesign, and she likes to research and compose articles on any topic. While finishing english grammar school #2 and getting an english philologist degree at petro mohyla university, she has also been working freelance for over 5 years - 3 of those focused on writing and almost 1 year and ongoing spent with boosta ltd.
These simple tricks will let you BEAT the casino and earn loads of cash
An expert explains how mathematics can help you win big on the roulette table
ALBERT einstein supposedly once said: “no one can win at roulette unless he steals money from the table while the croupier isn’t looking.”
Although I wouldn’t normally question einstein, this statement isn’t true.

In fact, you can use einstein’s specialist subject, physics, to help you win. Or you can find a biased wheel that makes some numbers more likely to come up.
What einstein actually meant was that there is no mathematical trick that can help you win at roulette. Each spin is an independent trial and, in the long run, the casino will win.
This is different to a game such as blackjack where the probabilities change as cards are dealt.
But some believe that it is possible to exploit the way the roulette wheel, and the betting cloth, is laid out to give themselves an advantage.
The idea is that you can make bets on the layout in a way that you are guaranteed to win. But is this really possible?





Roulette wheel layout
Like a dartboard, the layout of a roulette wheel did not come about by accident. It was carefully planned and exhibits certain properties. In fact, there are two different layouts. An american wheel and a european wheel. The two layouts are shown below.
Notice that the american wheel has two zeroes. This is important as it doubles the advantage for the casino.
On a european wheel you would expect to lose, in the long run, 2.7% of any money you bet with. On an american wheel you can expect to lose 5.26% (if you are interested in the mathematics of roulette, the video at the end will show you how these odds are calculated).
The numbers are arranged in a different order on each wheel but there are some similarities in the patterns. On both wheels, the red and black numbers alternate around the wheel, although if you removed the zeroes, the american wheel would have consecutive reds and blacks.
The wheels are also structured so that the low numbers (1-18) and the high numbers (19-36) should alternate as much as possible.

On a european wheel, this is only violated where the 5 sits next to the 10 (both low numbers). On the american wheel, there are many examples where this rule is violated.
It is for this reason that the american wheel is considered not as balanced as the european wheel.
Both wheels also try to distribute odd and even numbers as evenly as possible. But again there are a number of violations of this rule on both wheels.
On the european wheel there are two other interesting symmetries. First, all the low red numbers and black high numbers are on one side of the zero, and the high red numbers and low black numbers are on the other side.
Second, the sequence 29-7-28-12-35-3-26-0-32 contains no numbers between 13 and 24 (the second dozen). You can place a bet on the whole of the second dozen, with odds of 2-1.
So, can we beat the maths?
A simple search on google will return many (possibly millions) of systems for playing (and supposedly winning) roulette.
Some easy, some complicated, some well described, some not so.
A system should really be a combination of a playing strategy and a money management strategy.
Perhaps the best known money management strategy is the martingale system. This system is guaranteed to win money as long as you have enough of a bankroll to double your bet after every loss and you do not hit the table limit, which you will quickly do so.
The martingale system is probably the quickest way to bankruptcy known to man.
Whatever betting strategy, and money management strategy, you choose, they all suffer from the same fate.
Assuming that each number on the wheel has the same probability of being selected – meaning the wheel is not biased – the maths means the casino will always win.
The system may look good, and may work in the short term, but when one of the numbers comes up that you have not bet on you will lose and the casino will move towards its win expectation (2.7% or 5.26%).

Some systems involve betting on many numbers, perhaps 20. In this case, you will win quite often as you are covering more than half of the numbers.
But when one of the numbers does not turn up (and it will almost half the time) you lose all of the 20 bets you have made. This will often wipe out any wins to date.
Any system, so far devised, can be analysed to show that there is a win expectation for the casino.
You might as well place a single chip on the same number every time and hope that it appears more than it should during the short time that you are playing.
We can dress up the layout of the wheel, the layout of the betting cloth, our number selection and our money management system however we like, but the maths is always there, quietly working against us.
You might as well just have fun, pick random numbers and trust to lady luck. Either that, or do as einstein suggested and steal chips (not that we’d recommend it)."
Graham kendall is a professor of computer science at the university of nottingham.
Electronic roulette
When we talk about electronic roulette we refer to the digital version that we can currently find of this popular casino game both online and in face-to-face casinos, due to a simulation machine.
On this version of the game we must remember that in its beginnings it was a totally mechanical game and it was with the passage of time and thanks to the advances in technology that managed to develop until it became what it is today.
In this way, at this time, we can find roulette electronically in both virtual or internet casinos and in physical casinos.
Now and if you want to know more about this game and want to know what it is and what alternatives it offers you have reached the right place and that is what we will talk about all these aspects.
Online electronic roulette
Electronic roulette is the game version of roulette that we can find today in both physical or traditional casinos as well as virtual casinos. In this way, we can find the physical electronic roulette and also the online electronic roulette.
This first option is very played today and it is that even in small casinos you can find at least one table of this type. In the big casinos there are clearly many more tables and they can play a good number of players simultaneously.
But what differentiates the physical electronic roulette? Or how is it?
This electronic roulette presents a large table in which the respective roulette or cylinder of the game is located in the central area. This cylinder works automatically, through a special software that controls the entire game, your bets and also your payments.
Around the table, on its entire edge, we find the electronic and tactile screens through which players can participate in the game. In some cases, next to this screen there is also the physical betting board, but this one is hardly used today. Most players are inclined to use the touchpad to place their bets.
This touch screen shows us an electronic board on which we can place bets. They usually come in different languages and within them clearly is spanish.
Likewise, this screen shows us the board to place bets, the amount of money we have to play, the list with the numbers that have come out recently as well as some statistics of the game.
All these images and data presented by the electronic roulette are very useful for the player and it is also that within them there are also the alerts that indicate us when the bets begin, when they close and the number that has fallen as a winner in roulette physics found on the table.
Now, to be able to enter the game the roulette machine presents a mechanism through which we introduce our physical money and the machine identifies it by giving us electronic chips to participate in the bets.
In the event that when you place your bets you win and want to withdraw your winnings the machines present a button with which you can claim them. In some casinos, what you should do is call the business staff and they will cancel your prize in cash and immediately.
At this point many will wonder if electronic roulette is manipulated or not to give certain results that favor the house or casino.
This is really something that is not done and is that the roulettes do not have mechanisms that make the ball stop at a special number that does not reward any of the players at the table.
Regarding this doubt, it must be clear that what causes the ball to be ejected at a certain moment is the software of the program which, at the indicated time, activates the air blower which is the one that actually drives the ball at a non-velocity. Controlled and random.
In this way, it should be very clear that the result indicated by the ball is not planned but occurs randomly.
So, let's see, what we have: here I will explain a couple of interesting “tricks” to use at roulette. Mind you, these cannot give you a mathematical edge but they are fun to play and using my money management advice they might reduce the overall negative expectation of the game. At casino game roulette tricks
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