The Sevens to Rolls Ratio and Controlling Dice in Craps, casino game throwing dice.
Casino game throwing dice
Online casino sites to play on real money
For those interested in learning more about dice control, the golden touch dice control revolution by frank scoblete and dominator and wong on dice by stanford wong. These books can teach you the basics but the rest depends on how much effort you put into practicing. Controlled throwing consists of several components. How you set the dice can affect their outcome. One of the most popular sets is the 3-vm where you have threes in a "V" formation. This gives you the hard six (3 and 3) on top, the six, (5 and 1) on the front, the eight on one (6 and 2) on the back and the hard eight (4 and 4) on the bottom. There are no sevens showing on the dice with this set.
The sevens to rolls ratio and controlling dice in craps
Can setting the dice and throwing them under control really affect the outcome of a craps game? Obviously, no one can control the outcome of the dice on every single roll. Even a major league pitcher can't throw a perfect curve ball every time. However, they can throw that old curveball on a regular basis.
The question is, can the dice be manipulated and thrown in a certain manner to produce a regularly controlled throw? Some once-skeptical researchers are conceding that more testing is needed. For new dice players, just rolling the dice can be a bit daunting, but once you get the hang of it, it's easy. By throwing the dice in the same manner, each time, some shooters get into a rhythm that produces monstrous rolls.
The sevens to rolls ratio
There are 36 combinations that can be made from of a pair of dice and six ways to attain a seven. This means that, with a random roll, the mathematical probability of a seven appearing will be once in every six rolls, which is a "sevens to rolls ratio (SRR)" of 6. The house edge is calculated with this ratio.
If you throw the dice 42 times and roll seven 7's, you have a sevens to rolls ratio of 6 (42/7 = 6). If, however, you have one non-random roll and throw seven 7s in 43 rolls, you have an SRR of 6.14. This is enough to negate the house edge on the 6 and 8 place bets. Just one controlled throw out of every 43 rolls of the dice would eliminate the house edge and yield a break-even game.
How to control the dice
Controlled throwing consists of several components. How you set the dice can affect their outcome. One of the most popular sets is the 3-vm where you have threes in a "V" formation. This gives you the hard six (3 and 3) on top, the six, (5 and 1) on the front, the eight on one (6 and 2) on the back and the hard eight (4 and 4) on the bottom. There are no sevens showing on the dice with this set.
After setting the dice you must use a smooth delivery that is strong enough to get the dice to the end of the table but without too much force that will cause them to bounce hard against the back of the table. You also want to make sure that you follow through with your throw. You want to practice so you are throwing the dice the same way each time. Your goal is to throw numbers while avoiding the seven. Throwing the same way can produce repeating numbers.
Practice makes perfect
For those interested in learning more about dice control, the golden touch dice control revolution by frank scoblete and dominator and wong on dice by stanford wong. These books can teach you the basics but the rest depends on how much effort you put into practicing.
The controlled throwing of dice is a physical skill which requires hours of practice to master. It is not easy and some players never master it. Perfecting a controlled throw is not enough to guarantee regular wins at the craps table. You will also need to learn how to bet properly to take advantage of your edge.
Note from the author: I am an instructor for golden touch craps, a company that teaches dice control seminars and I contributed to the book golden touch dice control revolution.
7 fun dice games you can play everywhere
Forget about all the latest technology for a while. You don’t need video games or your smartphone to have fun. You can have a great time with some simple fun dice games.
These 7 dice games are easy to learn and you can really play them everywhere. Whether you are at home, in a bar or sitting on a train, you can just grab your dice and start playing!
All you need is some time, a couple of friends and a number of dice. You might also need a pen and paper to keep track of the score – when you play you want to win after all!
1. Fun dice games – 10,000
The game 10,000 is probably one of the most popular games. For sure you have heard about it already – some people also call it 5,000 depending on the rule set they apply. The game is also known as greed or the greedy dice game.
Number of players: 2 or more
Number of dice: 6
You need at least two players, but there is no maximum number of players. So you can play it with a group of friends or your whole family. The game is played with 6 dice, although there are also 5 dice variants.
The game is all about testing your luck – it really comes down to taking chances to increase your score quickly. The first player to reach 10,000 points will win the game.
Don’t wait any longer and test this game now – I guarantee that you will have a great time. Check out the greed dice game rules here!
2. Pig- the dice game
Just like the game 10,000, pig is a fun dice game in which you need to push your luck. You often need to make the decision to risk the points from a roll in order to try and get a higher score by rolling again.
Number of players: 2 or more
Number of dice: 1
Pig is easier than 10,000 – these are the steps in the game:
- Decide who will start by having each player roll a dice – the one with the highest score starts the game
- A player’s turn starts by rolling only one dice. The player continues to roll the dice again, as long as he does not roll a 1 or decides to add his points to his overall score. Each time the player rolls the dice, the following options exist:
- The player rolls a 1 – his turn ends without any points (he also loses the points from any previous rolls in the current turn).
- Any other number than a 1 is rolled – the player can add that number to the points scored in his current turn and continue by rolling the dice again.
- The player decides to end his current turn and add all the points from his turn to his overall score.
- The game ends when a player has reached 100 points and becomes the winner of the game!
3. Mexico – another fun dice game
Number of players: 2 or more
Number of dice: 2 rolling dice and one additional dice for each player in the game
The mexico dice game is fun and easy to play! It requires 2 dice for rolling and one additional dice for each player in the game.
At the start of the game, each player receives one dice that will track the number of lives that player has. Each player starts the game with 6 lives.
In the first round, all players take their turn and roll the 2 dice. Each player’s score in that round is simply the sum of both dice. The player with the lowest roll in that turn loses a life and has to change his personal dice accordingly (from 6 to 5 in the first round).
The game is continued and each round a player loses a life. When a player has lost all his or her lives, that player no longer participates in the game. The game ends when there is only one player left and all other players have lost all of their lives.
4. Chō-han (or chō-han bakuchi)
Number of players: 2 or more
Number of dice: 6
Chō-han is a very simple but very popular japanese dice game. The rules are easy: you roll six dice and keep the result a secret. Each player then bets on the result: whether the sum of the dice is an odd (chō) or even (han) number.
You can play this game in a group, against each other (with the same number of players betting on odd or even) or against one player that acts as the bank.
The game is very popular in japan and is often played in TV shows or movies.
5. Chicago – dice game
Number of players: 2 or more
Number of dice: 2
The chicago dice game is a simple yet fun game. The rules are not very difficult and the game is decided by pure luck, but still it is very addictive. Once you start you might not want to stop to see if you can do better in the next game.
The game is played in 11 rounds, starting with round 2, then going to round 3 and continuing until round 12. In each round each player takes his or her turn and rolls both dice, trying to roll the number of that round. For example, in the round with number 2, you aim to roll a 1 on each dice giving you a total of 2.
Every player that rolls the number of the current round gets a point and adds it to his overall score. After all 11 rounds are finished the game ends and the player with the higher number of points is declared the winner.
6. Going to boston
Number of players: three or more
Number of dice: 3
This fun game is a perfect dice game for kids. They will have great fun while improving their math skills.
Each player starts his turn by rolling three dice and sets aside the highest number. He then rolls the two remaining dice and again sets aside the highest number. Then finally the one remaining dice is rolled again, and the number of that dice is added up together with the numbers on the two dice already set aside. The sum of these three numbers gives the final score of that player’s turn.
The winner is the player that has the higher overall number on that turn or the player that has the highers overall number after an agreed upon number of turns.
You can also play other variants of this game, for example by multiplying the numbers of the dice.
7. Balut dice game
Number of players: three or more
Number of dice: 5
The balut dice game was originally created as an alternative to poker that can be played without cards.
A set of traditional balut dice game rules exists, but basically it is very simple. You can create your own scoring combinations, and assign points to each possible scoring combination. Then all players roll the dice in turns and note down the points they scored, until all possible scoring combinations have occurred at least once. The player with the highest total score at the end of the game is the winner of the game.
When a player rolls any five of a kind, the scoring combination with the highest number of points, he or she has to shout “balut” (like in the game of bingo). To make it more interesting, before the start of the game, all players can write down how many times they guess a balut will be rolled during the game. Any player that correctly guessed the total number of baluts during the game, can then get an additional number of points!
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The blog
Holding and throwing dice, the techniques employed in holding and throwing dice (rolling dice) in craps is a vigorously debated topic among craps experts. After reading the info below you may also want to take a look at the art of dice control .
The art of rhythm rolling
Rhythm rolling is the phrase often applied to skilled crapshooters who can consistently throw winning numbers, roll after roll. Many believe they have the ability to repeat successful throws with the same aim, force and height, among other variables.
There are many more experts who believe that throwing dice is an even more skillfully learned technique than rhythm rolling.
Holding and throwing
Some experienced crapshooters practice the skills of dice grips, strategic sets and throws. This topic is hotly contested among experienced players and divides their ranks. Proponents of “dice control” maintain that based on a recipe of certain sets, grips and throws that the shooter can seriously cut the house advantage and increase their winning potential.
Current best rated casino
A dice set is the distinct pattern in which the faces of the pair of dice are set alongside each other before the shooter picks them up. When the shooter picks up the dice, it is called a grip. There are all kinds of grips that, in concert with the dice set, experts believe can be to the advantage of the shooter and the bet being played.
Technically skilled crapshooters will be trained in a variety of different throws. However, most skilled dice throwers employ their entire bodies: hips, shoulders, arms, wrist, hand and fingers. They agree that crapshooters who wish to learn skillful dice throwing should become experienced with throwing the dice from consistent heights, from certain directions at the craps table and learn how to take aim with the pair of dice through dice control
The complete strategy
Even skilled players who employ dice throwing strategies agree that there must be the betting component in order to be successful at winning craps. They might emphasize dice throwing techniques and skills, but they will also advise beginners to learn the types of bets and how to best use them to complement their throwing skills.
The dice control controversy
The division among craps players hinges on the issue of dice throwing, often called “dice control.” many experts maintain that there is no skill to craps, that it is purely a game of chance. Casinos bank on the game being random. In fact, players who consistently appear to be winning and employing dice throwing strategies have been prohibited from some casinos.
Online casino games guide – our handbook to rules, strategy & much more
The casino world is as wide as it is wonderful stretching from the bright lights of vegas and macau to the intergalactic realm of the world wide web. And whilst the seductive lights of the world’s gambling meccas manage to lure most players through their doors, it’s online casinos which have the largest array of online casino games, casino promotions and bonuses that make gambling an array of casino bets more worth your time and money. Never played online before? No problem! Have a look at our guides below, choose your favorite casino and get started!
Our expert tips & tricks to use while playing casino games online
At casinotop10 we all know the rush of gambling all too well. The thrill of playing casino games online at our favorite casino and winning a handsome amount of money by placing great casino bets is a feeling like no other. Yes, as you’ve probably concluded it’s the sheer sound of metal coins jingling out onto the slots tray, the thought of betting on all the reds in roulette, throwing dice on the craps table and betting big in games like blackjack and baccarat are what we live for.
We confess we’ve spent a lot of time at the casino. We’ve obsessively read stacks of books on rules, strategies, odds, money management and all sorts of material available in the large canon of casino books with one goal in mind – increasing our prospects of winning. And throughout the process, we’ve shed blood, sweat, and tears to increase our knowledge. But it’s all been worth it.
Since then, we’ve visited multiple land-based casinos as well as casino online and managed to beat the croupiers at their own game on multiple occasions. That’s right, we’ve gained the inside edge on all tips, tricks and even clever techniques you can use to improve your game. And luckily for you, we’ve decided to share all our knowledge on our favorite casino games with you in our online casino games guides!
So, why follow our casino games guides?
Simply put, our handbook to online casino games is like no other found on the net. They’re not just for novices to learn how to play the games, they’re also for seasoned players to gain new insight on methods they’ve probably tried out before, but have never really understood properly. At casinotop10, we don’t simply teach you how to play online casino games, we also teach you how to perfect them and make the experience more lucrative for you.
Why play casino games online?
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Go on, pick your poison - select your favorite casino game!

Online casino games are as varied as the people that play them. And with so many of them at casinos on the net, you’re literally spoilt for choice as a player. Yet, once you’ve signed up at an online casino you might feel a little bit overwhelmed by all the different games on offer. So, which one do you choose to play? Well, while we can’t really choose for you, we can definitely point you in the right direction by telling you what’s popular with gamblers of all ages and experience levels and teach you how to play casino games online with real money.

Learn how to play casino games online with real money
As we’ve pointed out time and time again, playing online casino games by placing great casino bets can be tonnes of fun. Yet, provided that you’ve never played them online, you might feel a little overwhelmed in regards to how to play the virtual variants of the games that are typically found and casinos worldwide. Well, if this is the case, there’s no need to fret! Our experts have compiled a number of guides on each game’s rules, strategy and they’ve even provided some free casino games online that you can practise on as well as a number of tactics on how to manage your bankroll when playing real money games. Check out our different guides below:
Slots online guide

Amongst the plethora of online casino games, we can honestly say that slots are hands down the most popular casino games on the net. Originally these games with their fruit and bell symbols were only 3-reeled. However, nowadays you’ll find everything from 3-reeled, 5-reeled, other multi-reeled slots as well as the ground-breaking progressive jackpot slots games. Part of the reason many gamblers feel drawn to slots is that each game has its own theme and is immensely easy to play. To find out all about the rules, odds, strategies, money management and terms used to play this casino game have a look at our slots online guide.
Blackjack online guide

When it comes to table games in the online realm, blackjack online is one of the most loved. It’s a game which has been immortalized in books and movies and game of both luck and strategy which involves hitting, standing, doubling and splitting. When played well according to basic blackjack strategy, players are able to effectively decrease the house edge in their favor. To learn all about this online casino game, head to our blackjack online page.
Roulette online guide

The hypnotic roulette wheel symbolizes all that is casino. Primarily there are two variants of the classic table game, european roulette and its american cousin which has a higher house edge due to its extra ‘00’ pocket. This particular online casino game is popular with both gambling novices as well as more seasoned players. Find out more about this particular game, have a read through our roulette online guide.
Online video poker guide

Video poker is a modern online casino game which is based on 5-card draw poker. On stepping inside a brick-and-mortar casino and looking at a video poker machine, you’ll notice that this game meshes elements of both slots as well as the casino classic poker. Yet, this game is not as simple to play as slots. In order to become a pro at playing this particular game and possibly break the bank, you’ll have to learn how to employ the strategies involved. If you play it properly, you can benefit from some of the best odds in the casino world. Find out all about its rules, variants and strategy by reading our comprehensive online video poker guide.
Online baccarat guide

At a regular land-based casino, you’ll typically find many a high roller crowded around the table. Yet, at online casinos baccarat is not only for players having a large bankroll, it’s also for those having smaller bankrolls too. The objective of the game is to obtain a ‘9’. If you’d like to learn more about baccarat and find the best casino to play at, have a look at our online baccarat guide.

Craps online guide

The exciting game of craps is one of the most popular amongst americans. It’s one which involves cleverly placing bets on the craps table and throwing dice. Craps enjoys the lowest house advantage provided that you stick to the best craps bets. Find out more about the rules, strategy involved and the best ways to manage your money in craps by reading our craps online guide.
Caribbean stud poker online guide

Another poker variant which meshes elements of poker and incorporates a large twist is caribbean stud poker which has great payouts. When playing this casino game, you’ll notice that hand rankings are synonymous with that of the much-loved casino game poker. Want to find out more about this game? If so, have a look at our caribbean stud poker online guide which delves into all the nitty-gritty details of the game.
Sic bo online guide

Another casino game which involves dice and is slowly increasing in popularity is sic bo. This particular casino game with its three dice is perhaps one of the easiest games to play at the casino which is probably much of its appeal. If you’d like to find out more about sic bo online, have a look at our guide on the game.
Keno online guide

Although keno has one of the highest house edges, it’s a casino game which is enjoyed by many bettors because of its simple rules and possibility to win large amounts of money. The game is fundamentally like a lottery game in which players select a few numbers and hope their numbers get hit. For a full explanation in regards to how the game is played, the strategy involved and ways to manage your money have a look at casinotop10’s keno online guide.
Bingo online guide

Another online casino game which bears a strong resemblance to lottery is the beloved game of bingo which has stolen the hearts of people of all ages. The beauty of this game fundamentally is the fact that you can kick back and relax whilst playing, marking the numbers as they’re called out. Interested in playing this casino game? If so, have a look at our bingo online guide to learn more about it and find the best casino to play it.
Pai gow poker online guide

A casino game which is partially based on poker, but also takes much of its origins from the chinese domino game, pai gow, is none other than the name of pai gow poker. The game is played using a 52 deck of cards of with a joker. If you’d like to find out more about this game in terms of rules, strategy and money management, have a look at our pai gow poker online guide.
Scratch cards online guide

Typically, you’ll find that scratch cards are available everywhere from stores, lotto booths, gas stations and as of the 21st century even online. And with their potential to allow players to generate large wins with such little investment it’s no wonder that scratch cards have become such a phenomenon. If you’d like to start scratching away, have a look at our scratch cards online guide and find the best casinos to play at.
Texas hold’em bonus poker guide
Another online casino game which stems from poker is texas hold’em bonus poker. Like in several other games, this table game is played with a deck of 52 cards. Throughout the game, gamblers are up against the dealer rather than other players. Each player is given two cards face down (whole cards) and the dealer flops a total of five cards on the table. A winner is then announced based on who has the best poker card. For more information on how the game is played as well as the best online casinos to play it at have a look at our texas hold’em bonus poker page.

Casino house edge
While the main intention behind playing at a casino is usually to make bank, how much you actually manage to make is not only dependent on your luck and skill, but also on the house edge of the game of your choice. Although each game has its own house edge, the lower the house edge, the greater the chance of winning.
What does the term house edge mean?
The house edge, which is also known as house advantage to many gamblers out there, is a mathematical term that’s used to describe the advantage the casino has over the player. Each and every game at the casino has a different house edge that represents the probability of losing and winning through the use of a percentage.
Is it possible to balance or avoid the casino house edge?
No, we are afraid not. The house edge is how the casino makes its money. If you have no house edge then you will have no casino and if you have no casino, you will have no game. That said, you can minimize the house edge by employing the right rules and strategy, but even then, you’ll never manage to get it down to zero.
What kind of house edge can players look forward to?
The house edge depends solely on the game. There are games which have less than one per cent house edge, but there are also others which have significantly more. Games with more than 5% house edge should be avoided at all costs as players will end up literally haemorrhaging money. An example of one such game is american roulette which operates has more than a 5% house edge. If you’re after a game with no house edge than we suggest you stick to regular poker which we will speak more about below.
The 10 casino games online with the lowest house edge
10. Keno house edge – around 25%
Asian in origin, keno is a wonderful mix of bingo and lottery. In keno, you simply choose 2-10 digits from 80 and wait for 20 balls to be drawn. The more numbers drawn from the ones you originally chose, the higher the payout. That said, just as with lotto, the chances of a direct hit are very low meaning that keno is not a suitable game for long-term profit. You can read all about online keno on our dedicated page.
9. Caribbean stud poker house edge – around 3-5%
Although caribbean stud poker is a pretty easy game to understand and play, your caribbean stud poker strategy does also play a role in how much the house edge effects you. Players and dealers receive five cards each and a dealer's card is dealt face up. It’s at this point that the player evaluates his hand and decides whether or not to give up the hand and lose the ready set bet or continue playing and triple the bet. If you choose to keep playing, the dealer and the player must show their hands and the better one will win. Since there are really high payouts for strong hands like full houses, this game is very fascinating. Nevertheless, it is best to play this game just for fun because if you want to make money in the long run, it is not the right choice.
8. Slots house edge – around 2.8%
There is not much to explain here, however, what players should pay attention to in this game is the payout rate. Modern slot machines have come a long way and have become a far cry from the old, rusty machines that used to be found in the corners of bars. Not only do they offer more action, more variety and more options, but they also have the potential to drain you of a lot more money which means that you have to pay special attention to the payout rate and make sure that it is favorable to you. The payout rate of the machine you are playing on should be at least 95%. Every machine which offers less than this payout percentage will inevitably dissipate your bankroll much faster.
7. Roulette house edge – between 2.7% and 5.4%
Roulette is undoubtedly the game most people immediately think of when they hear the word casino. The roulette house edge arises exclusively from the zero pocket on the roulette wheel. The difference between american and european roulette is the fact that american roulette has a further pocket with a double zero in it that means the house edge for american roulette is even greater. That’s why if you’re in it to win it and not get double the house edge you should always stick to french or european roulette. For more information about this, visit our roulette page.
6. Pai gow poker house edge - 1.5%
Pai gow poker originated in asia and is played with seven cards against the dealer. Once you have received your seven cards, you make two poker hands, one with five cards and one with two. The dealer does the same. The aim of the game is for both of your hands to be stronger than the house. If that's the case, you win. If you both win one hand each, there is a draw and if the house has two stronger hands, the house wins.
5. Craps house house edge - ≥ 1.4%
While most casino games are considered to be somewhat simple, craps is the big exception to the rule. Craps tables are jaw-droppingly complex because there are so many different ways to bet that you quickly lose track. In craps, it is the numerous outcomes which change the house edge so dramatically! If you want to play craps but want the lowest house edge possible, opt for the "do not come / do not pass" bet, which actually gives the house an advantage of only 1.4%.
4. Baccarat house edge – 1-3%
If you’ll pardon the pun, baccarat has lost a little of its edge fashionwise. While poker has only been played in the james bond universe since daniel craig’s tenure, baccarat first appeared in 1962 in ‘dr. No’. Of all the casino games out there, baccarat has one of the lowest skill factors, all you have to do is learn which cards or combinations of cards mean which score and you're good to go. Baccarat also has the great advantage of being more or less in line with the dealer as far as the odds are concerned.
3. Poker house edge - fixed fee
Poker is the most popular card game in the world. The casino has no house edge in this game because you do not play against the house but against other players. The house only provides the cards, chips and dealers. The fee basically depends on the size of the pot, but it is capped so it cannot exceed a certain amount set by the house. That said, it is important that you always read the terms and conditions of each and every casino you play at as there might always be differences.
2. Blackjack house edge - ≥ 0.5% house edge
No casino game has so many options and can use as many different strategies as blackjack. It’s also one of the casino games where players have a level of control about the outcome. Read our blackjack strategy to learn more about what it takes to keep the house edge even lower. We can even teach you to count cards.
1. Video poker jacks or better house edge - 0.46%
There are many versions of video poker, but jacks or better gives you the best odds. With video poker, as with classic draw poker, you have to choose from five cards that you will hold onto and trade the others once. When the game is over, if you are holding at least one pair of jacks, you win. The strategy in short form is basically to hold all pairs or better. If you have no pair, you hold onto the cards that have a value which is higher than a ten. If that does not work, one looks for possible draws. The stronger the hand, the higher the payout.
Casino bets
Players always want to know which bets are THE best bets to place when they play at online casinos. The best casino bets are not always the casino bets which have the highest payouts, as the house edge could be very bad making those particular casino bets very risky to make, for example, the craps don’t pass/don’t come bets don’t have a huge payout, but they are some of the best casino bets you can make out of all the online casino games. You can look at our strategy pages and rules pages to understand the different casino bets in detail.
How to play craps
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Craps is a game where many bettors get to stake their chips on a roll of the dice. The table layout makes the game seem a little confusing at first, but the rules are easy to pick up with experience. Before stepping up to a table, read about the kinds of bets available and how a round of craps play out. When you're ready to bet, practice proper etiquette to be a good player. Join in with enthusiasm as you cheer for everyone at the table to beat the house.

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Tip: these simple bets often have the best odds out of anything in the casino, but they don't pay as much money as riskier bets. You can also lose more if you're not careful because of how fast and exciting an average craps game is.

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Note: step up to an active table with caution. Wait for an open spot and try to come in when the disk on the table is flipped to off.

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Note: proposition bets are risky. The odds are very high in favor of the house. As a beginner, you are better off avoiding them unless you're feeling brave.

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About this article
Craps is a fun casino game where players place bets on the table and root for the shooter to roll a winning number with the dice before sevening out. Only one player per round is the shooter, but any player can bet on the table. The dice are passed around the table clockwise after each round so anyone interested in being the shooter gets a turn. At the beginning of a round, the shooter chooses 2 dice and throws them across the table so they hit the back wall. This is called the “come-out roll.” if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, called a “natural,” they win and get to roll again. If they roll a 2, 3, or 12, they lose but still continue to roll. Once the shooter rolls a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, the dealer will mark the “point,” or the rolled number, on the table with a small button. At this point, the shooter continues to roll until they roll the point number again or a 7. If they roll the point number, they win. If they roll a 7, they seven out and the round is over. To bet in craps, players can place a bet on the “pass” or “don’t pass” line at any time as long as a point hasn’t been established for that round. The shooter for that round must place a bet on either the “pass” or “don’t pass” line. If a player bets on the “pass” line, they win if the shooter rolls a natural or rolls the point before sevening out. If they place a bet on the “don’t pass” line, they win if the shooter rolls a 2 or 3 or sevens out before rolling the point. If the shooter rolls a 12, it’s a push for any bets on the “don’t pass” line, and nothing happens. Once the point has been established, players can bet on the “come” and “don’t come” spaces. If the shooter rolls a natural on their next roll, the “come” bet wins. If the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12, it loses. If they roll a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, that number becomes the “come point,” and players who bet on the “come” space win if the shooter rolls the come point before sevening out. If the shooter rolls a 2 or 3 or sevens out, the “don’t come” space wins. If the shooter rolls a 12, it’s a push. There are also one-roll spaces that players can place bets on. For example, players can bet on the “any craps” space on the table. If the shooter gets a 2, 3, or 12 on their next roll, players who bet on the “any craps” space win. Players can also make place bets once the point has been established by betting on the 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 spaces. If one of those numbers comes up before the shooter sevens out, any players who bet on it win. Players can also bet on the “field” space. If the next roll is a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12, they win. Finally, players can bet on the “big 6” and “big 8” spaces. If the shooter rolls a 6 or 8 before sevening out, players who bet on the corresponding space win. Once the shooter sevens out, the round is over and the dice are passed to the next player. Then, a new round of betting and rolling starts. To learn more about the lingo of the game or your odds of winning, keep reading!
Craps dice – dice setting and dice control tips
Expert craps players say there is a specific way to set, control and throw the craps dice if you are eager to win. According to professionals, where are particular mistakes when handling and throwing the craps dice which can affect your game and make it unsuccessful. Fortunately, we are here to help you, and this article will offer valuable tips about dice setting and craps dice control so that you learn how to play like a professional. The main components of a good dice roll include developing ultimate control over the dice and understanding the various craps dice sets and their purposes.
Typically, dice rolls are random, and players cannot involve into games of craps without losing cash because they play by the rules and house edge established by the casino. However, acquiring proper control over the dice and developing a particular throwing technique can certainly be helpful for securing a win. Dice setting allows shooters choose a suitable set depending on their level of experienced and desired outcomes. Below you will learn more about dice control and setting so that you get a step closer to playing craps successfully.
Random dice roll and shaking the dice

You have undoubtedly seen players who shake the craps dice before throwing them on the table. Their explanation is that the shaking helps for random numbers to come up. However, this is the easiest way to lose cash as the dice go all over the place. Why is that?
The truth is that the random shaking of the craps dice will not help you win craps dice game in the long term. Casinos have invested a serious amount of cash paying talented mathematicians to calculate the odds and chances so that the betting provider always takes your money and wins. Craps players know that the number seven always bring benefits to the casino and is dangerous for players. Have you ever wondered why? The answer is straightforward: seven comes up more often than another number. Thus, if you place a pass line bet, the number seven can help you only for the come out throw. After the point gets established, there are more chances to throw seven than rolling the point. In case you make the don’t pass wager, the number seven has significantly more chances to steal the win from you.
Here are some valuable tips for inexperienced players about rolling the craps dice randomly:
An essential step is to understand craps dice control and to select among the crops dice sets. Choosing a suitable set for beginners may be a bit confusing, but the hard ways set is quite good because it offers great visual feedback.
Then place the dice square on the craps table and position them parallel to the back wall and facing it.
Before you roll the dice, you should select an area located at a few inches before the back wall. Try to land the dice on that place. Do your best to hit the same place as often as possible.
Rolling the dice should be gentle and should resemble the way players throw a basketball into the hoop. You should let the craps dice go when you have reached a three-fourth of the throw. Do not twist the dice in all directions in the air. When in midair, the two dice should stick to each other like they have been glued.
When landing, the dice should just touch the back wall, not slamming into it.
Pay attention to the numbers that come up. If you see that you often hit a given number combination, then your dice rolling improves.
Craps dice control
According to the traditional theory, the craps dice setting can help players improve their control over the dice when they throw them and gives them the chance to boost their chances to win. There are hundreds of videos and tutorials about dice control in a craps dice game. Controlling the dice when playing craps is essential for your game and may make the difference between winning and losing. What is the importance of dice control?

Controlling the dice when playing craps gives players an edge over the other participants because they can throw the dice skewing the mathematical odds. Alongside with dice setting, the primary benefit of craps dice control is that the dice may roll a longer time, which gives the chance to secure increased number of wins. However, you should not forget that most of the rolls are random, even if the shooter has mastered craps dice control. Throws that manage to beat the house edge are very rare and quite a limited percentage of all rolls.
There are two types of shooters: the correlation shooter and the axis shooter. Both types of shooters strive to exercise control over the dice, trying to enhance their chances to succeed and to beat the house edge. The believers of the craps dice control theory suggest that shooters can have control over the numbers that come out of their throws depending on the way they hold the dice in their hands and throw them on the table. According to the proponents of the strategy, the setting, the grip and the delivery of the dice affect the effectiveness of dice controls in a game of craps.
The setting is the way you place the dice in your hand. There are various types of dice settings that we will discuss in details later on.
As it comes to the grip, it is essential that you apply equal pressure on the two dice. You can hold them with two or five fingers, depending on your personal style of gripping. If you are eager to make dice control useful, you should make sure that your grip is the same every time you roll the dice. The delivery of the dice is as crucial as throwing them. The dice should hit the backside of the table, but players should control the direction, the speed and the spin. To maximise the chances to succeed, you should throw the dice, in the same manner, every time you shoot.
You need a lot of practice to establish good dice control. Having a nice control over the setting, grip and landing of the dice, you reduce the chance to hit random numbers and boost the opportunity to throw successfully.
But does good control over the dice guarantees you will beat the casino and continue winning? Players should know that they will lose cash when playing against casinos and following their rules. To get closer to winning craps games, in the long run, you should understand the whole picture. You need to exercise control not only over the dice and the way you throw them but also over the environment and the other players. Of course, dice control, perfect throws plus other strategies will help you significantly improve your game and move a step closer to victory.
Dice setting
The setting of the dice is an inseparable part of dice control. Players strive to set the dice so that they avoid hitting 7 when landing. Various types of craps dice sets control the dice and make sure they come out of your hand at the same time, carry out the same spins in the air, land together on the table and bounce off it.
Let us discuss the most popular craps dice sets:
Hardway set

This dice set is suitable for beginner to intermediate shooters who can produce a consistent and smooth delivery. Experts often claim the set provides ultimate protection against hitting seven. As the name of the set suggests, it involved putting hard way combination of top of the dice. Thus, you put the hard ten on top (five plus five), then the front will be a hard 6 or a hard eight. The bottom will consist of a hard four. The player can pick up any hard ways combos on the top. Keep in mind that the parallel faces in opposite directions add up to seven as this can help you set the dice in your hand with greater efficiency.
3V set

This type of craps dice sets is suitable for intermediate players and is good for hitting sixes, eights and inside numbers, which are characterised by lower house edge in comparison with outside numbers. To position the 3V set, you need to set three in the shape of a V on top of the dice. The faces will show eight or six. The two dice should have parallel aligning, spin rate, trajectories and landing to perform a perfect dice roll.
2V set

The 2V setting of the dice is good for hitting outside numbers, fours and tens. To position the dice in this particular setting, you need to place two and two on the top. Thus, the front will be four, ten, five or nine. The setting can successfully hit an outside number if the shooter can keep the two dice on axis, i.E. To maintain the dice rotating together.
All 7 set

The all 7 set is ideal for beginners, alongside with the hardway set. The two craps dice sets will offer an excellent basis for players with less experience. The set is good for the come out dice roll and putting seven on top and the front faces of the dice. There are four possible combos for the top: 2 – 5, 5 – 2, 4 – 3 or 5 – 2.
Crossed sixes

The crossed sixes set is suitable for advanced players and is good for come out rolls. It can quickly hit outside numbers, such as four, ten, five and nine, but it is also good for some craps numbers. You can see the pictures to get information how to position the dice in your hand.
Straight sixes

The six craps dice sets we have listed above are necessary dice setting types and all they require the shooter to roll the dice on axis. Thus, if you position the two dice so that 6 and one are respectively on the left and right sides of the two dice, you should not hit six or one if you make an ideal roll on the axis. Such a strategy will help you reduce the chance to throw a seven consisting of the numbers six or one.
Dice setting may seem somewhat confusing at first, but practice will make things easier with time. However, here are some handy tips that will simplify the process and will help you to passion the dice with just a couple of moves:
The opposite side of the number you are currently looking at adds up to seven. Thus, if the top of one dice is three, the bottom is four.
When the dice are in the middle of the craps table, do not stop looking at them. Select the dice setting you prefer before taking the dice in your hand.
To simplify the setting process, just find the number you wish to put on the top of the dice plus the number of the front that will face in your direction.
Prepare your hand to take the dice in the proper position with a flip.
Even though shooters throw craps dice randomly in each craps dice game, having some control over the dice is certainly a step closer towards adopting a successful strategy that will guide to have more successful bets in the long run. Craps dice control is essential for developing an improved throw, and dice setting is an inseparable part of the control players exercise during play. As we have already explained, the control over the dice allows players to master the way they throw and helps them develop a better rolling technique. The various dice sets make it possible to avoid hitting a seven and get numbers that you wish. However, dice control and setting do not always guarantee that you will win the craps dice game. The dice roll is a random process, and you can enhance it by constant practice.
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Skill in throwing craps dice

I was at the casino recently playing craps in a game where a guy threw the number seven about a dozen times without the point ever being made. Of course I was happy to be enjoying his luck until he starting telling us that he had the skill of willing the number seven. Of course, two hours later, he was broke. Now I don’t think there is such a thing as willing the numbers, but it got me wondering if there was any skill involved in throwing dice?
The dice though have no idea who is throwing them. I will match any six-year old onopoly jr. Player against your crapped-out clairvoyant in producing losing (and winning) numbers, with the happy casino always maintaining its house edge. BUT, –there’s always a but–my answer above is based on honest dice, and on a legitimate game.
Are there any other kinds? Well, yes, shocking as that may be. A skillful and crooked player, or an underground illegitimate casino, can introduce gaffed dice on the game. One example would be the use of “tops,” dice that have certain numbers omitted. Instead of the six distinct numbers 1-6, each die has only three different numbers, each smiling twice from opposite sides of its die. These defective dice work like this: one die sports the numbers 1, 3 and 5, while the other shows 2, 4, and 6. This foul pair cannot roll the numbers 4, 6, 8, and 10 but the can roll 7s all night long.
Another example would be two dice that have only the numbers 2, 3, and 6 on them. This set will roll 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9, but it would be
impossible to seven-out. The sucker player just doesn’t catch on because only three sides of a die are visible at any given time. Yet another example would be the player who has developed skill at sliding one or both of them bones across the table. But any box person not napping on the game would yell out “NO ROLL,” and mentally mark the slider for close observation. Then there are loaded dice, also known as weights, that you can buy at any magic shop. Loaded dice are “percentage dice,” since they do not win as often as tops do, but they do tilt the odds in the cheat’s favor. In the years that I boxed a crap game, I never caught gaffed dice on the table. To introduce them, the cheats would have had to match the color and shade of the house dice, imprint the casino’s name and logo on them, and, usually, match a three-digit number engraved on them. Even working the late swing shift, I was never sleepy enough to have missed such painstaking artwork.
9 simple dice games for kids for ultimate FUN

Many people only use dice when playing packaged board games. However, there are some excellent dice games for kids that use only a pair of dice and a piece of paper for score keeping.
Dice games are popular for a number of reasons, among them:
- Dice games are versatile as they can be played with any number of players, on the floor or table, or in the car, and with people of any age.
- Dice games are educational.
- Dice games teach numbers and counting to little kids and mentally adding numbers to older kids.
- Dice games introduce kids to strategic thinking and planning.
- Dice games teach social skills such as taking turns and winning and losing gracefully.
- Dice games are portable as you can always find room for a few dice in the glove box of your car, a handbag, pocket, or backpack.
- Dice are inexpensive because dice are cheap and readily available in old table games and in discount and thrift stores.
- Dice games are fun!
Our collection of dice games for kids includes information about skills developed, just in case you need this information. However, remember that dice games are not usually played to educate, but to have fun!
Dice game tips
Before we show you our collection of dice games for kids, we suggest you read the following tips for ways to utilize your dice, store them, and have some control over the games kids play.
- Collect small containers, such as empty spice bottles and pill bottles, and any small plastic food containers with lids for storing dice.
- Use plastic cups and coffee mugs to shake and throw dice.
- Use a piece of felt to cover the playing surface to decrease the noise level during dice games.
- Create individual dice games for traveling or a classroom by placing dice and directions in re-sealable plastic bags or small, lidded containers.
For all of our dice games for kids, you will need pencil and paper for keeping score, a shaker for the dice, and a flat surface.
“knock out” dice game for kids
“knock out” is a very simple game, using just two dice. As soon as a child can recognize their written numbers, they can play this game.
Skills learned: adding
Dice needed: 2
Object of the game: to avoid throwing certain scores and being knocked out of the game.
Directions for play:
- Each player chooses a “knock out number” – either 6, 7, 8, or 9. More than one player can choose the same number.
- Players take turns throwing both dice, once each turn. Add the number of both dice for the score.
- If a player throws a 6, 7, or 8, they are knocked out of the game until the next round.
Decide before the game a score to be reached for a win.
“beat that!” dice game

A good game for introducing your kids to the fun of dice games, this easy-to-learn game is one that is very popular with kids. It is sure to become a family favorite!
Skills learned: number recognition, place value, and strategic thinking.
Dice needed: 2 for younger players and 7 for older players
Directions for play: each player takes a turn rolling the dice and placing them in order to make the highest number possible. For example, if a player throws a two and a three, they have 23. A player who throws a six and a four would win the round as they have the higher number. After each throw, a player challenges the next player, “beat that!” play this game in rounds, assigning a winner to each round.
- Try making the smallest number possible.
- Use three dice for play.
- Instead of playing in rounds, set a score, such as 500, players must reach to win the game.
“catch up” dice game
”catch up” is a great game for groups of children as you need at least four and up to eight kids to play. If you have more than eight kids, split them into groups of four to eight players. Large families and teachers will find this game effective. You will need counters or small toys for each child.
Skills learned: playing patiently, rhythm and chanting
Dice needed: 2
Object of the game: to be the first player to win three counters.
Directions for play:
- Players sit in a circle around a table or on the floor with the oldest and the youngest players across from one another.
- Divide the dice so that these two players each have one. Put the counters in the middle of the circle.
- The children without the dice create a rhythm by first slapping their knees (or the table) once and then clapping their hands once. Then the children begin chanting:
Note: the chant is marked with / showing every two beats.
Are you/ready? /are you/ready?
Roll now!/slap clap!/what have you got?/slap clap!
Must you pass?/slap clap!/hope not!/slap clap!
- The chant is repeated as play continues.
- Begin the play with the command, “roll now!”
- The players roll the dice, hoping for anything but a six. If it is six, players must pass the die to the player on their left and take up the chant.
A child wins the round when he is still in possession of a die and receives another from the player on his right. The winner of the round collects a counter and the first to collect 3 counters wins.
- For older children, increase the speed of the chant.
- For groups of 6 or 8 players, you may wish to increase the passing roll to two numbers – say a 5 and a 6, as this speeds the game up quite considerably.
“going to boston” dice game

A well-known and easy to learn dice game, “going to boston “gives children plenty of adding practice.
Skill learned: adding
Dice needed: 3
Directions for play:
- Roll the dice and keep the highest.
- Roll the remaining dice and again set aside the highest.
- Roll the last die, and add up your total. Write down your score.
If a player roils the highest total for a round, they win the round. Keep score and the player who wins the most turns wins the game.
Suggested variations:
- Keep totaling each player’s score and the player who reaches 500 points first wins.
- Substitute specialty dice with higher numbers.
- Have older children multiply the dice to get their score.
- Use more than three dice.
“run for it!” dice game
Here is a very simple game of sequences or runs.
Skills learned: recognizing numbers and sequences, early strategic thinking, and counting by in five
Dice needed: 6
Directions for play:
Each player takes a turn rolling the dice and looking for runs starting with (1-2, 1-2-3, and so on). Each dice part of the run scores five points. A player can only have one run in each roll. The first who reaches 100 points is the winner.
Examples of play:
Player throws six dice and gets the numbers 1, 4, 2, 1, 3, and 2. The following sequences can be scored: 1, 2 (10 points) or 1, 2, 3, 4 (20 points). The hand is worth 30 points.
Player throws six dice and gets the numbers 1, 4, 6, 6, 3, 3. No sequences can be formed, so no score is recorded.
- For older children, substitute specialty dice with higher numbers
- Have players multiply the dice to get their score.
“stuck in the mud!” dice game

The fun of this dice game is the unpredictability. Some turns end immediately and some seem to go on forever. Players can only score on a roll which does not include the numbers 2 and 5. Any dice, which show a 2 or a 5, become “stuck in the mud!”
Skills learned: addition – mental and scoring
Dice needed: 5
Object of the game: to achieve the highest score
Directions for play:
- The first player rolls all five dice. If any 2s or 5s are rolled, no points are scored for this throw. If no 2s or 5s are rolled, add up the total of the dice and write it down.
- The player sets aside any 2s and 5s, and throws the remaining dice. Again, if any 2s or 5s are thrown, no points are scored. If there are no 2’s or 5s, add the total to the previous score.
- Continue in this way until all the dice are “stuck in the mud.” after the score is totaled, play passes to the left.
Agree a number of rounds – five works well – and total up the score.
“three or more” dice game
This dice game is simple and fun, which means it is popular.
Skill learned: adding
Dice needed: 5
Object of the game: to get the highest score
Directions for play:
Players take turns rolling all five dice and scoring for three-of-a-kind or better. If a player only has two-of-a-kind, they may re-throw the remaining dice in an attempt to improve the matching dice values. If no matching numbers are rolled, a player scores 0.
- 3-of-a-kind: 3 points
- 4-of-a-kind: 6 points
- 5-of-a-kind: 12 points
Set the number of rounds for the game and the player with the highest total score at the end of a game is the winner.
Suggested variations:
- Substitute specialty dice with higher numbers.
- For older children, have them try multiplying the dice together to get their score.
“round the clock” dice game

This easy game works well for young children as soon as they can recognize the number of spots on dice and count to twelve.
Skill learned: addition
Dice needed: 2
Object of the game: to be the first player to throw all the numbers from 1 to 12 in order
Directions for play:
- Choose the first player with a dice throw; the player with the lowest total going first.
- The first player throws both dice, hoping to throw a 1. Players then take turns (in a clockwise direction) trying to throw a 1.
- On the next round, those players who threw throw a 1 will try to throw a 2. Any player who did not throw a 1 in the first round will try again this round. Players can do so by throwing a 2 or two 1s.
- Play continues round-by-round with players trying to throw all the numbers from 1 to 12 in sequence. Players may count the spots on just one die or on both dice added together. For example, throwing a 3 and a 6 could be counted as 3, 6, or 9.
- The first player to go “round the clock” – throw all the numbers from 1 to 12 in order – wins the game.
Variation: A player can keep throwing the dice during their turn until they fail to get the number for which they are trying.
“pig” dice game for kids
Even though the directions make this game sound easy, unless you are good at throwing 1s, this game may be hard for to play. The game is called “pig” because the first player “hogs” the dice in an effort to win the game.
Dice needed: 1
Object of the game: to score 100 points or more
Directions for play:
- Have the players throw the die to determine order of play. The lowest roll goes first.
- The first player rolls the die and adds up the numbers after each roll. They may stop rolling at any time and end the turn
- The player loses all points for the turn when a 1 is rolled.
- If the first player gets to 100 points on their first turn, the other player(s) may take their turn to try to achieve a better score.
Dice games provide fun for everyone, from very young children to the elderly. Additionally, some families enjoy collecting dice, which can be found in old table games at garage sales, at discount stores, and in educational supply catalogues. Try all of our dice games for kids and have fun!
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Dice games are adding more fun to the roll of the dice in the new gambling world of online casino where dice tumble for big stakes.Dice games consist mostly of 2 dice with six sides (polyhedrons) to them and each side representing a number from 1 through 6. The two dice are small enough to fit into the palm of your hand and are thrown on boards, table surfaces, covered ground or any other available flat surface. Dice games have been around for thousands of years and because of this there are a variety of games that you can play. There are also a variety of dice shapes and colors, but for the sake of brevity we will discuss the 6 sided white dice with black dots (pips) indicating numbers.
The advent of online gambling has given dice games a new medium for play and has created new and interesting games that can be played by the touch of a button or key. Dice games are not always associated with gambling as I’m sure as children we all remember playing an innocent game of monopoly with our family and friends.
How to play dice games
Because of the amount of dice games available it would be impossible to describe each and every game and how each one is played. But as with all dice games the goal of the player is to “roll” the dice in anticipation of a specified number or numbers. This can be done many ways such as throwing with the hand, throwing from a dicebox or even a rudimentary bird cage, shaped in an hour glass. This game is called chuck-a-luck and is played with 3 standard dice and usually played at fundraising events.
Rules of dice games
As there is no basic type of dice game per se, it would be laborious to explain what rules apply to what games. Although when any type of “roll of the dice” is part of the game, the dice must stay on the game board, table surface, ground covering etc. Usually another roll is given to the player or in the case of just one dice leave the playing area, another roll is given with just one dice.
Because dice can be manipulated in many ways, casinos have strict rules about handling the dice and how it is thrown. Also the dice are manufactured at certified facilities whereas only a few people handle the dice between the manufacturing process and delivery to the casinos
The strategy for most dice games is to roll a suitable number. Whether it’s for an over-under type game, trying to land on a specific spot on a board game or just trying not to crap out in craps, “it’s all in the wrist”.
For brevity and understanding I will use terms from craps, as it’s the most popular of dice games.
2-way, 3-way craps, aces, box numbers, come bet, come out roll, hard way, natural, outside numbers, world bet, odds bet and snake eyes.
Dice games comes in all forms of shapes and sizes. When we think of a dice game, most of the time craps is what first pops in our head. But remember not all dice games are associated with gambling and many are played just for fun. Here’s just a few of the many.
Yahtzee – the goal of this game is to score as many points as possible with the roll of 5 dice. There are 13 combinations which represent a range of points.
Backgammon – it’s one of the oldest game boards around and is played with the roll of two dice and with the goal being the removal of all the pieces on the board
High rollers – an american game show which was broadcast during the 1970’s. This game consisted of 2 oversized dice while trying to remove the numbers 1 through 9. The control of the dice was determined by answering a question correctly.
Cho-han bakuchi – this japanese game uses the standard six sided dice in which the dealer overturns the cup of dice. The players than place their bets on odd (han) or even (cho) in trying to determine the number.
Just to name some others without their descriptions: crown and anchor, mexico, pig, swipe, shut the box and many others. With the advent of online gambling, things have changed a bit for dice games and their variations. Craps is of course the biggest draw while other types which are much simpler seem to be doing average. As we know, nothing can compare to the popularity of video slots, both at casinos and online
History of dice games
Dice are the oldest form of objects used in any type of gaming or gambling. Although there are views that dice originated in ancient greece by the lydians or by palamedes, most archeologists believe that they were used even in much earlier cultures. What we can be sure of is that they were created for entertainment purposes and just like today I am confident there was gambling involved. It’s probably the world’s second oldest profession.
As time progressed dice games became more creative and numerous. But not until galileo and girolamo cardano in the 16th century was the roll of the dice subjected to mathematical analysis and probabilities as odds were associated with the rolls. This created the house and players odds and it was downhill for all of us unlucky players. An interesting 17th century painting shows three men (probably soldiers) gathered around what looks like a drum, playing dice which shows us how popular it was even then.
Popular culture
Probably one of the first incarnations of dice games in popular culture was the creation of the board game monopoly. A board game based on the business concept of a “monopoly”, and how one would dominate a certain aspect of the business market. This game was based on locations in and around atlantic city, new jersey (USA) which at the time was a popular tourist destination. A movie was to be made based on the game and directed by ridley scott, but this eventually fell through.
While there are hundreds of dice games, the one which we most associated with dice is craps. Many films past and present have craps game scenes even though the movie has nothing to do with gambling. Who can forget the scene in diamonds are forever with james bond and the voluptuous ms. Plenty O’toole. Other movies such as casino, the cooler and indecent proposal all have memorable scenes.
How to play craps tutorial
History – how to play – rules – odds – strategy – pro’s perspective
craps is a dice table game that is highly popular in land-based casinos. Although it can be played at online casinos, it is more fun and exciting at land-based casinos. Whenever you enter a land-based casino, you will find a table that has players around it screaming and yelling numbers — this is the craps table. There are two types of craps. One is casino craps, which can be found at casinos. In this game, players at the craps table are all betting against the house or the casino, which is why it is entitled casino craps. The second kind is called street craps, which is where players play against each other — it used to be played in the streets and is why it is called street craps.

Craps is a game of pure luck as it all depends on the dice and the numbers that are rolled. In this game, players will place wagers on the outcome of the two thrown dice. A a player will throw the dice and he is referred to as the shooter. After the dice are rolled, players will be paid according to the outcome. Some wagers need more than one roll, while other wagers can be settled after one roll. In this tutorial, we are going to discuss the payouts and the different wagers that can be placed at the craps table as well as the rules players will have to follow while being at the table, among other important topics.
Craps history
Evidence suggests craps may have originated and evolved during the ancient roman empire. Roman soldiers used to carve the knuckles of pigs into cubes and would play with them by tossing them over their shields as a game while in camp. The term “to roll the bones” originated from here. Other theories claim craps originated in the middle ages with the people in the arabian deserts as they used to play a game that was quite similar to craps called hazard or azzahr.
The definitive rules of this game were founded in the early 1700′s by montmort. The roll that had the lowest value was referred to as crabs. While many believe this is where craps got its name, others believe the word evolved from crapeaud, which is the french word for toad. Other theories claim the french were trying to reclaim the game as their own and they took the english word crabs and spelled it in french as crabes. In the 1700′s, the game succeeded in crossing the atlantic ocean and reached acadia, the french colony.

In 1755, the french lost their colony and the people of acadia relocated to louisiana. They brought the french game crabes to louisiana, but the game was called creps or crebs. By the year 1842, the terms craps started to be the dominant term and is still the name that is prevalent to this day.
During the world war II, the street version of the game was very popular and was played by the soldiers who used their blankets as the gaming surface. There was no wall to stop the dice from rolling out so they used blanket rolls to prevent the dice from falling.
It is also important to note that the craps version in modern america was brought by bernard xavier philippe, who was a politician and a gambler. His version of craps had a flaw that allowed players to exploit the game by taking advantage of the wagering system or by using fixed dice. This problem was fixed by john H winn who introduced a new wagering option: “do not pass”. This wagering option is used to this day in any casino that offers craps to its players around the world.

How to play craps
As mentioned before, there are two types of craps, we are going to discuss the gaming procedure of the most commonly played craps version, casino or bank craps. This version is the kind of craps that is played at casinos, this is why in this game, players will place wagers against the casino. The payoffs of the game may differ from one casino to the next.
In this game, players will take turns in rolling the dice. The player who is throwing the dice is called “the shooter”. Before the shooter throws the dice, players will place their chips on the bets they want. They will find the different bets on a piece of cloth that is usually green; this piece of cloth has the different available bets printed. So players can easily place their chips on the bets they want to wager on. Players can go ahead and place their chips but there are some wagers that require players to ask the croupiers before putting them.

In order for a craps player to be the shooter and get the chance to throw the dice, he has to be active at the table by placing bets on either the pass line or the do not pass line wagers at the table. These bets are also sometimes referred to as right & wrong or win and don’t win bets.
Players will roll the dice and keep passing it on in a clockwise direction. The player who is throwing the dice, the shooter, will roll his dice until he loses by getting a 7 or until his round is finished. The dealer in this game, also known as the stickman is the person who represents the casino. He is called a stickman because he uses a stick in order to collect the chips and move the dice around. The stickman will present the shooter with 5 different dice and the shooter chooses 2 of them. The remaining dice will be placed in the bowl.
There are numerous bet types that can be placed at the craps table; we are going to discuss the most common one, the line wager. This type contains two bets; they are called the pass line and the don’t pass line wagers. The first one is a bet that the person shooting the dice will win.
If the first roll which is also referred to as the come out dice roll comes out with a 7 or an eleven, then the dice shooter will win. If the dice is equal 2, three or 12, the shooter will lose. One the other hand, if the dice comes out with any other outcome than the ones mentioned, this value will be called “point”. In this case, the shooter will have to throw the dice again.
If he succeeds in rolling the same value of the point before rolling a 7, he will win but if he rolls a 7 before he rolls the point value, he will lose. The other bet is called the do not pass wager, it is the exact opposite. Both bets pay 1:1.
Craps rules
The rules at the craps table include the wagers and the payouts. Apart from these basic rules, there are other unwritten rules that casinos implement at the craps table. If you are a new player, after knowing the basic payouts, rules and gaming procedure, you should get to know these etiquette rules because you will be expected to abide by them at any casino.

Some of these rules are concerned with the security of each casino, including the following:
1. You are not permitted to handle the dice with your two hands. This includes shaking the dice in your hands before you throw them. Players are also expected to keep their hands within the surface of the craps table while they are handling the given dice.
2. The players who are throwing the dice are required to throw the dice and to make them hit the other side of the table. Rolls that do not reach the other wall of the craps table are called mellenberg rolls. Some casinos allow these rolls if they get past half the distance to the other wall. Any dice rolls that do not hit the other wall or even get past half the distance will have to be repeated because these short rolls can be controlled to an extent.
3. Players should toss the dice and throw them on the table. They should not slide them.
4. If the thrown dice hit other players or the hand of the dealer and gets back to the table, they can be counted providing the players did not interfere with the rolled dice. Some casinos might take the easy way out and deem these no rolls and lets the player throw them again.
5. At some casinos, players will be able to call bets. Calling bets means they can place bets if they are waiting for their chips — they will call the bet and place it when they get the chips. Casinos that don’t allow such bets will have the words “no call bets” printed on the table of the game.
6. Casinos have the right to ask craps players to leave the table at any given time without having to give any specific reasons.
7. Place the chips slowly instead of throwing them or tossing them on the craps table
8. Whenever players are offered the dice to shoot, they can give it to any other players at the table.
9. When players place service bets, which are bets that the dealers place for them, they should tip them.
10. Players will tip dealers by throwing the tip on the table and saying “for the boys” or “for the dealers.” both of them work even if there are female dealers at the craps table.
Craps odds
Understanding and knowing the odds of the dice to get a certain outcome is the essence of craps. If you are going to place real money wagers at a craps table, it is essential for you to remember these odds. First of all, you will have a slight disadvantage when you place the pass line wager: the odds of winning are 970 out of 1980 times. In other words, the edge of the house for this wager equals 1.414 percent.
Below are illustrate the different bets that can be found at casinos, as well as their odds and the house advantage of each wager:

The pass line wager has odds of 251 to 244, which is why players will be paid even money for this bet. The house advantage for this bet equals 1.414 percent. A do not pass wager has odds of 976 to 949. It also pays even money and the house advantage equals 1.404 percent.
For pass line bets:
– betting on four or ten has odds of 2 to 1 and it pays out with the same rate, 2:1.
– betting on five or nine has odds of 3 to 2 and it pays out with the same rate, 3:2.
– betting on six or eight has odds of 6 to 5 and it pays out with the same rate, 6:5.
All of these bets have the same house advantage that is equal 4.76 percent.
For do no pass line bets:
– betting on four or ten has odds of 1 to 2 and it pays out with the same rate, 1:2. The house advantage is equal 2.44 percent.
– betting on five or nine has odds of 2 to 3 and it pays out with the same rate, 2:3. The house advantage is equal 3.23 percent.
– betting on six or eight has odds of 5 to 6 and it pays out with the same rate, 5:6. The house advantage is equal 4 percent.
For field bets:
– betting on 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11 pays 1:1
– betting on 2 or 12 pays 2:1
all of these bets have odds of 5:4 and house advantage that is equal 2.78%.
For one-roll bets:
– any seven has odds of 5 to 1, pays 4:1 and it has a house edge of 16.9 percent.
– any craps has odds of 8 to 1, pays 7:1 and it has a house edge of 11.1 percent.
– 2 craps and 12 craps have odds of 35 to 1, pays 30:1 and it has a house edge of 13.9 percent.
– 3 craps and 11 craps have odds of 17 to 1, pays 15:1 and it has a house edge of 11.1 percent.
British casinos are tightly regulated and they offer better payouts on some of the bets.
Craps strategy
Craps is a dice game in which players will win or lose entirely depending on the outcome of the dice. There isn’t any skill or decision making involved in the game — it is purely about luck. There are no strategies or techniques to approach this game. Despite that, there are some betting tips that can help players minimize their losses and increase their odds.
If you are a beginner, it is better to stick with the pass line bet because the house edge of this wager equals 1.41 percent. The rest of the craps bets at the table offer worse odds, so this is the best bet for starters. Although the don’t pass offers better odds as it has a house edge of 1.36 percent, it is frowned upon because you will be betting against the shooter and people will not appreciate that. It is safer to bet on the pass line wager because you wouldn’t want to antagonize and cross the shooter for a slight 0.05 percent advantage.
Craps dice probability chart

The best bet in craps after the first roll is the odds bet. Once a point is determined, players will be able to place an additional wager that is a multiple of the pass line bet. The multiple differs from one casino to another, but the most common is 2X. The best thing about the odds bets is that it pays according to their true odds, which means the house has a 0% advantage; players should always take these bets.
Stay away from the preposition bets. These bets are settled with one roll.
Although the dealer might tempt you to place these bets, you should not because they have the highest house advantage.
Players are also advised to tip the dealers at the craps tables. This is not a bribe — in no way will the dealer interfere or affect the outcome of the dice. On the other hand, they can guide you and help you throughout the game. Dealers rely on these tips and they are a great part of their salary. Tipping the dealer will create a bond and you will receive invaluable advice that will help elevate the level of your game.
Players should also read about the etiquette of craps and learn the unwritten rules of craps. Some casinos will kick players off and ask them to leave if they are not following and abiding by these etiquette rules. You can find out more about these rules at the “rules” section of craps on this website.
Lastly, players are advised against taking tips from other players at the craps table, no matter how tempting it might be, because the other players will not always give the correct advice.

Pro’s perspective: video poker strategies and tips
With john grochowski
Players who take the house edge seriously quickly come to the conclusion that only a few bets are worth taking seriously. Pass or don’t pass and come or don’t come are the basics, and some players also like place bets on 6 or 8 despite a slightly higher house edge just so they can get the most frequently rolled non-7s working for them.
One-roll bets and house edge
One roll bets aren’t worth a second look. Why settle for an 11.1 percent house edge on any craps when you can bet pass at 1.41 percent? But given that a player is sticking with the best bets, the next question to arise often is, “should I take the odds?” the answer depends on your bankroll and bet size.
There is no house edge on the odds. Paying at true odds, they’re a rare example of even bets in a casino. To take the odds, however, you must bet pass or come, or don’t pass or don’t come, and those bets do carry an edge. If you’re a table minimum bettor, it’s between you and your bankroll as to whether you take the odds.
Reality of craps odds
Let’s say you’re at a table with a $5 minimum bet, and you bet that minimum on the pass line 100 times. You have $500 at risk. The 1.414 percent house edge means that at the end of the trial, the average house take from your $500 is $7.07.
Now let’s say you bet the $5 minimum on pass and $10 in double odds. Per 100 trials, you risk $500 on pass and $1,000 on pass. The odds are a break-even bet, so on average, the house take is zero, while the house take on your pass bets remains $7.07. When results deviate from average, you can have much larger wins when you take the odds, and also much larger losses. But your average loss comes back to that same $7.07 with or without odds.
Now let’s say you increase your pass bet to $15 without taking odds. Your risk per 100 trials increases to $150, and your average loss increase to $21.21.
Advantages to taking odds
Here’s where it’s to your advantage to take the odds. Instead of increasing your pass bet to $15, leave it at the table minimum of $5, then use the rest of your intended bet increase to take the odds. That leaves your average loss at $7.07 while opening the door to larger wins.
Many modern casinos offer more than double odds. Some offer up to 100x odds, and it’s become increasingly common for american casinos to offer 3x, 4x, 5x odds, meaning you can make an odds bet of three times your pass or come bet if the point number is 4 or 10, four times on 5 or 9 or five times on 6 or 8.
Regardless of what odds the casino permits, the most advantageous play is to use the odds bet to keep your pass or come bet low, then to put more of your money in the higher-paying odds.

So, let's see, what we have: no one can control the outcome of the dice on every roll but, throwing the dice in the same manner, each time can up the odds of success. At casino game throwing dice
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