How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

Casino slot loopholes

Online casino sites to play on real money

“our view is that the jackpot city promotion operates like a trojan horse and it undermines our public health protections,” she says. “children are exposed to something it is illegal to promote to anyone in new zealand under the age of 18, and it is legal because ‘there is no pay of consideration’. We need to get over the technical issue and look at what the legislation is designed to achieve – gambling harm minimisation, the purpose of the act.” “OK,” he said. “but if you change your mind, like I said, there’s a hot tip for the day. And what I’ll also give you extra is, another hot game is called tarzan, I’ll increase that spin to $1.25 a spin just for you. But you need to make a deposit in the next 24 hours. Can you do that?”

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on kiwi gambling addicts

Headquartered in a tax haven, jackpotcity is getting around legal restrictions to advertise on television with what critics call a ‘trojan horse’ – then using aggressive sales tactics to keep vulnerable gamblers hooked. And according to the department of internal affairs, it’s all totally legal. Don rowe investigates.

I magine yourself at home on your couch. Your feet are up. The television is set to three – it’s james cameron’s avatar , say – when an ad appears.

“at jackpotcity.Net, you can do amazing things with just one casino chip,” goes the booming american voiceover.

“discover a world of incredible casino games, with over 300 high quality online slot games, including the world renowned progressive jackpot slot mega moolah,” it continues, as casino chips and cash run across the screen.

“play for free at jackpotcity.Net, and get treated as a a VIP, 24/7. Jackpot city – a whole world of casino games.”

If you were to rush to your notepad, scribble down that URL in full, then type it into your browser, you’d end up in a free-to-play, no-risk virtual casino. But if you were instead to type jackpot city into google, or any other search engine, that site is nowhere to be seen.

Instead you’d likely find your way to a website with precisely the same colour palette and design, only this one operating purely as a pay-to-play, real-stakes gambling den. And once you start to spend, they’re incredibly eager to keep you playing – even if, as I found out, you tell them again and again that you are in the grips of a serious gambling addiction.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

Spot the difference: jackpotcity.Net vs jackpotcity.Com

O nline gambling is strictly regulated in new zealand, and, with the exception of the state-owned lotteries and TAB, is illegal through new zealand-based companies. While new zealanders can gamble online through overseas operators, promoting the act or the operators in any form is in contravention of the gambling act – a document which reads largely as a harm reduction manifesto.

But jackpot city, it seems, has found a way around those rules.

It works like this: while it might be illegal to advertise online gambling in new zealand, for an activity to be defined as gambling the participant must pay something to take part. “dot-net websites are free-play websites, and therefore not considered gambling under the gambling act 2003,” a DIA spokesperson told the spinoff.

An october 2017 complaint to the advertising standards authority about jackpot city was dismissed on these grounds. The ASA chair even went so far as to say the advertisement “had been prepared with a high standard of social responsibility”. T he ads have continued to run on three.

But given the tens of thousands it costs to place advertising on television, how might jackpot city be recouping that investment? Jackpotcity.Net, the site explicitly promoted, contains no ads, no options to pay-to-play, and no other discernible monetisation strategy.

However, when you enter “jackpot city” into google, the version of the site ending with “.Net” is nowhere to be seen. Search results return only iterations of the .Com and .Org addresses, both of which are the pay-to-play online casinos – and about five pages of glowing, keyword-heavy reviews, seemingly authored by people on the jackpot city payroll. If you do click on one of those proffered links, the site you arrive at is essentially indistinguishable from the .Net site you saw advertised. Come on in, the landing page urges, to get your free $1600.

Mediaworks did not respond to specific questions regarding jackpot city. However, in a statement provided to the spinoff a spokesperson said: “A limited number of jackpot city advertisements have aired on three which are broadcast during adult only-rated programming, between restricted hours. Mediaworks takes its responsibilities as a broadcaster very seriously and has taken steps to ensure that any advertisements that are aired are not in breach of new zealand laws and guidelines around advertising.”

J ackpot city is one of five online casinos operated by belle rock entertainment group, itself a subsidiary of carmen media, a “global gaming and entertainment group” licensed in malta, but one with no functioning website or verifiable online presence outside a sparse wikipedia page. Attempts to be put in touch with management for comment were repeatedly rebuffed by jackpot city salespeople.

The site offers slots, card games and casino games with matching bonuses and other incentives for new signees, as well as daily specials and “hot tips” – “we want to see you on the leaders board”, they say.

Signing up was a breeze. Just a couple of minutes, with no ID required, and your credit card details are logged for easy ongoing draw-downs. After depositing $30, matched by jackpot city to bring my balance to $60, I hit the slots, losing $5 within a few minutes. I moved on to roulette, losing another $5 to a clunky roulette animation. I lost a further $20 playing blackjack, before shifting to poker where I had a little more luck. Up $40, bringing my total balance to $100, I decided to cash in. Thanks and goodbye, jackpot city.

Not so fast. Withdrawals from jackpot city remain pending for a full 24 hours, just in case you change your mind, though they are instantly reversible to the player’s account should you wish to continue playing. Further, “for your convenience”, withdrawals made after 5am thursday morning will remain in your account available for reversal until 5am monday morning. That means you can hoon the slots all weekend long, with only a three day mid-week window for withdrawals.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

Congratulations – you’ve lost it all!

We all know the house always wins, but when jackpot city won my money, a bright pop-up offered me even better matching should I deposit more cash – and all with a single click. Nope, I thought. And that should have been the end of it.

The next day the phone calls began.

Once a day, every day, my phone would ring, the screen displaying various 06 and 07 numbers. Upon answering the line went dead, until monday morning when they called again. This time there was someone there.

“I have some good news for you!” said a man in a thick south african accent. “you’re one of our selected players to be selected for our welcome special offer we have running on your account.”

“it’s guaranteed to increase your bank roll,” he said.

“when you signed up a few days ago you wanted to have fun, and make tonnes of money at the same time, is that true?” he asked.

“yes, I wanted to have fun and to make tonnes of money.”

“we just had a few players win over $12,000 – I’m sure that’s the sort of money you want to make?”

“yes I would love $12,000. But, wait, who are you?”

It turns out my new friend connor works for the promotions department of “the casinos”. Which casinos? He wouldn’t say, but he did confirm he was based in south africa and not the middle of the north island of new zealand, as his phone number would suggest – “although we actually have a department there in new zealand as well.”

This was a curious admission given that commercial online gambling is illegal in new zealand – but one which a different employee, supposedly based in cambridge, england, doubled down on when I called back to check. What came next was more concerning still.

“I’ve been trying to stay off the website,” I told my new friend. “I’ve been having problems spending too much of my money.”

“mhmm,” he replied. “but have you won major? Have you won big?”

“no, I haven’t won major or big, I was losing a lot of money and starting to worry about how much I was gambling.”

“OK, what I’m going to do is, you say you’re losing money, I’m going to try and do my best for you to make that money back and even more. I’m going to give you something extra and some hot tips, if you can make a deposit in the next 24 hours.”

“I’m really struggling and I don’t want to gamble any more because I’m spending a lot of money I can’t afford,” I said. “actually, I’ve really been trying to stay away from it.”

“OK,” he said. “but if you change your mind, like I said, there’s a hot tip for the day. And what I’ll also give you extra is, another hot game is called tarzan, I’ll increase that spin to $1.25 a spin just for you. But you need to make a deposit in the next 24 hours. Can you do that?”

And on and on it went. Before hanging up, connor assured me he wished to see me on the leader board soon.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

Perhaps the hot games? Great banter with laurenp.

P aula snowden, CEO of the problem gambling foundation, says the jackpot city promotions are a flagrant exploitation of our laws, and antithetical to the harm reduction approach championed by the gambling act.

“our view is that the jackpot city promotion operates like a trojan horse and it undermines our public health protections,” she says. “children are exposed to something it is illegal to promote to anyone in new zealand under the age of 18, and it is legal because ‘there is no pay of consideration’. We need to get over the technical issue and look at what the legislation is designed to achieve – gambling harm minimisation, the purpose of the act.”

But why the inconsistency? According to the DIA, commercial online gambling is illegal in new zealand “because of the potential for harm from this form of gambling, particularly for young people.”

“for example, the internet or cellphones can be used for continuous forms of gambling that offer rapid opportunities for investment.

I read paula snowden a transcript of my conversation with jackpot city.

“oh my god,” she said. “this is appalling. We had no idea it was this bad. What they are doing is morally and ethically corrupt and it will be doing severe damage to vulnerable new zealand gamblers. They are bypassing our laws, which are all about harm reduction and minimising the growth of gambling, and it’s just disgusting. We were disappointed with the DIA’s response, and we will be taking this to the minister. They have to regulate this with legislation. You look at places like the UK and australia, they are plugging the gaps as fast as they can. The DIA has to act.”

The DIA points out that the location of the online casino currently exempts it from new zealand regulation. “overseas gambling sites are subject to the law of the country they are based in,” a DIA spokesperson said. “new zealanders who gamble on overseas websites do not have the protection of new zealand law.”

Nor do they have the protection of any of the harm reduction strategies in place in physical casinos here in new zealand. Colin espiner, general manager of communications at skycity, said both it and independent casinos such as the christchurch casino are required by law to employ a number of measures that overseas operators do not.

“we have to abide by a variety of legislative requirements including the gambling act, which sets strict parameters around number of outlets, number of table games and machines, host responsibility and harm minimisation measures, and places rules around advertising,” he said. “we also abide by anti money laundering legislation, local employment law, and of course pay company tax, gaming tax, and GST in new zealand.”

“ we believe this is an important issue that needs to be considered by government and regulators. Skycity has no firm position with respect to outcomes but is keen to ensure, and participate in, a safe, fun online gaming environment for new zealanders.”

For the problem gambling foundation’s paula snowden, it amounts to exploitation.

“they’re replicating the environment that vulnerable gamblers try to avoid,” she says. “they’re using all the psychological triggers they can, including these phone calls.”

Legal experts spoken to by the spinoff said this appears to be a political problem rather than a breach of the law. The matter of jackpot city, which continues to advertise on new zealand free-to-air television, and to target new zealanders, even when they say they have gambling problem, is clearly very much a moral problem, too.

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Join the spinoff members for as little as $1 to help us hire more journalists and do more investigations. Or get a free toby morris-designed tea towel when you contribute $80 or more over a year.

The bulletin is the spinoff’s acclaimed daily digest of new zealand’s most important stories, delivered directly to your inbox each morning.

Making use of casino loopholes to win big

Making use of casino loopholes to win big

Since time immemorial, ever since casino formed into existence, players have been trying to win over the game by adopting different methods. While some turn to scientific methods, others rely on superstitious practices. If you want to win big in casinos, you ought to know about casino loopholes.

While we all know that the primary motive of playing online casinos is to have fun, but if done right, you'd be going home with a substantial bank balance. It should be remembered that these casino loopholes don’t always work but sometimes they do and that is enough to become rich.

Top casino loopholes you can use:

Concentrate on one game:

Online casinos got plenty of games, and naturally, there is every reason for you to get seduced prompting to play all of it. But if you wish to win, choose one game, understand its rules and practice a lot. Eventually, you will get better at it and figure out a system that will increase your winning chances.

Get the most out of your casino:

Online casinos often roll out bonus and rewards for their regular members. Make sure you have knowledge of the regular freebies and rewards the casino is offering and make the best use of it. Most casinos also provide a generous sign-up bonus for new members. However, don't fall for the first deal you come across. Do research thoroughly and make sure that the deal offered is the best for you.

If you want to instantly increase your chances of winning, try our selection of 20 free spins no deposit required bonus offers.

Further, if you are a regular online casino player, we would advise you to get registered in the VIP clubs. These have a better reward system and loyalty program than your average membership. The entry to the VIP club usually depends on the amount of money spent by you while playing games.

Set a limit:

We all want to win, but in some days it will be disgusting as the lady luck won’t bless us generously. When that happens, don’t get impatient and don't overspend just on the hopes of winning something. Set a limit that you would spend daily or weekly on these games and stick to that. It would help you to have control over the spending.

Beating online slot games:

One of the most popular online casino games is the slot. The studies on the subject show that about 80% of first-time online casino visitors head for the slot game.

We can find different versions of online slot games, and you have to choose the one which you think where you can have some command over and will increase the chance of your winning. In fact, if you want to win big, you have to bet more. Instead of betting four $1, bet $4 in one game as it will give you better results, which will be a rationally perfect decision.

Beating online roulette game:

The casino games depend on the chance of probability but following few casino loopholes would definitely help. Instead of betting on one number, you can divide your money and bet on several numbers as this would help with your chances of winning. The wheels in online roulette make use of a random number generator to give out the result. Thus every number that comes out is random. No sequence pattern has been using to generate the result.

One of the most popular and simple strategy players use to win in an online roulette game is the martingale strategy. In this method, the player doubles his outside bet after every loss. In this way when a player finally wins, it will help to recover the loss plus the player will earn a decent amount of profit.

The method depends on ‘chances of probability.' if the total number of chances are ‘x,' then your winning chances will be 1/x. The player needs to place the bet on a particular number continuously and double the bet amount after every loss.

Another way is to put your bets on one of the outside bets. They have a higher chance of winning than inside bets, but it will have little payouts.

Beating online blackjack game:

The blackjack game is a challenging casino, which confronts with the skills of the player than luck. In this game, you need to try different strategies to figure out the best suitable methods that can complement with a win. Since blackjack have different types of games, you should pick one where the house edge is the lower. You should have a better in-depth understanding of the selected game.

In blackjack game, you can adopt different strategies depending on the demand of card combinations in your hand and dealer’s face up card. You can find many easy to follow strategies online explaining how to win the game. Make use of these strategies by studying it carefully, which can substantially increase your winning chances.

Winning at an online casino is not a hard thing to happen. By having proper knowledge of casino loopholes and developing a strategy to face the gaming challenges, you may hold better chances to register victories. Play gambling as entertainment and never involve too much into it by spending all your savings, hoping that it can make you rich all of a sudden. You should always set a budget limit, and time limit. Play only with an amount that is affordable for you. When you face a loss, accept the reality and be content.

A concrete, real-deal online casino games review of bonuses

Arriving into a new world, teeming with all sorts of opportunities, advertisement, and promotions can be overwhelming, especially one as complex and intricate as the world of online casinos. We here at cpaymentmethods.Com get that. In the age of uncanny craftsmanship, especially when it comes to acquiring financial assets, there are few (some say fewer and fewer) trusted names in the business. For someone like us, who have been in business since 1998, it is pretty easy to win people over. Reputation kind of does the work for us. Making the right choice is easy – after all, what is simpler than picking a name with a long and established tradition that can be vouched for by the magnates of the industry?

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

We don’t have to make a song and dance about attracting customers. Quality speaks for itself, and expensive advertisement is cheap and tacky. Chaotic business promotions can be confusing. No-deposit bonuses, reload bonuses, match bonuses! There are bonuses everywhere. Moreover, usually aggressive sales, besides from actually being illegal, are a bad sign. “$$$$$ massive joining bonuses” are best left to those with little else to show for their work.

However, just because we are serious about playing online casino games for real money does not mean we can’t be fun. We are still very happy to award our customers, joining and the “semper paratus” kind alike, with exclusive bonuses that do, in fact, go very far if you take this business seriously. We like to think of them as a sniper scope for your gun, or that famous nitro boost just when you most need it in a race.

That is why cpaymentmethods.Com is fully prepared to roll out this luxurious breakdown of a detailed explanation of how online casino bonuses work, point by point, and thanks you very much for eagerly listening. What follows is the result of (what seemed like) millennia of trawling the seedy underbelly of the net to save you the often unpleasant trip and filter the best results, techniques and tips on staying safe in this oh so ambivalent rich tapestry of life.

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Wager requirements and how to use them

Playthroughs, or wager requirements, are a set of rules that defines what a bonus is and what to do to get it. This is the stage that start the most confusion, so we will explain this one first.
For those of you who have just joined: online casino free bonuses are awarded on a come-as-you-are basis, with no strings attached. And a puppy.

That’s what we would say to you in a perfect world.

Unfortunately, the word of, as we call it politely “affirmative redistribution of social influence”, group dynamics are cold and harsh, if not cutthroat, and everyone has to take safety measures. So our bonuses are awarded with something most often called a wager requirement, play through or terms and conditions. Generally, the greater the bonus, the harder it is to catch (just the way it is with women, money in general, and boar). The catch is in choosing wisely. No-one hunts bear with a fork, and getting a bazooka to shoot down a canary is sort of not quite right, so, just like in any healthy relationship, you have to make sure your needs are adequate to the bonus you choose.

In safe online casinos bonuses come with a little x indicating the amount of times you have to bet in order to get the bonus out (very treasure-islandy, if you ask us…ar!).

For example, if you have a deposit plus bonus 20x, if you put in $100, you get an extra $100, but the T+C here are such that you have to bet those $200 at least 20x before withdrawing your money.

One more thing to remember is which games count and which ones don’t. For instance, if the game you’re playing isn’t part of the playthrough, you may be a proud owner of a $50 000, but your playthrough is still zero, so you can’t take your money out.

In some casinos games like blackjack (blackjack is recommended for beginners for its clear-cut rules and reliable outcomes ) do contribute to the playthrough, but only partially – for instance, you may get a 20% playthrough on that table, which means that your playthrough, and the consequent ability to withdraw the winnings, will be filling up, but slower than if you played a game that gave you a 100% playthrough fill-up ratio.

What to look for in bonuses?

What we’re really saying is: always be wise and careful with whom, where and how you play, and below we offer a few words of advice that we have seen work through decades. We’ll be looking at, amongst other useful and brilliant things:

  • Bonus types

  • How casino bonuses work

  • Possible games best to start with to gain firm ground

  • Finding wagering requirements that are not too high (sometimes nearly impossible) to fill, or too low

  • What are casino bonus codes and whether they make sense

  • The difference between a deposit- and non-deposit bonuses

  • Can you withdraw a casino bonus and when

  • Your best choice of strategy (casinos are extremely smart but, like any existing system, they have loopholes, so not impossible to beat)

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

A casino doesn’t bleed, technically…

But you know what we mean. You can play smart, claim your winnings and walk away undefeated.

Or, rather, get to the extraction point with all possible speed.

How casino bonuses work

For anyone new to the business, the puzzle of how the casinos can give out so much money for free, is a mystery wrapped in an enigma revolving around a puzzle. Basically, this money is seen by a casino as a way of attracting customers, much like a company would spend money on advertisement.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
Some say the only free cheese is in mousetraps, but lately companies have come into a habit of investing quite a lot of funds into events aimed to attract attention as the industry is becoming more and more competitive. Giving away money at this stage pays off in the long run in terms of attracted regular customers, so, as a rule, there a possibility of gaining capital here.

Of course, bonuses come with certain limitations after all, because otherwise everyone would just withdraw them and the business would go bankrupt in the matter of hours. So a few guidelines: for instance, you can only withdraw certain types of bonuses once you have passed a certain threshold, some bonuses apply only to regular users, and so on. These limitations are usually ok to comply with in order to get the win, but we do ask that you read the terms and conditions very carefully. Avoid bonuses that sound completely amazing and are almost impossible to get. That usually means something is a little dicey and probably not worth the risk (watch out for online casino scams).

How to gain and withdraw casino bonuses

Now, there is some truth to that only-free-cheese-in-mousetraps adagio, but also, because free bonus money is money thrown at crowds to attract customers, some gain can be made, if you only you watch the size cap and bonus limitations. Sometimes things are easy, like they are with no-deposit bonuses (below) in that all you need to do is register, sometimes on the website, sometimes through email, and you receive the funds (virtual funds that – hypothetically – are withdrawable). Sometimes you have to make a symbolic payment, like with paypal, to make a withdrawal. Given that wagering req’s are all fulfilled.

One thing to note is that some casinos are tricky, which means they will annul your bonus if you have put in to withdraw and your wagering requirements haven’t been met. A low blow, if you ask us, but still money has to be made.

Online casino bonuses in 2017 also feature two types of bonuses that have to be described separately. There are two types.

Some bonuses (called sticky type 1) can be used to make money but not to withdraw. For instance, if you use this $50 bonus to make $500, you will technically have $550 in your account, of which $500 you can withdraw, and the bonus itself swiftly disappears forever.

Sticky type 2 bonuses are different from sticky type 1 in that after you withdraw they don’t disappear, allowing you to use them to play on. They are stuff of legends and are usually eagerly sought after by users on forums.

Think evil and good twins respectively. Well, ok, they are both good twins, but one is kind of too good and you miss it terribly when it’s gone.

Casinos usually ask for you to withdraw funds using the same method you used to pay the money in for security reasons (e.G. Visa), and this will sometimes carry a transaction fee of a couple of dollars (!). Online casino paypal, visa credit card, neteller, skrill, webmoney, bank transfer and others are among the supported currencies.

Casinos that take themselves seriously use SSL encryption to guarantee account data security and usually ask you for detailed documentation like proof of payment ability ad proof of ID, so…if you see that – that’s a good sign.

E-wallets usually do their thing within a flash when it comes to online casino play, while banks and other commercial institutions may take 1-5 days to transfer funds depending on the level of their cooperation.

Also consider this: in some places it is possible to set limits for yourself so your gambling doesn’t get out of hand. That, admittedly, is a nice gesture.

Bonus codes

Whether you’re playing an online casino for free or not, bonus codes are what is necessary to make it all work. You get bonuses by typing this code in the corresponding field on the deposit page of the website of a casino. Seems deceptively easy, but remember that bonuses may be online casinos’ only way to get attention in a field of very fierce competition (the likes of bellagio can show off fantastic interiors and impressive fireworks, etc to impress, but with online casinos this is a lot more difficult).

Different kinds of bonuses:

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
Before you embark on this potentially perilous journey, of course, we once again state the obvious: always read the T+C before you sign up to make sure this particular bonus suits you and that you can get the best value for money for it. Study the subject carefully, and remember that when something sounds too good to be true it usually is.

Online casino welcome bonuses, or sign-up bonuses, are the most famous of them all. This is the cornerstone of casino might. However, watch out: if a casino offers only one welcome bonus, trouble. Try to find one that gives you a variety of bonuses scattered across the board.

At the top of this list is the absolutely fantastic life-saver, a demiurg in a mortal disguise, a stunning earth-shuddering bountiful goddess of life and a faithful friend, a cashback bonus. There’s no point in beating around the bush, so let’s jump straight to never-ending awesomeness mixed with some sugar and spice. A cashback bonus sticks with you through thick and thin and bails you out when the worst comes to worst, usually when you lose badly. Here’s how it works – if you lose $1000, you get $200 back if you had a 20% cashback bonus. She’s awesome, you choose her and she’s always there for you…counting her out would definitely be a mistake.

An online casino no-deposit bonus is that short faithful sidekick that admires you, laughs to all your jokes, is never late and loves cooking for you given the opportunity. Memorise this one, or, better yet, write it on a sheet of paper so it’s the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning. Short, sweet and reliable: try casino games for free of charge and even win money with this handy-dandy little guy. Casinos usually see this one as an investment (just like they would invest in property) which will bring them large numbers of players, so some financing goes into these, making it possible to make some money on them. If you’ re smart and you know what you’re doing (and respectively you are and you will be when you’re done reading this).

When you deposit a $100 dollars, a casino offers you another hundred and now you have $200 in total to play with? A matching deposit bonus is your partner, a grizzly, life-worn, ham-and-beans kind of man with just enough soul left in him after the grinder of life to care. He does all the earnest work, gives you a ride to work and if he’s late, he’s probably go a pretty good reason (like saving people from a burning building). Are you singing to yourself so no-one can hear “partner, don’t let me down?”. Exactly right. Whatever you deposit, your partner matches. No nigh expectations here. Just be you. However, often these bad boys come with a size cap or a withdrawal limit, which you don’t always know about because you haven’t read the fine print. Something like “you can only withdraw after $5 000” usually hits you hard. Make sure you play games that have substance and offer you a real chance of winning (and we don’t mean games where everything depends on chance – in fact, the exact opposite). The more control you have over the proceedings, the better. For online casinos in UK or US and canada, for instance, with their highly evolved social security system – not really a bother. Others? Mmm.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

Percentage deposit bonus.This one is pretty much the same as a matching deposit bonus, only less effective. A 50% percentage deposit bonus will add $50 to your 100-dollar investment. Pretty good. Mind-blowingly fantabulous all the way? Not really. Honest, calculating and hard-working? Yes. This one is a firm B. And no, we don’t mean cup sizes, although in a man-suit it’s kind of hard to tell. Go, amy! This is a hefty little reward, and not at all badly shaped.

A reload bonus is more like a drug rather than a person in that it kind of attaches itself to a user (often it is every month), giving the words “regular user” that dodgy scent. They are normally matching deposit bonuses or percentage deposit bonuses. An awesome thrill for the great whites of online casino gambling who have been successfully making money for decades, it is not so much a good tool for beginners, because, just like with a back belt in karate, it starts to really pay out after a long while of time and if you really know your way around. Once you have captured what’s really going on here, however, the deep blue sea of online gambling will part around you. These are normally matching deposit bonuses or percentage deposit bonuses and are usually associated with hardcore, regular gamers.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

A loyalty bonus is basically the same as a reload bonus for those players that have advanced through the VIP career ladder far enough to reach a certain stage where they receive more substantial rewards. These are the megalodons of online casino gambling, and they are this big for a reason. They are veterans. With a loyalty program player’s progress is automated at each logon and the points you earn are collected all the way throughout until they reach critical mass and here-we-are…however, all that beauty pales in comparison with its logical extension, a high roller bonus with its mastodon benefits for deposits that measure in thousands of dollars.

A refer-A-friend bonus (and we’re not still talking terry crews, although he is indeed as massive as a refer) is where you get money for bringing someone else in to play, which is self-explanatory. Much like these two, it goes hand-in-hand with another lightweight, a free-trial no deposit bonus that basically gives you next to nothing because neither the bonus or the winnings can be cashed out. Except for the gaming experience and the chance to make up your mind whether you’re staying with this casino or not.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

Attention! Must-read bonus conditions

Just like friendly fire isn’t friendly at all, fine print can be a life-changer. Here are a few things you would highly likely miss because they are normally printed in size 2 tahoma on the very back, and there is a good reason for it. If you don’t pay attention to one of these fine print points, your experience will be a blast, but not in a nice way. More like completely out of the blue you lose everything when it all blows up in your face because you haven’t read the manual:

Sometimes you will need to complete your playthrough requirement within a certain time period, otherwise poof! – no winnings and no bonus. Ouch!

Be careful! Typically only one bonus can be activated at any one time.

Slots staking contribution (ie paythrough fill-up ratio) varies wildly – from 100% on slots to 0% on table games.

Some games are completely excluded from gameplay with a bonus on your account.

Some casinos exclude a significant part of the world from being able to receive bonuses. We’ve seen pretty long lists. Make sure your country isn’t on one of them.

You could even get into trouble and risk all of your online casino games experience and have all your bonuses and winnings removed (including all the future ones) for something as ambivalent as “low-risk gambling to clear wagering”, and the decision, of course, is at discretion of the management.

Last but not least, remember that some casinos take it to heart if you close your account with them and actually will ban you from creating another account within the same system for hurting their feelings.

And, of course, normally casinos reserve the right to alter and amend their T+C without prior notice, which means they can do anything they want without your consent.

Stay safe. But not too safe (that’s also bad).

Understanding advantage play slots in modern casino environments

Introduction to understanding advantage play slots

As a slot machine enthusiast, have you heard intriguing rumors of the secret world of advantage players? Perhaps you saw the “susan B. Anthony” used to reward a poorly treated casino reviewer at the end of the third ocean’s movie? Here, I separate fact from fantasy. Let’s start understanding advantage play slots.

This article has the following sections:

  • Introduction to understanding advantage play slots

  • What’s an advantage play, anyway?

  • Understanding advantage play slots #1: game themes

  • Understanding advantage play slots #2: team approach

  • Understanding advantage play slots #3: modern casinos

  • Sooner or later, advantage plays stop working

  • Summary of understanding advantage play slots

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What’s an advantage play, anyway?

In the gaming industry, an advantage play occurs whenever a gambler improves their odds of winning using gameplay knowledge not ordinarily available.

To help understand the general principle, consider a common non-gaming example: credit card programs. Credit card companies exist offering cash-back for purchases. Chase sapphire and capital one silver come to mind. Perhaps you’ve seen the television commercials with samuel L. Jackson?

A credit card advantage play of such programs is to figure out how to make many, and I mean a lot of purchases to maximize cash-back. For example, perhaps you pay your rent or mortgage with that credit card.

Instead of paying directly with a credit card, which typically isn’t possible, you could find a reputable company that pays your rent or mortgage by check while you pay for the service via credit card. If the cash-back exceeds the small fee for the exchange, it’s an advantage play.

Or maybe you’re an entrepreneur with an amazon fulfillment business. Perhaps you buy several items, put them together as a nice kit, then sell the package on amazon. Why wouldn’t you purchase those single items with a cash-back credit card? If you sell at high-volume, you could push $10,000, or a whole lot more, through that credit card each month.

An advantage play example from the gaming industry, for table games, is card counting. This form of advantage play has a long and rich history. There’s even a major motion movie about blackjack card counting from 2008, 21.

But we’re interested in advantage plays involving slot machine casino gambling. In the next sections, we’ll work toward understanding advantage play slots, including my own relatively unique perspective for the modern casino environment.

Understanding advantage play slots #1: game themes

The most popular slots advantage plays discussed online are about specific slot machine game themes. Every game theme has gameplay rules, which might have loopholes of which players can take advantage.

The essential approach to game theme advantage plays usually occurs during gameplay, although not always, which I’ll discuss in a moment. Class II competition-style slot machine game themes typically include a decision point for the player where there is a right or wrong answer.

Advantage players figure out in advance which answer is correct, sometimes only after extensive effort and research.

The difficulty with this approach is the assumption that it’s also an advantage play which applies to class III vegas-style games of chance at non-tribal casinos as well as class II skill-based games typically only available at tribal casinos.

Do gameplay advantage plays exist for class III slot machines? Once, they did. It was even somewhat prevalent, even as recently as 30 years ago. But, today? Not really.

What is my justification for this position? It’s based on thorough gaming regulations, including state-by-state testing of all game themes by independent laboratories. Very, very few game theme loopholes make it through such rigorous testing. See advantage play against slots (AP heat advantage play) by eliot jacobson, ph.D., published on march 6, 2017.

But I didn’t state that class III slot machine advantage plays don’t exist. I said, they don’t really exist. What did I mean by this?

What I meant by this are the several circumstances where advantage plays can exist, if you want to expend the effort to find them. Just keep in mind that any serious advantage player carefully balances energy and cost with potential profit.

Put another way, figuring it out must be worth it. Some enterprising online individuals claim to have figured out a few game theme loopholes and share them freely. See analyzing 4 different slots advantage play methods by randy ray, published on may 11, 2019.

A few, usually new, audience members will ask my opinion for the best slot machines to play. My serious reply is those machines on which you win. Most of my audience agrees. In my opinion, looking for mistakes in game themes that made it past gaming regulators is a waste of time given how rare this occurrence has become.

However, lots of slots players think what casinos want them to think: play your favorite slot machine game theme because, since it’s your favorite, you’ll win. Such an attitude from your casino isn’t gambling advice. It’s only marketing.

We’ve discussed game theme decision points and game theme loopholes, but there’s more. Another advantage play is to find slot machines with specific game themes played somewhat. A previous player could have paid for getting a slot machine closer to paying out.

A typical example is progressive slot machines with a must-win-by maximum jackpot. This amount is typically unknown. But extensive observation by an advantage player (AP) could allow them to figure it out, so they then only play progressives close to this limit.

The advantage play approach to progressive slot machines requires a great deal of patience to accomplish. If you’re interested in learning more about this approach, see my articles on progressive slots winning strategies:

Understanding advantage play slots #2: team approach

Serious advantage players are typically part of closed communities. When an AP figures out how to take advantage of a slot machine, whether progressive, class II, or otherwise, they are quite naturally secretive about it.

As I’ll discuss in a later section, many advantage plays are somewhat fragile. They are undoubtedly expensive in either time or money, sometimes both, to figure out. Therefore, aps will protect them like an investment.

But aps sometimes can’t figure out an advantage play without a team. Or they figure out an advantage play, as with a bank of networked progressive machines close to its jackpot limit, where every seat should have a team member sitting in it for the best chance of a return on investment.

Advantage players have figured out the cheapest way to learn a new advantage play is to watch known advantage players, then do what they do. These aps swoop in at the last moment to try to profit, such as taking one of those seats at an about-to-win bank of progressive slot machines.

Finally, it’s human nature to brag about our accomplishments. Aps can and do make this mistake, but perhaps less often as they gain more experience at advantage plays. However, a regular slots player might put two-and-two together after observing an experienced AP winning. After all, most casinos are typically open to the public.

Another aspect of the team approach is the distraction it can provide. As mentioned previously, card-counting has a rich history. In the early days, one of the difficulties with card-counting was casino recognition from past winning sessions.

What was the card-counting aps response? Disguises. With modern casinos and a requirement for government-issued ids, disguising an individual is very limited unless you happen to have an identical twin.

But you could explain the advantage play you’ve figured out to a team of trusted individuals, perhaps family members. They could then perform the advantage play for a pre-determined profit share.

Understanding advantage play slots #3: modern casinos

With modern-day casinos and gaming regulations, slot machine advantage plays have undergone a sea change. It’s no longer possible to drop coins with a complicated pattern, which might cause a win, if that advantage play ever worked in the first place.

Using terminology from the ocean’s 13 movie, a “susan B. Anthony” con doesn’t matter any longer because U.S. Casinos no longer use coin-operated slot machines. But that doesn’t mean advantage plays no longer exist. It means they’ve changed with the times.

Around 2012, slot machine manufacturers started offering operating systems to help casinos handle larger crowd sizes with ease, efficiency, and a smaller workforce. One of these innovations was a central computer server hardwired to every slot machine.

With it, casino operators could reduce their army of slots mechanics to a much smaller, and therefore cheaper, group. Instead of the mechanics changing the odds of winning every one to two weeks as needed to meet state gaming requirements, the computer server could do it electronically several times a day.

In this way, the casino saved money in two important ways: a smaller workforce devoted mostly to machine maintenance and a vast improvement in their ability to meet financial performance metrics from multiple weeks to several times daily.

Yes, slot machines still operate randomly under these new casino operating systems. But because the odds of winning can be remotely adjusted several times daily. Therefore, the odds of winning, while still random, are different before and after. And one is better than the other.

The task of the modern-day slot machine advantage player is to figure out which is which. Are the best odds in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Is it on busy days at the casino or non-busy days? On a holiday evening or the morning day after a holiday?

Modern casino operating systems have much more excellent control over slot machines than ever. While this slot machine control is by a computer, the computer is itself controlled by humans. And humans love to tinker. And humans also make mistakes.

Rather than explain my winning slots strategies based on casino business practices here, I’ll refer you to my many website articles and podcast episodes on that topic.

Sooner or later, advantage plays stop working

The types of advantage plays are effectively endless, but they all have one common disadvantage: sooner or later, they stop working. Why? Because sometimes an advantage play is a disadvantage for someone or something else.

If a business practice is an advantage play, or even if it’s going too well, it’s not uncommon for that business to shut it down. Sometimes, there’s also a time limit on how long it lasts, making it more of a promotion than a business practice.

Because individual advantage plays stop working eventually, successful aps keep working on the next advantage play. For aps, figuring out advantage plays is a never-ending process.

But, as with most situations, there’s an advantage play for this, too. Some advantage plays go unnoticed because they are not dramatic. Any disadvantage to the casino is so small that it goes unnoticed.

Put another way the weakest advantage plays last the longest. One massive jackpot would be wonderful, but does it matter if it takes a year or two to make the same gaming profit at a much less noticeable level? Being less noticeable now is better for future advantage plays.

Some advantage plays are a change in perspective. Casino operators see a reduced workforce and daily performance metrics as their advantage play. That some modern aps, such as myself, have turned those business practices on their head doesn’t matter.

As I’ve previously mentioned, advantage players consider the time and cost of an advantage play versus its potential profit. As advantage players, casino operators make these same calculations with their millions or billions of dollars in gaming revenue.

As with card-counting, casinos adapted to players using that advantage play. In return, card counters wore disguises. Then casinos added more decks. Players figured out the math for using packs of decks.

And so it went, back and forth, until we now have casino surveillance of card games pattern recognition, automatic shufflers of a large number of decks, or even infinite decks,

Slot machine advantage plays, although more secretive, have already had to deal with counter-responses from casinos. While casinos had good business reasons to switch over from coins to ticket-in, ticket-out readers, doing so had a major impact on coin drop sequence advantage plays, whether they were effective advantage plays or not.

Modern slot machine advantage plays which currently work will stop working because casinos will develop counter-measures or change their business practices for some other reason. They do that, you know.

I’ve seen this happen. For me, some significant advantage plays went away after nine months. But I responded by figuring out the next advantage play. That’s what all aps, modern or not, do.

And maybe the new slot machine advantage plays I’ve figured out and used successfully, my winning slots strategies, will work at other casinos for you. I’m sharing them for two reasons. First, I have a (well-paid aerospace engineering) day job, which prevents me from using my winning strategies elsewhere, outside of an occasional weekend getaway.

Second, I’m doing that thing which aps do. I’ve determined that it is an advantage play to share this information with you. With enough time and effort, there is a potential profit in serving a community of slots players. I hope so, anyway. I’ve got massive student loans to pay.

Summary of understanding advantage play slots

Advantage plays have always been a bit mysterious because sharing them is counter-productive to winning at slots when using them. But sharing is caring, so I’ve written this article on understanding advantage play slots from a modern-day perspective.

Top 5 online casinos

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How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
(65 votes, average: 4.57 out of 5)
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

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How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
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How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

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How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
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How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

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How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
(48 votes, average: 3.88 out of 5)
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

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How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.
(58 votes, average: 4.21 out of 5)
How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

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Online casino news

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How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

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How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

Helpful tips for playing slot machines

The slot machines are, without a doubt the most exciting and vibrant of the games available at casinos, in the real and the virtual world. There are hundreds of different slot machines available in various casinos promising a night of fun and excitement. This article helps you to become a pro in playing the slot machines by providing you with a few tips to achieve the same.


In order to increase the probability of you winning the desired combination while playing the slot machines, go for the slots with higher denomination. Another significant incentive in choosing slot machines with higher denomination while playing is that the payouts that you receive the game will also be very higher. The higher you bet, the higher your payouts will be.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.


Betting the maximum will help you increase the probability of you hitting the jackpot. The more you bet, the more will be the number of lines that you will get to play and experiment your luck with. Many critical attributes of the slot machine that will double up your payouts like in-game bonuses and progressive jackpots are only activated if you increase you’re your bet thereby increasing your line ups.


The more complicated your game is, the lesser is the chance of you hitting the jackpot. Even if you keep a proper check on the progressive jackpot and in-game bonuses which are a common attribute of the complicated slot games, the chances of you winning it very low. Try to go for simple games and try your luck in that. Know the features, and it will be easier to get your head around the hacks of more straightforward games. But keep the above features in mind while playing the game.


It is always wise to make bigger bets on games that you have already tried out instead of betting on games that you have never tested your luck in. The fact that you are familiar to the game will give you confidence and an upper hand in the game. Playing the games you have played before will also help you analyze the game and slowly you can see the loopholes. This advantage can help you create strategies to beat the game and go back home, winning a jackpot.


Please do not keep a notion in head that due payouts exist because they don’t. The outcome of each spin is entirely random and predicting that the next due spin is a win is a wrong notion to have.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

How to win at slot? Try these slot tips that really work


Casinos are just like any other business that tries to draw in more and more customers. They do not want their customers to leave the casinos. They want them to remain loyal and keep playing. In order to do that the casinos have a lot of tricks up their sleeve and one of the many methods of the sort is no deposit bonus codes. No deposit bonus codes are in short just the free money that the casinos give away to the customers to make them stay. Availing no deposit bonus codes will help you play the slots for free but at the same time win some real payouts.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.


Try a hand at online gambling slots available from different countries. Some cities and states may not offer to let you play the slots for free. At times certain states may even forbid you from playing, but the other side to it is that there are states that provide insane payouts and in-game bonuses. The united states of america is one such country which offers excellent slot deals along with fantastic payouts that you cannot say no to. So keep expanding your horizon on the lookout for slot machines and keep experimenting.


Loose slot machines are slot machines that are half broken or are machines with defects. These defects might be due to many factors like old sprocket and other mechanical errors. The highlight of choosing to play in such slot machines is that they have a higher chance of winning the game. The mechanical troubles with the slot machine will work in your favour and end up in making the device lost.

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.


Make sure that you research the slot machine that you are about to play so that you can get to create strategies and tactics to help you get your head around the game. Ask around about the winning probability of the game. If the reviews suggest that the slot machine has not had a winner in a long haul, then it is for the best to stay away from that particular slot machine as the odds suggest that it is tough to win.


Use and hold on to the principle of “bet max”. What this principle says is rather simple. What you need to do is to make maximum bets so that the lines that you get will be more. This, in turn, will assure a higher probability of you winning at the slot. The payout percentage will also increase accordingly.

Casino slot loopholes

The fine print: the following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.

Double standard ( score: 5, interesting)

I suppose the most glaring issue here is the double standard that software errors can be legally taken advantage of by the casinos, while they are illegal to take advantage of by the gambler. (or at least that looks like how the recent verdicts have been swinging)

Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

The house always wins. Duh!

Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

"grasshopper always wrong in argument with chicken."

Re:double standard ( score: 5, informative)

Not far off the mark, really.

There was a case of someone winning a jackpot a while back and the casino claiming the jackpot was a "software error" after the fact. Denver post article [denverpost.Com]. As the article shows, such "errors" are relatively common.

And of course, the casinos always reserve the right to claim someone is "cheating" or simply "winning too much", or "card counting", and pull all sorts of nasty tricks.

Also remember: in a gambling town, the cops and judges aren't paid by the local government. They're paid by the casinos. Period.

Re: ( score: 3)

Yeah, in a case like that I can see getting pretty ticked off that there wasn't a payout. If the machine says jackpot! Then coming along and saying "oops" is bullshit unless the machine was tinkered with. If you figure out a way to get the machine to payout that doesn't require twiddling it's guts then bully for you - you win. But this guy? This guy and his friends I'm not so sympathetic with.

Re:double standard ( score: 5, informative)

There was a case of someone winning a jackpot a while back and the casino claiming the jackpot was a "software error" after the fact.

Like everyone else, I read about such things with outrage until I actually RTFA. The jackpot she hit was about 100x higher than the maximum the machine was ever supposed to give, so it WAS an error, and obviously so.

Re:double standard ( score: 4, insightful)

There was a case of someone winning a jackpot a while back and the casino claiming the jackpot was a "software error" after the fact.

Like everyone else, I read about such things with outrage until I actually RTFA. The jackpot she hit was about 100x higher than the maximum the machine was ever supposed to give, so it WAS an error, and obviously so.

Perhaps the owners of said casino should not buy into new technology in a mad dash to control the odds and make more money. Life isn't fair.

The casino is well within it's rights to stop purchasing the faulty equipment-- they are perhaps, though not definitely, within their rights to sue the makers of the machine as it did not perform as advertised and caused severe damages. They are not within their rights to sue or criminally charge consumers.

Think of this happening in another industry. I buy a snack machine, it is defective and gives out two snacks per purchase. Do I arrest the individual who paid for one snack and accidentally got two? How about I buy a defective cash register that gives back too much change, do I arrest my customers for stealing money, or do I go after the manufacturer who made a faulty product? A gas station incorrectly updates the cost of premium gas at 1.00 off (actually happened at one my old jobs), do we arrest people for "stealing" gas, or do we reprimand the employee for setting the price wrong?

Life isn't fair, and as a business owner, sometimes you get bad product, bad service, bad employees. For better or worse, unless in extreme circumstances, I don't see how you can take this out on the consumer. In the case at hand, they didn't even do anything explicitly wrong-- they asked for features, features that are offered by the casino to high rollers, to be enabled. They didn't "hack" into the machine, they didn't slip anyone money to enable "illegal modes" they simply asked to turn on modes freely offered by the casino's through their technicians.

Compounding the problem, of course, is that the gambling industry is notoriously lucrative, and routinely ejects people for no other reason than "winning too much". In the previous example of the gas station, no less than three customers within a few minutes told me of the problem and I was able to correct it. They realized that a mistake had been made, and, though legally in the right, decided to do the "right thing" and let me know a mistake had been made. Casino's treat customers, as demonstrated by this case, like criminals-- despite the fact that they themselves actively try to make the odds worse and worse to make more and more money in an already extremely profitable business. Few people feel ethically inclined to take their side when they find a way to actually "beat the system".

Re: ( score: 3, informative)

To be fair, the gentleman in question was asking technicians to enable an option that allowed him to get the software-glitch jackpot. This wasn't just a case of a casino not wanting to make a big payout, but active, well-planned attempts to exploit a software flaw.

Re:double standard ( score: 5, interesting)

TFA says that this is apparently not uncommon for people who shovel a lot of money into slots. Changing things like the screen brightness or volume is common. In this case there was a bonus doubling feature that is usually turned off because gamblers don't like it. They don't want double-or-nothing risks, they like to play the shorter odds. It is simply an optional feature that happened to be exploitable. I don't see any difference between that and finding an exploit in one of the default features.

Bottom line is that the code was buggy and he found a way to turn it to his advantage. There is no suggestion that the technician did anything wrong by enabling this feature or that it is a particularly unusual thing to do.

Re:double standard ( score: 4, interesting)

Re:double standard ( score: 4, insightful)

Sure. As long as they don't deny the player the winnings he already got.

Re: ( score: 3)

You have taken the wrong-coloured pill.

Government, in the form it takes in "modern, western economies" is merely the "rent-a-cop" for enforcement of business wishes. It is also the convenient foil, used by these oligarchal and meta-legal plutocrats, to misdirect blame and frustration of the populace - who are trained to see government as the cause of their oppressions, not the instrument used by their oppressor.

Re:double standard ( score: 5, interesting)

Last year I joined (and left) a major manufacturer of slot machines. I was hired as R&D manager and I was absolutely terrified when I saw how things were done. No good software development practices, their concept of version management was dumping source on a network share, the previous manager was the only one using a VCS and was for his private use, and the code was absolutely disappointing to say the least. The bad practices were so deeply marked on them that things were taken to a new facility, with an entire new team that I personally interviewed and trained them from the start, people that still didn't have any of the bad habits the old team had. Eventually I left because whoever was above me was far worse and I soon realized the company was off to die, because top level management were the ones that messed up in the first place and were about to destroy the company by killing all R&D and training and having the new team do sustained engineering on the bad code produced by the old team. This is the state of the gambling industry.

Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

Why aren't you telling the gaming commission about this?

Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

Re: ( score: 3)

Re: ( score: 3)

IIRC, it's using some sort of devise to help count that's illegal.

Other than your brain, of course.

Counting cards is not illegal ( score: 3)

It can get you banned from casinos but the police couldn't care less. It's just that the casinos have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

Re:double standard ( score: 5, informative)

Re:double standard ( score: 5, interesting)

1) what gaming commission? The company is spread around the world, with the first team of programmers being in a country one ocean away from the second, that was set up in my country. And in my country we couldn't even sell or explore the machines, just develop them.

2) don't forget that before machines can operate in a particular country they have to pass the analysis of that country's gambling commissions or certification companies and they must have access to the entire process, including source code. For some reason, this particular company didn't have a single machine in the USA for several years.

3) what the hell would I say? "hey, the company that hired me to save it from itself had bad practices before I joined it"?

Re:double standard ( score: 4, insightful)

2) for some reason, this particular company didn't have a single machine in the USA for several years.

Apparently they don't do business in nevada, and they don't care.

Re:double standard ( score: 4, interesting)

Re:double standard ( score: 5, funny)

Re:double standard ( score: 4, interesting)

Ast year I joined (and left) a major manufacturer of slot machines. I was hired as R&D manager and I was absolutely terrified when I saw how things were done. No good software development practices, their concept of version management was dumping source on a network share, the previous manager was the only one using a VCS and was for his private use, and the code was absolutely disappointing to say the least. The bad practices were so deeply marked on them that things were taken to a new facility, with an entire new team that I personally interviewed and trained them from the start, people that still didn't have any of the bad habits the old team had. Eventually I left because whoever was above me was far worse and I soon realized the company was off to die, because top level management were the ones that messed up in the first place and were about to destroy the company by killing all R&D and training and having the new team do sustained engineering on the bad code produced by the old team. This is the state of the gambling industry.

I was once hired to write a VR casino game. Pretty cool actually, shame it was never commercially released.

Anyway, the point is that they wanted it guaranteed rigged so even things which appeared to have a certain percentage chance of happening (say 25%) would be indeed 25% until the last piece would cause a win, in which case it wouldn't win except on an exceedingly diminutive chance.

I found a bug in it that would essentially let you 'spin the slots' as fast as the frame rate of the world, and seriously debated not fixing it in case the game ever was released. Damn morals - I fixed it. =)

Re: ( score: 3)

Actually, things are quite not like that. Law says that companies are expected to be compliant to standards and pass the certification tests before putting the machines on the market. The story just goes against the basic law of the gambling industry which is that the player's winnings have to be protected above all else. That's why even for the hardware, there is specialized hardware that has to conform to certain rules, such as including on board IO for buttons and lights, NVRAM to hold the game data so,

Re:double standard ( score: 5, informative)

Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

George carlin later apologized, but I think it's one of the cases where "truth hurts".

People who go to las vegas, you've got to question their fucking intellect to start with. Traveling hundreds and thousands of miles to essentially give your money to a large corporation is kind of fucking moronic. That's what I'm always getting here is these kind of fucking people with very limited intellects.

Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

Going to vegas is a great vacation. Everything there is rigged to be fun and distracting, you'll never be bored, there are great shows.

As long as you don't gamble. If you don't gamble, half the stuff you do is be subsided by idiots who are gambling.

That $50 dollar hotel rooms? Cheaper than roadside motels in the middle of nowhere? They're expecting you to spend $50 bucks a day in the casino.

That $50 show you want to see? Really costs $80 dollars, but on average people spend $30 dollars waiting for the show to start in the casino.

Hell, that's why so many conferences are there. The space is cheap, because they expect to make a huge amount of money fleecing the idiotic convention-goers.

Seriously, vegas is a great place to go and vacation on the backs of gamblers.

Re:double standard ( score: 5, informative)

In fact george is immune to everything you mentioned and virtually everything else now, save decomposition. The boy has passed from this mortal coil. By the way, if you actually do research about the man, you'll find that even though he was a thoroughly human, human being, and subject to his fair share of faults, george was one of the most intelligent, hard working, eclectic, and ethically scrupulous people walking the planet, and had no trouble publicly pointing out where he'd been at fault or error. I love what he said about "political jokes".

To paraphase; "I don't do political jokes. It's not like politicians fall out of a rift in the universe from a parallel dimension. Where do you get greedy, corrupt, stupid politicians? You get them from a greedy, corrupt, stupid society which rewards greed, corruption, and stupidity. What's to joke about?"

Re: ( score: 3)

Oops. I started to change my comment about him to the past tense but hit submit before I'd completed the mission.

As for his take on political jokes, he forgot that it's the job of a famous comedian to hold the society and its government up to ridicule, to make plain the truths about its hypocrisies (much of humor comes from unlocking a truth many subconsciously suspect everyone knows; laughing is a means of communicating your concurrence to the rest of the audience).

Just so you don't mistake me, I've alway

Re:double standard ( score: 5, funny)

If you like slot machines you should get into factory work. You can do the same menial task over and over and actually get paid to it!

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Re:double standard ( score: 4, insightful)

The whole gambling industry (including lotteries) is nothing more than a system of wealth redistribution. The rich love casinos (if they own the place) because it makes money for them and the government loves casinos because it means more tax revenue. Everyone else loses.

It's only a loss if you ignore the entertainment value. My friends who go to las vegas do so mostly because it lets them get a weekend's entertainment fairly cheaply (if you're into the sorts of things vegas offers).

If you ignoring the entertainment value and looking strictly at what material goods or enhanced capability you've acquired for your money spent, then amusement parks, movie theaters, cable TV, computer games, plays, vacation travel, hiking trips, beach trips, etc. Are all "losses". You could claim that the people running all those industries have simply created a system of wealth redistribution.

Yes, it's extraordinarily bad for a subset of people who have a gambling problem. But the same is true for nearly any activity.

Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

I'd say the most glaring issue is that this article appears right above one about hackers manipulating the stock market. Since we all seem to be gambling, any bets on which "hacker" will see jail time?

Not just a s/w error ( score: 5, informative)

The men persuaded casino technicians to alter "soft" options on the machines, such as volume and screen brightness controls.

It appears that their scheme went far beyond exploiting a s/w error in a 'deniable' fashion (anyone could have pushed that combination of buttons by chance) when they had technicians reconfigure the machines.

IANAL, but one problem in obtaining any sort of criminal conviction is that of proving intent. Had the button combination been pushed with nothing else going on, there could have been some question. But once they solicited help from the casino techs, the jig was up.

Re:not just a s/w error ( score: 4, insightful)

He could argue that he liked that level of brightness and volume, something that is not uncommon among high rollers according to TFA.

Re:not just a s/w error ( score: 5, informative)

The pair, according to police, had knowledge of a software glitch in one of the high-bet slot machines. In order to expose the glitch, a special "double-up" feature had to be internally activated. The men persuaded casino technicians to alter "soft" options on the machines, such as volume and screen brightness controls. Such perks aren't unusual for high-rollers, who can wager anywhere from a few hundred to thousands of dollars in one day.

One meadows employee, who was not criminally charged or accused of wrongdoing, agreed to enable the double-up feature on the machine with the glitch.

Normally, such a feature would allow a player to risk doubling his winnings or potentially losing them all. The double-up feature isn't usually enabled on the machines in part because it's unpopular with most gamblers, who are unwilling to risk large amounts of money.

Read the story and you'll see that there's a lot more to it then just his preferences. For instance he was using a third-party to cash in winnings that he knew would raise eyebrows.

Re:not just a s/w error ( score: 5, insightful)

This does add another layer, but I'm still not too sure.

I mean, so he got some technicians to enable a feature that is disabled because most gamblers do not like it.

Then he won enough and had someone else cash it out because he knew that it would raise eyebrows. That just seems like an intelligent move.

The casino's got to audit the code, so did the gaming commission. Maybe they should have better audits rather than rubber stamps? Because it sounds like some guy did a better audit than them and used it to gain an edge usually reserved for the house.

Now if he planted the bug, or paid someone to or whatever, then there's crime here. But otherwise, I'm not seeing it.

Groups track roulette tables religiously in order to find ones that have an players edge if certain numbers are played, and that is legal. Casino's swap the tables overnight retire popular ones, conceal, etc. In this case, the casino's jsut need to audit the code a bit better.

Re: ( score: 3)

So he asked for and was given a couple adjustments to the machine, what is the problem?

Had the casino not liked his request they could have denied it.

Re: ( score: 3)

You're dealing with people that will accuse you of being a cheat or blacklist you for no other reason than being too successful.

Of course they used a mule.

The fact that they could dupe the staff into triggering the bug is interesting. Dunno if I buy into the "innocent employee" routine though.

Although there are effective enough ways at getting at the truth there.

Re: ( score: 3)

No, they found a set of buttons that could improve their odds. All gamblers strive for ways to improve their odds. Finding a way to play a game that improves your odds is not fraud, tampering with the machine or using slugs instead of coins is fraud. The house made a bet and now wants out of it.

Re: ( score: 3)

If you actually RTFA, in all fairness, what they are accusing the man of IS cracking with the help of social engineering. This isn't some "tap the side of the box three times and put in two coins" trick, it requires getting an employee to open the machine, set an option that is usually NOT set, then using a precise set of button pushes, it creates a FALSE jackpot, which might have been put there for testing or display only, as the machine doesn't record it as a jackpot at all. The guy didn't even put a co

Re: ( score: 3, insightful)

YOU'RE going to be paying for his trial and incarceration, because he made use of software errors to profit from a company which profits from other people's gambling. Why? Isn't this the free market at work? If it's a problem, then fix the machines. Or. Don't fix them - I don't give a shit how much money you lose from using shitty software. Good luck to him; he may have broken the law, but he's done nothing wrong.

Re:double standard ( score: 4, insightful)

Even if you have an unlocked door, it's still illegal to break into a person's house. This is completely different - the man paid for the right to interact with the machines, and he interacted with the machines. He did not take a hammer and break the machine, he played the game according to the rules that the machine enforced. The fact that the casino screwed up and made the rules have a loophole in them changes nothing.

Re: ( score: 3)

Don't get me wrong, the slot machine makers need to do better, but that doesn't change the fact that he was cheating and knew it.

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Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

He used the interface of the machine as intentionally designed, configured willingly by casino staff. No trick coins, no bump keys, no insertion of a backdoor (that's still up in the air) into the code.

These machines are intentionally set up to pay out anywhere from 85-93% of what they take in, just raking in cash by being there. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Sorry, but it's just not the same thing as a locked door. The intent of a locked door is clear, to signal ownership and provide moderate (not really) protection. The intent of a slot machine is also clear, to engage in a pseudo-random game of chance, biased typically toward the owner of the machine. He engaged in that game and won. If you knew that a roulette table hit a particular number commonly enough to make the odds worth it, you'd play that table. It's up to the casinos and manufacturers to make sure that the games that they've rigged in their favor actually remain so.

Re: ( score: 3)

The machines are under the control of the casino. Any bugs in them are the casino's responsibility.

Re: ( score: 3)

That's the dumbest analogy I've ever read.

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Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

This is a straw-man argument. It isn't against the law to distract somebody from the fact that they're losing their shorts. As long as they're losing their shorts legally. The only real question here is whether exploiting this error was illegal or not.

Let me give you a real-world example: teams of people in the past have used statistical methods to determine that certain roulette wheels had minute flaws that caused them to pay out slightly more on some bets than others. Then they alternated the players to distract from the fact that they were making good winnings. They were exploiting a flaw in the system. But they were doing so legally. So when some of them got noticed, they could not be prosecuted for "conspiracy", because they weren't doing anything illegal.

In the same way, the only question here is whether exploiting this flaw in the system is illegal. If not, then there was no "con" or "conspiracy". And I argue that there is no basis for calling it illegal. A flaw is a flaw, and it's the responsibility of the makers.

Re:double standard ( score: 5, insightful)

Damn right. Or at least, if it IS illegal to distract someone from the fact that they're losing their shorts, I expect a lot of casino orders to either get rid of the flashy lights and the whirring and beeping sounds and the complimentary cocktails and the dancing girls, or do jailtime. There's a reason every casino has all that crap in it - to keep you from realizing that all you're doing is pouring money into a vending machine that doesn't actually vend anything.

Re: ( score: 3)

The high rollers still get all sorts of free crap.

LOL! My guess is that the high rollers are actually paying for all the free crap. Do you honestly think the casinos are going to be encouraging the big players to come to their casinos if they're winning? Sheeez!

Actually, while I have your attention, I've got this old bridge in london I'm trying to sell.

Re:I think this probably ought to be illegal ( score: 5, insightful)

No, he used the interface provided by the device as designed. That the device is faulty is the casino's problem, not his. How did he forge anything at all?

Re:I think this probably ought to be illegal ( score: 5, interesting)

"as designed?" we're clearly dicussing an exploit. Nobody designs slot machines and deliberately inserts autowin codes. He used the device "as is" in a way that clearly violated the anticipated design of the machine.

What makes it a forgery [lectlaw.Com] is this: the machine claimed he won. He did, in fact, not win. He forced the machine to incorrectly indicate that the casino owed him money. This is not exactly a "written" instrument, but it's close enough: the machine's "you have won!" display functions equivalently to a document purporting to entitle him to a large amount of cash. But it was not produced as a result of a legitimate game of chance, which is what the machine is supposed to do. Instead it was produced as a result of deliberately triggering a malfunction, which was then misrepresented as legitimate.

When he claimed the jackpot, he presented the printout, the winning screen on the slot machine, whatever as proof that he had won the game of chance. Playing the slots at the casino is effectively entering into a contract with the casino: play this game of chance according to the rules, and if you win, we will pay you according to the reward schedule. He didn't play according to the rules, instead, he misused casino property to made it appear as if he had. As I see it, that definitely falls under 'the fraudulent making and alteration of a writing to the prejudice of another man's right.'

Re:I think this probably ought to be illegal ( score: 5, informative)

Slot machines are not a legitimate game of chance though. If you examine the disassembled code you can see that supposedly random outcomes are actually decided by the code to keep the player feeling like they might win.

What's next? ( score: 4, insightful)

Re:what's next? ( score: 5, informative)

The only way to win is to not play.

Re:what's next? ( score: 4, insightful)

If you had some inside knowledge of how the lotto numbers were picked, yes.

They're charging him with fraud. It remains to be shown how he got knowledge of the glitch, and if he merely exploited a pattern he was able to observe, that charge may well not stick. But if he hacked the machines to gain information he wasn't supposed to have, it sounds like fraud to me, whether it was the lotto machine or a slot machine.

Re: ( score: 3)

If he hacked a machine he owned or had access to, what does it matter if the manufacturer intended him to be aware of the glitches or not? As far as I know it's not illegal to have insider knowledge unless the law expressly forbids it, and in this case I'm not sure the law does. The glitch in the slot machine software/firmware was certainly not a way the mfg or casino intended for users to interact with their machines, but so what? I think proving fraud may be difficult for federal authorities unless the me

Re:what's next? ( score: 5, informative)

Well it's a LITTLE more complicated than that. FTFA:

In order to expose the glitch, a special "double-up" feature had to be internally activated. The men persuaded casino technicians to alter "soft" options on the machines, such as volume and screen brightness controls. Such perks aren't unusual for high-rollers, who can wager anywhere from a few hundred to thousands of dollars in one day.

One meadows employee, who was not criminally charged or accused of wrongdoing, agreed to enable the double-up feature on the machine with the glitch.

Normally, such a feature would allow a player to risk doubling his winnings or potentially losing them all. The double-up feature isn't usually enabled on the machines in part because it's unpopular with most gamblers, who are unwilling to risk large amounts of money.

When the correct sequence of buttons was pushed, the machine displayed false double jackpots. No casino officials noticed because the bogus jackpots weren't being recorded in the machine's internal system.

Throughout april 2009, mr. Kane frequented las vegas casinos, practicing his technique in a "test run," according to authorities, before calling his friend mr. Nestor in pennsylvania.

From may 1 to june 15 in 2009, agents said mr. Nestor joined mr. Kane in las vegas, where the duo allegedly cashed in phony jackpots "over and over again" and perfected a scheme to exploit the same glitch in casinos across the world.

So they noticed a glitch in the system - one that allowed them to get a jackpot without it being reported or investigated. They then went worldwide with this to get as much money as they could before getting caught.

Now, don't get me wrong, a bug in the system shouldn't be the fault of the player, and definately shouldn't result in criminal charges, I'd even say taking back the winnings is a bit harsh though it depends on the scenario (obviously guys exploiting a flaw should give back all the money, a person experiencing the glitch once shouldn't have to give any of it back).

But claiming that they are completely innocent in this scheme sets a bad precedent. Oh, this website didn't secure their logins for SQL injection, it's not MY fault the series of buttons I pressed resulted in me accessing their database records. Oh, metasploit showed me a new microsoft zero day exploit, its not MY fault I got admin access to the webserver by simply pressing the correct keys!

TL;DR - just because the casino claims that the player won by a glitch doesn't mean the casino is evil and the player is being ripped off. Yeah, it's not their fault there is a glitch, but if the player repeatedly exploits it instead of reporting it, you have to expect some sort of consequences.

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The difference being that winning jackpots isn't illegal like the other practices you mention. I've also got a bit of an issue with "false jackpots". I've unfortunately never encountered one, and I'll be damned if I am going to use that term *ever*.

Re:what's next? ( score: 5, insightful)

While I agree with part of what you are saying, on the other hand we should be careful not to reward shitty design by making it criminal to exploit it. I mean look at DMCA where ANY encryption, even something as lame and completely bogus as ROT13 could possibly get you busted for "circumventing" it. Or that guy being sued for accessing the hockey game even though they put it on a server with NO authentication methods that would let anyone that knew or found the IP address to help themselves.

And finally let us not forget this is casinos we are talking about, places where the odds are so badly stacked against the player that if anyone that didn't have the blessing of the state tried to set up a similar gaming operation they would be busted for fraud, and rightly so. The last thing we need is to give them an excuse to not to have to pay out what little they do pay without having to go through a bunch of legal hoops. After all as another poster pointed out that actually worked on slot machine code all the code is shitty so one could argue that ANY significant payout could be attributed to "software glitch" and with piss poor badly managed code that would be a legitimate argument.

The odds are already so badly stacked on most of them games you'd have better odds at 3 card monty, so I'm just worried about setting a precedent that gives them even BETTER than the already overwhelming advantage they already have. Hell I'd already argue most of those games are legalized robbery, do we really need to let them slide for not bothering to have decent code written as well?

Re:what's next? ( score: 5, insightful)

Oh yeah - I don't have any sympathy for the casinos they've always been stealing for as long as they've been around.

But two wrongs don't make a right, stealing from a casino does not make you a good guy (despite how much you may like ocean's 11).

And making these guys sound like victims is more whats bothering me. They clearly played it like con-men what with getting casino technicians to alter the machines.

Re: ( score: 3)

Which AFAIK is fraud, plain and simple.

How is that 'fraud'? You press buttons on a slot machine and money comes out. Where does the fraud come in?

Lots of news stories of winnings denied, too ( score: 2)

"oh, geez, I'm sorry, but the back-room monitor says the payout is disallowed, the machine is wrong. Please come with us and we'll count the money we need back."

Happens often enough. There is a reason the casinos are palaces and the players live in single-wides.

Re:lots of news stories of winnings denied, too ( score: 5, interesting)

So if it's an exploit. ( score: 2)

"and if you find an error that you can exploit, you may find yourself facing federal charges for doing so"

If it's an exploit maybe you shouldn't be doing it.

Re: ( score: 3, insightful)

Aren't casinos exploiting humans? Isn't this worse?

Re: ( score: 3, insightful)

The casinos are helping evolve our race against addictability. In the long run it will be impossible for a casino to operate profitably, and that will be a good thing for humanity.

Re: ( score: 3, insightful)

How do you define 'exploit'? People playing slot machines often try to see patterns. If a particular sequence lets them win once, they may try it again. If it lets them win every time they play it, then they'll keep using it. How are they supposed to know that the sequence lets them win because of a software error, rather than because of a particular intended behaviour? Or, for that matter, that it always lets the player win, rather than just happening to let them win when they try it because of a coin

Idiotic summary ( score: 4, informative)

The lesson here seems to be that casinos can deny you a slot machine win any time they wish by claiming software errors

This idiotic assertion does not seem to be supported by the facts of the case.

Re:idiotic summary ( score: 5, interesting)

The lesson here seems to be that casinos can deny you a slot machine win any time they wish by claiming software errors

This idiotic assertion does not seem to be supported by the facts of the case.

It's not an idiotic assertion in that it's true in general (all casinos have a clause like "payouts only after verification"), but it is a bit of a non-sequitor.

Basically, anytime the slot machine gives the jackpot, that machine is usually immediately taken offline and wheeled back for verification of the win. Of course, you're not allowed to see this, you only hope they're doing things like comparing the software against the government-escrowed copy (yes, the government maintains a copy of the software) and verifying the settings. Networked jackpots often have to confirm with the network operators in making sure the server actually sent the "win" command to the slot (networked jackpots are determined by the central server when you pull). At any point the casino can simply turn around and say "sorry, it was a glitch" and deny your jackpot. It's happened before.

Re: ( score: 3)

I don't think the poster RTA

Duh? That's the slashdot way.

Re:idiotic summary ( score: 4, informative)

I surmise that the slot machines, or at least progressive (and networked) slot machines, are deterministic to a point. The house knows about when the jackpot will be paid out and where. They're not totally random, and they do want to not pay off several huge jackpots in a short span of time.

Nope, not the case, because that WOULD be illegal. Every single roll of the random number generator must legally be "random" (or as pseudo-random as random number generators are capable of getting), which basically means every spin has to have the exact same 1 in whatever chance of hitting the jackpot.

The "joy" of these progressive machines though is simply. The house always wins, even if they had a sudden rash of wins in a short period of time, because the jackpot re-seeds at some arbitrairly low-ish number, not at the same amount as was just paid out. The permutations and house edge % programmed into the payout tables for the RNG take care of generating re-seed money.

Basically, the algorithms are all in place, and all this is stitistically accounted for. The principle of gambling is that in the short term, every game/slot machine/etc has a chance of you hitting a jackpot, and/or winning some money, over losing. In a small number of trials, any statistically improbable event can happen. In the long term (millions and millians of trials) the house takes anywhere from 1 to 20% per trial.

So, to be clear. ( score: 5, insightful)

Casinos exploiting human failings to make millions and millions of dollars is legal. People exploiting casino failings to make millions and millions of dollars is illegal.

Re:so, to be clear. ( score: 5, insightful)

Job vacancy for large pokie company. ( score: 4, interesting)

I read a job app a few years ago for the dominant "pokie machine" developer in my state. Reading the requirements was a bit of an insight into the sort of thing these people do:

- high level mathematical modelling
- statistical analysis
- ability to develop for a statewide networked system. The house always wins indeed. Spread enough bell curves around enough machines and they'll all seem exactly within an arbitrary margin of error while overall they're heavily stacked.

I hope this poor bastard wins his case.

Insider information ( score: 5, interesting)

To distill the article, those machines have some software options, such as volume, screen brightness, and some game options, such as whether or not a double-up feature was enabled.

Somehow the guy knew that if the double-up feature was enabled a software flaw would be exposed, whereby a certain sequence of button presses would trigger a jackpot (and the jackpot would not be recorded in the data log).

The machines did not have double-up enabled by default, so this guy would ask casino techs to mess with settings, like the volume and brightness. While they were changing those settings he also asked to have the double-up enabled, thus "enabling" the bug.

So the glaring question is how did this guy know about the "correct sequence of buttons" and the fact that it specifically had to be enabled via the double-up feature? To me this reeks of a developer slipping in a "glitch" to trigger a jackpot at will, and it was hidden with that double-up feature which they knew was disabled by default to keep the sequence from accidentally being discovered (or found via auditing).

The real criminal is the insider that passed this info along, and presumably maintained anonymity and safety while his patsy actually went around and harvested the winnings, which I'm sure the software developer would receive a share of.

Re:insider information ( score: 4, interesting)

As a youth, I used to play an old game called sundog [wikimedia.Org] on my atari ST. It was a space faring/trading game where part of your objective was to buy/steal/find the resources a new religious colony demanded.

One of the things I discovered were a series of glitches in the game that allowed me to skip the heavy trading of the game and make good money buying and selling 'inventory' items instead.

From memory, a bug in the shopkeeper interactions allowed me to buy the second item in the inventory for the price of the first item. In weapon stores, the first item was always a cheap healing dodad, while the second item was always a fairly hefty priced force shield.

So it started off with me getting cheap 'armor'. On top of this the shields had a set number of hits on them, and the 'glitched' copies, being uninitialized, effectively got an extra 'hit' out of them as the first hit set their 'remaining charges' to the max amount.

At first I used that and the fact that you could carry more than one shield to 'hunt' muggers in the streets, if you wandered around you could get 'lucky' and suddenly find yourself surrounded by a group of people demanding your cash. If you choose to fight and survived, you could loot them for their cash and weapons and then go sell those on the black market in the nearest burger joint. It was 'OK' money, but I then discovered a way to make it even faster.

You see, whenever I attempted to sell one of the 'uninitialized' shields I could never get more than the cost of those cheap health items. And while they sold at 'full' value when once they were initialized, each hit after that first one reduced their value. BUT what I discovered on accident was that you could SHOW the person you were selling to a fully charged 'legit' shield and once you and they were finished on haggling the price, you could give them any shield, regardless of it's remaining charges.

Weapon costs varied planet from planet, so what I'd do is fly to the cheapest planet I could find and fill my ship with 'knockoff' shields, then head for the most expensive planet and reap 100-200% profits.

My point is, I wasn't more than 12 when I found this out, on my own. There wasn't an internet back then, not for the public at least. This sort of glitch doesn't require insider knowledge, just someone with an idea of how these machines work and a willingness/ability to experiment on them.

Of course, that doesn't always pan out. I loved sundog but the thing I remember most about it was that the novella/backstory for it indicated that the whole reason I was doing all this was to clear my dead uncles debts and even indicated specifically how much I owed. The final stage of the game involved an extremely well hidden city on a planet that was only reachable once you purchased top of the line parts for your ship. When I got stumped on that stage (because I didn't even know there WAS a city to find) I decided the final part of the game must be collecting that sum so I could officially pay off his debts. I'm sure you can imagine my frustration when a year later, after having collected what I think was over five times the amount, I finally bumped into the hidden city while exploring and finished the game in less than 10 min after that.

Can’t touch this: real slot machines controlled online

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

Slot machines, the bread and butter of the casino industry, long ago lost their nicknames as “one-armed bandits” when manufacturers did away with the lever gamblers had to pull in order to activate the machine, replacing it with buttons.

Now, people can gamble on a real-life slot machine without touching it at all.

Atlantic city's hard rock casino unveiled slot machines monday that exist inside the casino, but which are entirely activated and played by gamblers over the internet. The casino and its technology partner, softweave ltd., say the 12-machine offering is the first of its kind anywhere. Patrons at the casino can look at the machines through peepholes in a wall of the secure, off-limits room where the machines sit on the second floor, with an array of cameras set in front of them to let players see exactly what is happening with the machine as it is activated.

“the psychology, there are brick-and-mortar players that have a fear of doing things online,” said kresimir spajic, senior vice president of online gaming at hard rock international. “this is helpful in transitioning them into online customers. This is a real, physical machine that they can see, almost like they're sitting in front of it.”

Joe lupo, hard rock's atlantic city president, said the remote-controlled slots are the natural outgrowth of live-dealer tables games that have been growing in popularity in atlantic city over the past six years.

“credibility and transparency have been paramount to seeing online gaming move forward," lupo said. "the difference between seeing a computer image as opposed to the kind of machine that a customer has been playing for years, it may be easier to understand.”

Online or in person, slots work the same way. Their foundation is technology called a random number generator, which does exactly that: comes up with numbers at random. State gambling regulators put the devices through extensive investigation and testing to ensure the integrity of the games.

The new machines at hard rock are no different: they are the same type of machines that exist by the thousands on the casino floor, only they are connected to the internet so that they can be activated online.

Players with a valid internet gambling account with hard rock can access the new machines through the casino's online gambling website. If all 12 machines are occupied by other players, others can join a queue waiting for one of them to become available. While they're waiting, they can still play online slots or table games, lupo said.

Slot machine strategies that actually work

How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

Slot machines account for 70% of all gaming revenue. That means there are a lot of people coming home with empty pockets after visiting the casinos. Slot machines are no longer used to keep the women occupied while the men bet the “real” money on table games. Slot machines now bring in the “real” money, and slot machines are played by both women and men of all ages.

There are no secret tips that can guarantee a person will win on slot machines. Any claims that are made that slot machines can be beat are completely fraudulent. Every slot machine is programmed to payback less than the amount of money it takes in. In other words, if you own a slot machine you are guaranteed to make money. That being said, there are some strategies that can help a player increase their chances of success while playing slot machines. I am going to present to you ten useful strategies and tactics that will improve your play.

Strategy #1- determine your bankroll before you get to the casino

This is the most important tip I can give you. Before you ever sit down to play a slot machine, you should have already determined a fixed amount of money that you are prepared to LOSE. You need to assume you are going to lose all of your money. I am going to go over ways to keep that from happening, but you must be fully prepared for the worst case scenario. Make sure you are okay with losing that amount of money, and if you are not, then reduce the amount. Do not have access to any other money while you are playing. Use the bankroll that you have, and that is it.

Strategy #2- difference between class II and class III slot machines

One of the hidden secrets in the gaming industry is the use of class II slot machines instead of class III machines.

Class III slot machines are known as “vegas-style” slot machines. They’re the machines that most people think of when they think of a slot machine. However, slot manufacturers have managed to develop class II machines that look and play very much like class III machines.

Why is that a problem? Well, class II machines were developed in states that had laws against the use of slot machines. Many of those same states allowed the game of bingo. Slot experts figured out a way to side-step the law. They developed a slot machine that was based around the game of bingo. The class II machines today look and play almost exactly like a regular slot machine, but internally they are very different.

Any class III slot machine in a regulated gambling jurisdiction must have a random number generator (RNG). The RNG insures that every spin of the slot machine is completely random, or at least as close to random as humanely possible. The specifics of how the program works are unimportant, the important part for the player is to know that each spin of the machine is truly random and not programmed into the machine. Class III machines in regulated jurisdictions such as las vegas and atlantic city are often tested to make sure this holds true.

Class II machines are not completely random. Unfortunately, the exact workings of class II machines are a bit ambiguous and therein lies the problem. Supposedly, the games are based around the game of bingo and you are competing against others in the casino. Each spin represents a numbered ball that corresponds to a board similar to a bingo board. The bottom line is it has already been determined who is going to win. The spins are not random, they are programmed into the machines. You cannot hit the jackpot on every spin of a class II machine, but on class III machines you can. Class III machines provide the security of knowing that every time you push the spin button you have the same chance of hitting the jackpot.

My advice is to make sure any machine you play is a class III machine that works with a random number generator. I would be hesitant to play any class II machines. If you want to learn more about class II and III slot machines, I have written an entire post on this that you can view here at my professional gambling blog.

Strategy #3- casino must be regulated and have independent third-party oversight

This strategy relates to the previous strategy because usually you find class II machines in casinos that are not state regulated. Most class II machines are found on indian gaming reservations where many state regulations do not apply. Most indian casinos are self-regulated by a tribal gaming counsel that is composed of fellow indians. This is not to say that they are unfair, but there needs to be independent third-party oversight with any casino.

For land-based casinos, make sure they are state regulated by some type of gaming commission that answers to the state and the people, not the casinos. For online casinos, there are now independent third-party regulators who test the accuracy of the software that online casinos use to make sure that it is completely random. Whether the casino is on land or on the internet, there needs to be an outside unbiased party that is regulating the casino where you are going to play.

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How an online casino is exploiting a legal loophole to prey on Kiwi gambling addicts, casino slot loopholes.

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So, let's see, what we have: headquartered in a tax haven, jackpotcity is getting around legal restrictions to advertise on television with what critics call a 'trojan horse' – then using aggressive sales tactics to keep vulnerable gamblers hooked. And according to the department of internal affairs, it’s all totally legal. Don at casino slot loopholes
