Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

Gta online casino 4 second method

Online casino sites to play on real money

After years of waiting, rockstar games finally swung open the doors to grand theft auto online’s casino on july 23 - renaming the north vinewood location to the diamond casino and resort. In a discussion on the gtaonline subreddit, a number of users pointed out that the new ‘four-second method’ on the game’s lucky spin wheel will hand over the showcase car that players see when they walk into the casino.

Another GTA online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize

GTA online players have uncovered a brand new glitch in the game’s casino that guarantees the featured supercar.

After years of waiting, rockstar games finally swung open the doors to grand theft auto online’s casino on july 23 - renaming the north vinewood location to the diamond casino and resort.

While the long-awaited addition added a ton of new content like cars, housing, and clothing, it hasn’t been without its problems. Players have reported issues with the casino’s stability and plenty of exploits that allow them to rack up insane amounts of chips and cash. And still, despite patches from rockstar, players have noted a fresh method to guarantee an incredibly expensive car.

In a discussion on the gtaonline subreddit, a number of users pointed out that the new ‘four-second method’ on the game’s lucky spin wheel will hand over the showcase car that players see when they walk into the casino.

Players would need to have a ‘fresh wheel’ - one that has the clothing reward selected - before trying to spin four seconds after the game prompts them to. Other players also noted that there is no necessary power at which players need to spin, but the method “practically guarantees the podium car” if they flick down quickly on the left stick.

While rockstar moved quickly to quell the recent inside track exploit, which pretty much allowed players to control the race, the developers have not yet found a way to stop players from taking unlimited spins on said lucky wheel.

Whether or not they are actively looking into this new glitch or not is unknown, but it is clearly a method that shouldn’t be in GTA V considering these podium cars are not meant to be easily won.

Players who attempt to pull off the strategy should be aware that they could face repercussions in the future if the developers begin clamping down on these exploits.

How to get guaranteed diamonds in GTA online casino heist

The GTA online casino heist now lets players take a shipment of diamonds from the building’s ultra-secure vault, but is there a way to get them in every single robbery? Let’s take a look.

For years, GTA players questioned rockstar about whether or not they would be able to swing open the doors on the casino that sits by the racetrack in north vinewood. In july, the developers finally made it possible with the introduction of the diamond casino and resort.

The gaming paradise has been nothing short of a success for rockstar as it has helped breathe new life into GTA online, with player counts seeing a huge increase. Though, one other question remained – would players be able to rob the casino? The diamond casino heist was then made available in december, but there was one thing missing – the ability to steal diamonds.

Rockstar changed that on february 13, 2020, with the introduction of diamonds as an asset to the heist. To make things better, the spawn rates on the stealable goods were altered, making it easier to get diamonds.

If you’ve never completed the heist before, the first attempt at the heist will see the game nudge towards diamonds being your target instead of the cash, gold, and artwork options. The diamonds are incredibly lucrative if you get alive with them as the biggest payout is over $3 million – though, that will have to be split with your team.

Though, if you have completed the heist before, it is still seemingly possible to get your hands on the mega payout. You just have to start a fresh heist during the valentine’s week event – which runs from february 13 to february 20. After that, there will only be a small chance of getting the diamonds, with some leakers suggesting that it'll be around an 8% chance.

How to get diamonds more than once in GTA online’s casino heist

Just because getting the diamonds for a second time is only a small chance, that doesn't mean that it is impossible.

GTA youtuber mrbossftw showcased a method that can trigger them again, though you will have had to complete the heist one each of the robbery options – stealthy, the big con, and aggressive.

Completing each of these options will give you the chance to cancel a heist by calling lester if you don’t get the vault contents that you’re looking for. It’ll cost you $25,000 each time you cancel because that is the set-up fee, but you can seemingly get diamonds again by re-rolling on what the game might offer up.

Of course, it might be a case of trial and error for you, meaning that it might take a few tries to trigger the diamonds again, but it still possible to grab them a second time.

It is unknown if the percentage chance of grabbing them will shrink even further once the event ends, so it’s probably best to try it before february 20. Anyway, best of luck!

Diamond casino heist - the big con approach full setup & execution guide

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

This guide is a complete walkthrough of the big con approach to the diamond casino heist. Our silent and sneaky guide can be found here and our aggressive approach guide is here. There is also a variant of this approach which uses yung ancestor disguises instead and you can read how to do that here. Make sure you also check out how to unlock the elite hacker avi schwartzman for more time in the vault, our heist payout guide, and also the POI and access point guide.

Having different approaches to the new casino heist is one of the major new features added to GTA online via the DLC. One of the three approaches is called the big con approach (the others being the aggressive and silent and sneaky approaches). As the name suggests, you con your way into and out of the casino using various disguises. Since there are many setup missions and heist prep missions, we will show you the most optimal setup for the big con approach so that you don't have to do all the missions, only the necessary ones, resulting in the most efficient use of your time and the best outcome.

Heist prep missions

First, we will take a look at all the important prep missions you need to do, besides the mandatory prep missions of course. Note that you can do all these heist prep missions either solo orв with your friends. However, doing them with at least one friend will make things much faster and easier for you. Having said that, it is not impossible to do the prep missions on your own. You can also do the prep missions in either public or solo sessions.

Support crew


You do not need to worry about choosing the best gunman for this approach since you won't be getting into combat situations. It will be a simple "in-and-out" approach. You will be using disguises to make your way in and out and shouldn't need any weapons. Therefore, you can choose KARL ABOLAJI who only takes 5% cut. When you choose the weapons, make sure you choose the micro SMG loadout in case the heist doesn't go as planned. Do not choose the shotgun loadout as it does little to no damage.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Karl abolaji on the prep board


You do not need your driver either, since you won't be using the getaway vehicle for this approach. But hiring a driver is mandatory therefore you can choose KARIM DENZ who only takes 5% cut. For the vehicles, in case you decide to use the getaway cars (which you do not need if you're following this guide) you can choose the sentinel classic getaway vehicles. Also, if you do decide to use the vehicles, makes sure you upgrade them to level 3 in the arcade garage, by sitting in the car and upgrading them.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Karim denz on the prep board


Choosing a hacker is the most important thing in this whole prep. You need to make sure you choose the best hacker in the list since the time you get inside the vault is based on the hacker you choose. Choose either PAIGE HARRIS or AVI SCHWARTZMAN if you've unlocked him. If you want to know how to unlock avi schwartzman you can check our full guide here.

If you choose PAIGE, you will get a total of 3 minutes and 15 seconds in the vault and she takes 9% of the cut. If you choose AVI, you will get an extra 15 seconds giving you a total of 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Trust us when we say this, those 15 seconds are a lot when you're emptying the vault. It really helps!

So we recommend AVI if he's unlocked for you, otherwise, go with PAIGE.

When you go for the hacking device, you can expect two different locations where it will be located. The first one requires you to get it from the N.O.O.S.E headquarters, while the second will have you grabbing it from the FIB building.

N.O.O.S.E headquarters mission

For the N.O.O.S.E headquarters mission, you need to go to a specific location, find the corrupt agent, take him out and take the keycard to the N.O.O.S.E headquarters. After that, head to the headquarters, sneak into the building and find the hacking device using your phone. It is pretty simple, just avoid the sight of the guards and walk silently and you should be good to go.

FIB building mission

If you get a mission where you need to go to the FIB building, you will first have to go kill some agents and get the FIB agent pass so you can impersonate that agent. Kill the agents, lose the cop and head to FIB building. Park your vehicle right in front of the entrance as it will be useful later on when you're exiting.

Enter the building and, as always, avoid the cones of visions of other agents, as staying in them for a long time will cause you to expose your self. Keep walking and go to the elevator. After you reach the requisite floor, take your phone out and find the hacking device using the signal strength bar, the same way you did when in N.O.O.S.E headquarters.

Once you have acquired the hacking device, head back outside the same way you came in from. But note that as soon as you reach the exit, the agents will recognize you and start shooting, so make sure you have some snacks and armor. Quickly exit the building and get into your vehicle which you parked right in front of the entrance earlier (you're welcome), lose the cops and deliver the hacking device back to the arcade.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Paige & avi on the prep board

TIP: one important tip we can give is to make sure you have your car parked right outside the door where you enter. As soon as you leave the building the guards will be alerted and you will have a wanted level, so quickly get out of there and lose the cops. If you have an oppressor mark II, then it's even better as you can simply fly out of the area and lose your wanted level easily.

General prep work

There are only two general prep missions you need to do, the rest you can ignore for the big con approach. You can do the DUGGAN SHIPMENT mission that will make the guards in the finale considerably weaker. However, since we are not planning on getting into any combat situations, this mission is not necessary.

Vault keycards

There can be two types of mission to acquire the vault keycards. One requires you to hijack a prison bus and get the keycard from one of the guards at the prison while you impersonate a prison guard. The second mission is fairly simple, you just need to go to two security guards situated at two different locations, kill them and get the cards. One guard will be drunk on the street while the other will be having "a good time" in a motel room. Just make sure that when you are taking them out, you use a suppressed weapon or kill them using a melee weapon to avoid cops.

Getting the vault keycards is the easiest prep mission. All you need to do is hijack a prisoner bus, head to the prison disguised as a prison guard and infiltrate one of the towers in the prison. Once you head inside the marked tower, you will come across a guard, just take out the guard silently and search his body for the keycards. After you've acquired the keycards, you can leave the prison the same way you came in using the prisoner bus and you are done.

Note that there is a faster way to do it as well, but it is not safe and we do not recommend doing it this way. You can go directly to the prison in your own vehicle and head to the tower to get the keycard. However, as you enter the premises, the guards are alerted and the snipers in the prison are very strong. They will annihilate you. Sometimes even one-shot killing you. So if you're not careful and confident about this approach, it is best to play it safe and head in and get the keycard using the prison bus. This method can also work well if you have an oppressor mark II but nonetheless the snipers are still very dangerous.

Patrol routes

This is an optional general prep mission, but it is one of the most important prep missions, especially for the big con approach. If you complete this mission you will be able to see the enemies or guards on your minimap during the heist. If you don't do it, then the guards will not be visible on your map. It is absolutely necessary that you complete it, so you can easily see where the guards are doing the heist when approaching specific areas in stealth mode.

In this mission you need to find a specific car and take a photo of the contents of the trunk. The mission location is always different, but the car is always the same (with the same number plate), so you can never mistake the car for any other once you've identified it. You can either sneak your way to the car or just kill all the guards and approach the car - it is completely up to you. Just make sure when you are going in killing everyone, not to accidentally blow up the target car.

Security pass

You need to acquire a level 2 security pass or else you won't be able to do the mission properly. The security pass mission is also one of the most essential optional missions. If you want to do everything the proper way, then you might as well consider acquiring a level 2 security pass as a mandatory mission.

There are two different types of missions you can be given. One requires you to go to a pool party and get the card from the croupier. The other requires you to get it off of a dead valet's body while you impersonate a coroner officer.

Croupier / party method

For the first type of mission you will be instructed to go to a pool party. Once you reach the party, a suspicion bar, at the bottom right corner of your screen, will become visible. It will gradually increase if you become more noticeable and attract attention, however, you need to blend in and make sure it doesn't rise. You can do different activities such as drinking and dancing to keep the suspicion bar low. Once lester has identified the target, you need to find and search for the keycard on them. They will be passed out and once you search for the keycard you'll discover it's not actually on them. However, it should be laying around somewhere in the area. You need to search for the keycard around the area.

TIP: your suspicion will still increase slightly, but the best way to keep it low is to go to your interaction menu and keep your action to dance, and turn it on permanently. This way you can walk around and search for the card while making sure the suspicion bar is not increasing.

Coroner method

If you get a coroner mission, then you will need to go to the church and steal a hearse. Once you do so the cops will instantly be on you. Once you lose them, head to the coroner's office. You will automatically equip the coroner officer's clothes. Enter the office and proceed to the morgue. Avoid the cops' cones of visions inside the office as much as you can. Once you reach the morgue, search valet's body and get the keycard. Just ensure that no one is watching you while you do so. After that head back the same way you came in, while avoiding the cops. Leave the area to successfully complete the prep mission.

Approach specific prep

Entry disguise

This is important, for entry disguise make sure you choose 'gruppe sechs gear'. When you choose this gear there will be two missions to perform to get the full gear. They will be called part 1 and part 2. In the first part you need to get the gruppe sechs van. When you get to the location of the van it will be locked. You need to take out the mechanic and guards around the van and one of the mechanics will have the key to the van. Search the marked body for the key and get the van. You need to lose the cops after that and get the van back to the arcade.

In the second mission, or part 2, of the gruppe sechs gear you need to go to ginger street. There will be a specific gruppe sechs stockade amongst many others. Take a picture of the license plate of that stockade and then grab the outfits in there and deliver them back to the arcade. Note that the area will be surrounded by guards, so you can do this mission either sneaking, or you can go in guns blazing. It is entirely up to you. There will be two outfits, so as stated earlier, if you have a friend with you, you can complete this mission in one run. But if you are doing this solo, you will need to come back and grab the other outfit.

TIP for part 1: we know that losing cops in the van is difficult so here's a tip for you. Get the van and drive it to the arcade garage. It obviously won't go inside since the cops are on you. But just leave it there and exit the van, then call in your personal vehicle or get any other pedestrian car. After you have the new car just lose the cops and then come back to the van and complete your mission. If you have an oppressor mark II, it makes it even easier, just call it in and get on it. Lose the cops and come back to the arcade to finish the mission.

General TIP: some people are not able to see the 'gruppe sechs gear' option under the entry disguise option on the prep board. In order for that option to appear you need to scope the security tunnel garage door during the casino scope out heist prep mission. The tunnel is to the right of the casino right beside the race track. This sewer tunnel grate is one of the many access points which you can scope out before the heist. Check out our full guide to all of the access points and points of interest.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Security tunnel garage door

Vault drills

This one is a pretty straight forward mission. You simply need to go to the marked location and get the vault drills. You'll face some resistance from cops because the vaults drills are in the possession of some criminals who they happen to be taking on too. You need to take them all out (the cops and the criminals) and get the drills. There will be two drills, so having a friend is recommended. But if you're doing it solo, you can go and get the other drill after dropping the first one off at the arcade.

Exit disguise

This is very important as well. You need to steal the NOOSE outfit if you want to exit the casino without any one noticing or attacking you. Head to the police station and get the NOOSE outfits. There will be two since you'll be carrying out the heist finale with a minimum of two players. You'll also receive a 4 star wanted level once you enter the restricted part of the police station, so be quick about it. Get the outfit and quickly head out, lose the cops and return to the arcade with your NOOSE outfit. You can return back and get the other one as well (or if you're doing it with a friend just do it in one run).

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Heist prep board showing what optional missions are important and what can be skipped

Heist finale

Final prep board

After you're done with all the heist preparation, it is time to carry out the heist. Before we begin with the heist, let's go over the final preparation board.

Entrance:В for entrance you need to choose the SECURITY TUNNEL.

Entry disguise:В your entrance disguise will be GRUPPE SECHS.

Exit:В you need to choose the STAFF LOBBY as your exit.

Exit disguise:В make sure you choose the NOOSE outfit as your exit disguise.

Buyer:В choosing the buyer is completely up to you. However, for better profit, it is recommended that you chose a 'high level' buyer.

Clean vehicle:В you do not need to buy this.

Gunman decoy:В you do not need to buy this.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Final prep board showing the optimal strategy

The big con heist

Now that everything is set and ready, let's move to the heist finale. You may check out our video guide as well.

First, get into the gruppe sechs stockade with your friend and head to the casino as instructed by the game. Then head over to the security tunnel and enter the garage door. Drive ahead and you'll come across the security check point. After a couple of seconds, you'll proceed through and need to park the van in the marked spot.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Road leading to the security tunnel
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
approaching the security tunnel checkpoint

After you've parked your van, it's best to just take the elevator all the way down to the basement. Once you've reached the basement, make sure you do not have any weapons in your hands. So holster your weapon and casually walk towards the vault, passing through the security room. You will come across two keypads which need to be activated by you and your friend simultaneously. Communication between you two is very important. After you activate the keypads at the same time, enter the mantrap leading towards the vault.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Activating the elevator to go to the basement
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
walking towards the security room lobby to go the mantrap door

Once you reach the vault, the guard will open it up, after which you must knock him out. This also signals the beginning of the actual robbery. If you chose PAIGE then you will have 3 minutes and 15 seconds. But if you chose AVI then you will have 3 minutes and 30 seconds to rob the vault. It is absolutely essential that you leave the vault before the timer runs out or else you'll need to fight your way out and the whole 'big con' approach will basically fail. It's good practice is to leave the vault when the timer hits the 30-40 seconds mark. This is much safer.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Guard opening the vault door
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
player knocking the guard out after he opens the vault

When you come across the fingerprint scanners, a good tip to know is that all the scanners will have the same fingerprint pattern. So if you've hacked one then make sure you remember the pattern on the first one, as all the other ones in the vault will have the same pattern. Trust us, this will really make your robbing process much faster. You can take a picture of the pattern on your real-lift phone the first time and then use it to quickly hack the next scanners.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Initiating the fingerprint scanner hack
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
correct pattern for this heist
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
second door fingerprint scanner hack initiation
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
same fingerprint patterns, just a different location

When the timer reaches the 30-40 seconds mark, just leave the vault and head towards the mantrap. Once again, you and your friend need to swipe the cards at the same time. After that just head straight into the security room where you came from and back outside. DO NOT take the elevator. Instead, swipe your keycard on the staircase door and head through the staircase all the way up to the staff lobby area.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Leaving the vault when the timer reaches around 30 second mark
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
heading outside the same way we came in from
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
taking the stairways this time, instead of the elevator

By the time you reach the top all the guards will be alerted and they will be looking for you. Once you are at the top, do not go through the door just yet. A guard will come by the door and then he will return back to the left hand side of the door. As soon as he goes back towards the left side, you and your friend must rush in stealth position through this door and straight through the door to the right. Once you go through this door, again wait here as there will be another guard passing by, as soon as he passes the door and moves to the right, you need to go through the door and take the guard out silently.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
The top of the staircase. Not going through the door.
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
You need to wait for the first guard (the green circle) to turn around so you can exit through the door
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
going through the next door to the right, after the first guard turns around
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
waiting as the second guard passes by the door
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
taking out the second guard silently

Once you've taken the guard out silently, turn around and go down the hallway. Here another guard will be patrolling, wait for him to turn back around, as soon as he turns back around, go to the room where your NOOSE outfits are. You will be able to see the clothes icon on your minimap. It will be the third door down the hallway. The other NOOSE outfit will be in the room next to this one and your friend can get it from there. Once you have the outfits, exit out of the building through the STAFF LOBBY exit door. No guard will attack you now.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Turning around after knocking out the second guard
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
heading inside the room where the NOOSE outfit (green circle) is, while being careful of the patrolling guard (red circle)

Once you're outside, quickly rush to the race track course from the staff lobby exit and stay on the right hand side of the track. Keep running until you come across a small descent to the right (at the end of the right side). After that jump over the fence and head outside. Please note that once you're outside the casino premises, the cops will recognize you and you'll have a 5 star wanted level, so be quick about this! Once you've jumped over the fence, quickly grab any pedestrian car and head into the sewer tunnel which is right beside the road.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Running on the right side of the track
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
at the end of the right side, descending towards the fence (indicated by a red arrow)
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
hijacking a pedestrian car after hopping over the fence

Once inside the tunnel keep driving until you're roughly in the middle of it, and wait for your wanted level to go away. Once the wanted level is gone, keep driving until you come out of the other end and continue to drive to your buyer.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Entering the sewer tunnels right beside the road
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
waiting in the middle of the sewer tunnels for your wanted level to go away
Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
exiting out of the other end of the sewer tunnel

IMPORTANT: do not get close to the casino after you've lost the cops. If you get close enough to the casino area after losing the cops, you will again receive a 5 star wanted level. So take a detour and a different route to the buyer, rather than going through the highway next to the casino.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
The purple circle shows the area where the casino is. The red path is the highway which leads to high level buyers. DO NOT TAKE THAT PATH or else you will get a 5 star wanted level again. Always take a detour around the other side. Set your own location marker if need be, since the yellow marker to the high level buyers will generally lead you directly through the highway next to the casino, which will again cause you to have 5 star wanted level.

Now just go to your buyer and after reaching them, you have successfully completed your casino heist!

Frequently asked questions

Do you need to buy the penthouse to carry out the diamond casino heist?

No, you do not need the penthouse to carry out the casino heist, however some points of interest require you to have a VIP membership in order to access them, such as the vault blueprint in agatha baker's office.

If you take a picture of the blueprints then you will have a prototype in your crcade basement to practice drilling on. Getting this blueprint is completely optional and it will not affect the casino heist experience.

Is there an easier way to get the NOOSE outfit?

A possibly easier method would be to enter directly through the roof. Alternatively, you may enter from the front entrance and then exit through the roof.

What is the difference between the level 1 and level 2 security passes?

Level 1 is actually useless. In addition, level 2 cards allow you to enter through all the doors without the need to hack them. With level 1, you will need to hack doors to get through them. It makes your heist much easier especially if you are doing silent & sneaky approach.

Do you select the security pass mission or trigger it?

It is on the heist prep board at the bottom right corner where it says "security pass". Underneath that, you can switch to either the level 1 pass mission or level two pass mission. When you start the mission read the prompt that will pop up asking for a confirmation to start the mission for a level 2 security pass.

How can I search for the croupier?

Once you head into the party, wait for lester to send you a picture of the croupier. Check the picture in your phone's messages and then look for an identical person in the party. The croupier will likely be on the ground extremely drunk. So try to look for passed out people on the ground. As you get closer to the croupier, he/she will be identified (you will see an arrow on top of them) and you will get the option to search. After that, if the card is not on them, you need to search for it in the surronding area. Initially it will not be marked with an arrow so just look for a highlighted/glowing object. Once you get closer to it, you will identify it and just grab it.

How do you unlock gruppe sechs gear parts 1 & 2?

To unlock this prep mission you need to take a picture of the security tunnel of the casino. It is right beside the racetrack. Check out access point #4 here or you can view a video showing the access point.

Diamond casino heist - aggressive approach full guide

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

This guide is a complete walkthrough of the aggressive approach to the diamond casino heist. Our big con approach guide is here and our silent & sneaky guide is here. Make sure you also check out how to unlock the elite hacker avi schwartzman for more time in the vault, our payout/take guide, and also the POI and access point guide.

The 'aggressive' approach is probably the most fun out of the three different approaches (the two others being the the big con and silent & sneaky) that the casino heist DLC update offers you. The aggressive approach, as the name suggests, is pretty straightforward. You go in guns blazing without regard for any stealth. You do not need to worry about the cameras or the guards and simply fight your way in and out. This guide will give you an overview of the whole approach showing you the best setup.

Heist prep missions

Let's take a look at all the important prep missions that need to be completed for this approach and how to do them. These prep missions can be completed either solo or with a friend and can be done in either a public or solo session. Although it is possible to complete the prep missions alone, we recommend that you enlist the help of a friend.

Support crew


For a gunman, players would normally go for an expert level gunman here, seeing as the approach is aggressive and requires a lot of combat during the heist. However, that is completely wrong. Do not get baited!

Instead, you can still go for KARL ABOLAJI, who takes only 5% cut. You can also choose the loadout you prefer, either the shotgun or revolver one (although we prefer the shotgun). It won't matter as you will get the SMG with both of them. And you will mostly be using the SMG with the aggressive approach.

If you choose a shotgun loadout then it will be beneficial in close range combat situations. In our opinion the revolver is not worth it as the fire rate isn't too good given the combat nature of the heist. So you should choose the shotgun loadout which will give you a shotgun and SMG to carry out the heist finale.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.
Karl abolaji on the prep board


If it was up to us, we wouldn't hire any driver at all since we won't be using the getaway vehicle. Because it is mandatory to choose the getaway driver you can go with the lowest possible driver available to hire which is KARIM DENZ, who takes only 5% of the final cut.

Go with the SULTAN CLASSIC if you do decide to choose the getaway vehicle for your escape. We are not saying you do not need to choose the vehicle at all, but if the vehicle is in a good spot, such as in a parking lot next to the sewer tunnel entrance, then by all means go for the vehicles. Otherwise just get a pedestrian car for your escape. More on that later in this guide.

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Karim denz on the prep board


The hacker always plays the most important role in the diamond casino heist. They decides the total time you get in the vault before the alarm goes off. Therefore, we recommend you spend all you have on the hacker and do not hold back. You should choose the elite hacker AVI SCHWARTZMAN if you've unlocked him already. If you haven't unlocked AVI then check out our guide here. Avi takes 10% of the final cut and he provides you with 3 minutes and 30 seconds in the vault.

The default expert hacker you have is PAIGE HARRIS who takes 9% from the final cut and gives you 3 minutes and 15 seconds. So if you do not want to go through the work of unlocking avi just choose paige. However, unlocking avi is totally worth the effort.

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Paige & avi on the prep board

Hacking device

The hacking device mission can be in two different locations. One will require you to get the hacking device from the FIB building while the other will require you to get it from N.O.O.S.E headquarters.

N.O.O.S.E headquarter's mission

If you get the N.O.O.S.E headquarters mission, then you will be directed to go to davis city hall, take out the corrupt agent, take his keycard and head to the N.O.O.S.E headquarters. Once you reach the HQ, make sure you park your car right outside the entrance of the facility you'll be heading in, since right after you exit out of the facility with the hacking device, you will get a 3 stars wanted level and need a vehicle to get away from the cops.

You need to find the hacking device using your phone, based on the signal strength at the bottom right screen. The closer you get to the device, the stronger the signal gets. It is pretty simple, just avoid the sight of the guards and walk silently and you should be good to go. You can use suppressed weapons to take out guards and security cameras provided that other guards don't see you doing so or find the body of a guard you take out.

FIB building mission

Before heading to the FIB building, you will need to take out some agents and get the FIB agent pass in order to successfuly enter the building by impersonating an agent. You will be asked to go to a specific location and kill the agents, get the FIB pass, lose the cops and after that, head to FIB building. Make sure that, just like for the N.O.O.S.E headquarters mission, you park your car right in front of the entrance as you will need to quickly get away from the building. Cops will be on you right away.

Enter the building and avoid the cones of vision as much as possible, since staying in them for too long will cause the guards and agents to recognize you. Take the elevator to the upper floor, bring your phone out and find the hacking device using the signal strength bar, the same way you did when in N.O.O.S.E headquarters.

Once you have acquired the hacking device, head back outside the same way you came in from. But note that as soon as you reach the exit, the agents will recognize you and start shooting, so make sure you have some snacks and armor. Quickly exit the building and get into your vehicle which you parked right in front of the entrance earlier, lose the cops and deliver the hacking device back to the arcade.

General prep work

General prep missions that you need to beside the mandatory ones (vault keycards) include doing the duggan shipment mission. You can pretty much skip the rest of the general prep missions though.

Patrol routes is a debatable general prep mission. This one is completely up to you, but we recommend you complete it as well. Completing the patrol routes prep mission allows you to see the location of the guards on your mini map during the finale. Some can argue that we do not need this since we will be going all in guns blazing. But in any case, knowing your enemies location isn't harmful in any way whatsoever. As we said, the choice is completely up to you. You can either skip this mission or do it for your own ease.

You can skip the power drills and security intel general prep missions as well.

Vault keycards

There are two possible missions that can be given to you to acquire the vault keycards. In one of the missions you need to hijack a prison bus and head to the prison impersonating a prison guard. While inside, you go to one of the towers, silently take out the guard situated at one of the towers and acquire the vault keycards. The second mission requires you to travel to two different locations, take the guards out and take the vault keycards. One guard will be drunk on the street while the other will beв in a motel room. Just make sure that when you are taking them out, you use a suppressed weapon or kill them using a melee weapon to avoid cops.

Getting the vault keycards from prison is the easiest prep mission. All you need to do is hijack a prisoner bus, head to the prison disguised as a guard and infiltrate one of the towers in the prison. Once you head inside the marked tower, you will come across a guard, just take out the guard silently and search his body for the keycards. After you've acquired the keycards, you can leave the prison the same way you came in, using the bus, and you are done.

You can also go to the prison without hijacking the prison bus, which makes it ten times faster but is also ten times dangerous. Since you won't have a prison guard disguise, as soon as you enter the prison premises, you will get wanted level and the prison guards are alerted. You can still take out the guard at the tower, but you need to be super quick about it since the snipers situated at the prison are extremely strong and will destroy you, sometimes even one-shotting you.

If you have an oppressor mark II, it will make doing this method a tad bit easier. However, the snipers are still very strong and can destroy you either way. We do not recommend this method unless you're confident you can do it.

Duggan shipments

While the 'duggan shipments' general prep mission doesn't hold that much importance in both the big con and silent & sneaky approaches, it holds immense importance in the aggressive approach.

You may consider it as one of the mandatory prep missions due to how important it is for this approach. In this mission you need to destroy 10 shipments spread throughout the map. They are all far away from one another and it is best to have a friend with you and divide the areas you guys will cover. Going solo is possible but it is really tough to actually pull it off due to the fact that you get only 10 minutes and there are 10 shipments. Having said that, if you manage to destroy all 10 shipments, the guards during the finale will be extremely weak. Their armor will be super low and their aim will be really bad, along with their health. Just a couple of hits and they will go down.

This mission holds significant importance for this aggressive approach due to the fact that the whole approach is based around you being engaged in combat throughout your finale of the heist. You will be shooting the enemies to go in and then later get out. So it is best to make your life easier by weakening them first.

TIP: of course we recommend you do this mission with at least one friend. But if you want to do this solo then use either a buzzard or an oppressor mark II. Please note that if you're using an oppressor mark II, then you are limited to only 20 rockets. So you need to try and limit your shots. 1 rocket should be used to destroy 1 shipment. Especially when you come across shipments in the helicopter which are protected by an accompanying helicopter. You need to make sure your oppressor is locking onto the helicopter carrying the shipment. You can identify the shipment helicopter by looking at the mini map, it will be represented by a red cross hair just like the rest of the shipments.

Another important tip regarding the oppressor mark II is that its maximum speed on land is 130 km/h, while in air it is 109 km/h. So whenever you are going towards your shipment make sure you spend as much time on land as possible in order to reach the shipments faster. This is very important if you want to complete the mission within the given time limit. Even if you're on the water surface, it will be considered as "on land" and you will get the maximum 130 km/h speed. Make sure you make use of that.

Some people prefer the hydra as it can cover distances quite fast. The hydra is pretty good, but only if you have reasonable command of the cannons on the plane. If you cannot use the cannons effectively, it is useless. The homing rockets on the hydra are not as effective as the ones on oppressor mark II or buzzard. The homing rockets on the hydra miss the target most of the time.

Patrol routes (optional)

Doing the patrols routes mission is completely up to you. Doing it will help you during the finale as it will show the position of the guards on your mini map. However, this is most useful in the big con approach and silent & sneaky approach. In the aggressive approach you are going in a pure combat situation, eliminating whoever comes in your way and making the positions of the guards irrelevant.

Still, if you want to be on the safe side, you can always carry out this mission. In it you need to find a specific car and take a photo of the contents of the trunk. The mission location is always different, but the car is always the same (just with different number plates), so you can never mistake the car for any other once you've identified it. You can either sneak your way to the car or just kill all the guards and approach the car - it is completely up to you. Just make sure when you are going in killing everyone, not to accidentally blow up the target car.

Security pass

You need to acquire a level 2 security pass for the heist so that you can escape easily after looting the vault, since you won't be able to go back out the way you enter from. Going in is easy but going out will be challenging.В there are two different types of missions you can be given to get the required security pass. One requires you to go to a pool party and get the card from the croupier. The other requires you to get it off of a dead valet's body while you impersonate a coroner officer.

Croupier / party method

For the first type of mission you will be instructed to go to a pool party. Once you reach the party a suspicion bar, at the bottom right corner of your screen, will become visible. It will gradually increase if you become more noticeable and attract attention, however, you need to blend in and make sure it doesn't rise. You can do different activities such as drinking and dancing to keep the suspicion bar low. Once lester has identified the target you need to find and search for the keycard on them. They will be passed out and once you search for the keycard you'll discover it's not actually on them. However, it should be laying around somewhere in the area. You need to search for the keycard around the area.

TIP: your suspicion will still increase slightly, but the best way to keep it low is to go to your interaction menu, set your action to dance, and turn it on permanently. This way you can walk around and search for the card while making sure the suspicion bar is not increasing.

Coroner method

If you get the coroner mission you will need to go to the church and steal a hearse. Once you do so, the cops will instantly be on you. After losing them head to the coroner's office. You will automatically equip the coroner officer's clothes. Enter the office and proceed to the morgue. Avoid the cops' cones of visions inside the office as much as you can. Once you reach the morgue, search the valet's body and get the keycard. Just ensure that no one is watching you while you do so. After that head back the same way you came in, while avoiding the cops. Leave the area to successfully complete the prep mission.

Approach specific preps

You need to do all the approach specific prep missions along with the mandatory prep missions of course. You can skip one mission, however, which is the reinforced armor mission. If you're already an experienced player, then there's no need to waste your energy on this mission as you will already have maximum health and armor at this point. But if you are a low level player then by all means go for it.

Let's take a lot at the rest of the approach specific missions that you will need to carry out for this.

Thermal charges

Getting thermal charges is pretty simple and straightforward. All you need to do is go to a specific location as directed by the game, take out the agents and get the thermal charges from the warehouse. Note that there will be quite a lot of agents so you need to be prepared with snacks and armor in order to easily fight them all. Once you take out the agents you can look for the thermal charges. They will be in a wooden crate. Grab the thermal charges and leave the warehouse delivering the charges back to the arcade.

The mission is fairly simple and easy, however we recommend you have another friend with you as doing it solo will require you to return back to the warehouse to carry the second crate of thermal charges back to the arcade.

Vault explosives

This prep mission is the toughest to carry out if you're doing it solo so we recommend getting a friend. You can totally do it solo, but it will take a very long time to be completed. This mission requires you to go to alamo sea and search the plane wreckage for vault explosives. However, the area will be crawling with merryweather soldiers. There will be several at the little pier of alamo sea where you can also find scuba diving gear to put on, in order to search the wreckage, and there will be two helicopters along with some boats at the wreckage site as well. Getting the scuba gear is not mandatory though.

Before starting this mission get some rebreathers from ammu-nation and put them on prior to starting the mission or else you won't be able to put them on. Head over to the site and take out all the guards, then dive in to search for the vault explosives. Once you get the explosives you will need to head back to the arcade to deliver it. Now, if you're doing it solo then you will need to come back and get the second crate as well. Every time you come back, you will see the merryweather helicopters respawning over the wreckage site and you will need to take them out every time. Also, when you grab the crate and start moving towards the arcade, the helicopters will spawn again and chase you down. So you need to make sure you have a getaway vehicle or a boat that you can take to the site and use to easily head back to the shore.

TIP:В here's an "unpopular" tip from us if you're doing this solo. If you have an oppressor mark II, then head over to the location, take out all the guards and then dive into the water to locate the vault explosive crates. Once you get the crate, you will unfortunately have to swim back to the shore since jumping off of your oppressor will destroy it as soon as it goes in the water. One you're on the surface after getting the crate, the helicopters will spawn again and come shooting at you. Do not worry about it and let them kill you, but make sure you are swimming above the surface and not underwater when you die. Now your crate will be on top of the water surface instead of deep underwater.

When you spawn back, you will spawn at the shore. Call mors mutual insurance and request your oppressor mark II again. Once it arrives. Hope on it and collect the crate. You will be able to collect it while you're on your oppressor. Then simply head back to the arcade and deliver the first crate. Repeat for the second crate and you are done with it.

See all that effort? Why not save yourself some time and energy and just do this mission with a friend. It'll be much better!

Boring machine

This is an optional approach-specific prep mission but it will make your finale much easier and faster. If you get this boring machine and also take a picture of the sewer grates in the sewer tunnel near the diamond casino then you will be able to access the casino vault very easily. You can just put explosives on the wall which leads to the vault security lobby area and then head directly into the mantrap leading to the vault.

You will need to go to one of the construction sites and steal the boring machine. There will be some resistance from the construction workers and guards there but you can easily take them out and get into the truck which is carrying the machine. You will have cops on you, but a fortunate thing about this heist prep mission is that you can easily lose the cops by calling lester from your phone (unlike for other missions in GTA online). After you've lost the cops just head to the sewer, leave the tunnel boring machine there, and you should be done with this prep mission.

You can see the final prep board below showing the missions that can be skipped, missions that are needed to be done and a mission which is not necessary to do, but can make your heist finale easier.

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Aggressive approach prep board showing missions that can be skipped (red cross), that should be completed (green circle) and a mission that can be done but not necessary (yellow circle).

Heist finale

Final prep board

On the final prep board you can choose the entry point, exit point, your buyer, clean vehicle and gunman decoy.

Entrance:В choose SEWERS as your entrance.

Exit:В you can choose either WASTE DISPOSAL or STAFF LOBBY. The later is our recommended exit strategy.

Buyer:В your choice but we recommend you choose a HIGH LEVEL buyer for maximum profit.

Clean vehicle:В not necessary

Gunman decoy:В not necessary

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Final prep board of the aggressive approach heist finale

Heist finale

As always, head towards the casino but not the side doors, the roof or the main entrance. You will head straight for the sewer tunnels. Once you reach the tunnel there will be a door already set up for you, which will lead you directly to the wall to the vault security lobby. Head through the door and at the end there will be a mark on the wall where you are supposed to plant your explosives. Plant the explosives and a cut scene will appear in which the wall is blasted open, followed by you and your partner going through it and the wall being shut closed behind you due to debris.

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Sewer tunnel entrance
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door leading to the wall of the vault security lobby
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planting the bomb on the marked wall

Once you're inside kill all of the guards. Since you have already done the duggan shipment prep mission, this will be a walk in the park for you. Just take cover, take your time and do not rush anything. Take them all out one by one and then head for the mantrap entrance. Time the keycard swiping with your friend, open up the mantrap and head to the vault.

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Fighting the guards in the vault security lobby
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simultaneously swiping the keycards to open the entrance to the mantrap leading to the vault

Once you reach the vault, plant explosives on the vault. Once that is done a new contact will be added in your phone called 'detonate bomb', call that and the explosives will go off, leaving the vault entrance wide open for you. Once you get inside quickly loot all of it. Since you have thermal charges, you can also open up locked doors using the charges, without having to hack them and saving you some time. After you've looted the vault, leave it when the timer hits the 30-40 seconds mark just to be safe. When a minimum of 25 seconds are left just leave whatever you're looting and head for the exit.

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Planting explosives on the vault door
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'detonate bomb' contact added in the phone contacts list
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vault door blasted open
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leaving vault around the 30-40 secs mark

Once you're outside again, you and your friend will have to swipe the keycards simultaneously to open the entrance to the mantrap. Do so and head back the same way you came from. Once you reach the vault security lobby again, more guards would have spawned there by now. Take them all out while taking cover behind walls and doors. After taking them all out head for the elevator outside. You won't be able to leave the same way you entered the area (via the sewer tunnels) because that entrance is now blocked by debris. Head for the elevator and you will be taken to the staff lobby floor.

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Aiming while still heading towards the vault security lobby through mantrap
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taking out a guard behind the desk
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taking out the guard near the elevator
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swiping the keycard to access the elevator

While heading to the staff lobby floor, make sure you pre-aim while still inside the elevator and before leaving since sometimes there are guards right outside and holding a shotgun which can instant kill you. But, that shouldn't be the case if you've already completed the duggan shipment prep mission as that would have weakened all the guards. As soon as you are outside the elevator take an immediate right and then another right, heading towards two doors. Take cover and take some guards out before heading through those two doors. Once you go through the doors take a left and another left where you will come across a long hallway that leads to the staff lobby. There will be a bunch of guards ambushing you along the way. Keep taking them out while carefully pushing forward until you reach the end.

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Pre-aiming while in the elevator before the elevator doors open
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taking cover before going through the first of the two doors
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hallway leading to the staff lobby. Taking out enemies while pushing forward

Once you reach the end of the hallway take cover by the double door. This double door will take you directly out into the staff lobby, from where you can finally exit. Take cover here and take out guards in the lobby. Once you think it is safe for you to leave, head straight for the staff lobby exit which is through the metal detectors to your right as soon as you pass the double doors.

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Behind the double door, shooting and taking out guards before proceeding towards the staff lobby exit
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staff lobby exit

As soon as you exit through the staff lobby head straight to the racetrack and run on the right side of the track. Keep running until you reach the end, where the track will descend down towards your right. Go down and then hop over the fence, out on the street and get a pedestrian car. After getting the pedestrian car head straight towards the sewer tunnels and stay in the middle of the tunnels until you've lost the cops. These are the same tunnels where you entered the casino vault section from. After the cops are gone, continue through the tunnel and come out of the other end of the tunnel.

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Running on the right side of the track
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heading towards the fence
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hopping over the fence out towards the street
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hijacking a pedestrian car
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waiting in the sewer tunnels for the wanted level to go away
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coming out of the other end of the sewer tunnels

Once you're outside the tunnels make sure you do not go near the casino once again. Take a route to the buyer that is different to one which would cause you to go through the highway next to the casino. So you need to make your own way-point towards the buyer and detour around the highway. Also, for those who don't know exactly where the sewer tunnels entrance is, refer to the picture below.

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Diamond casino & resort (circled in purple) and sewer tunnel entrance (circled in red)
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the purple circle shows the area where the casino is. The red path is the highway which leads to high level buyers. DO NOT TAKE THAT PATH or else you will get 5 star wanted level again

Once you've successfully delivered to the buyer, your heist ends there.

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End of aggressive approach casino heist

Frequently asked questions

Do you need to buy the penthouse to carry out the diamond casino heist?

No, you do not need the penthouse to carry out the casino heist, however some points of interest require you to have a VIP membership in order to access them, such as the vault blueprint in agatha baker's office.

If you take a picture of the blueprints then you will have a prototype in your crcade basement to practice drilling on. Getting this blueprint is completely optional and it will not affect the casino heist experience.

What is the difference between the level 1 and level 2 security passes?

Level 1 is actually useless. In addition, level 2 cards allow you to enter through all the doors without the need to hack them. With level 1, you will need to hack doors to get through them. It makes your heist much easier especially if you are doing silent & sneaky approach.

Do you select the security pass mission or trigger it?

It is on the heist prep board at the bottom right corner where it says "security pass". Underneath that, you can switch to either the level 1 pass mission or level two pass mission. When you start the mission read the prompt that will pop up asking for a confirmation to start the mission for a level 2 security pass.

How can I search for the croupier?

Once you head into the party, wait for lester to send you a picture of the croupier. Check the picture in your phone's messages and then look for an identical person in the party. The croupier will likely be on the ground extremely drunk. So try to look for passed out people on the ground. As you get closer to the croupier, he/she will be identified (you will see an arrow on top of them) and you will get the option to search. After that, if the card is not on them, you need to search for it in the surronding area. Initially it will not be marked with an arrow so just look for a highlighted/glowing object. Once you get closer to it, you will identify it and just grab it.

How do you get the sewer tunnel as the entrance option?

You can find the sewer grates in the sewer tunnels which you need to scope out during the casino scoping mission. It is right across the street from the casino. Check this article for the access points. Other than that, if you are not sure where the tunnel entrance is exactly, see this map image showing you the location of the sewer tunnels (it is circled in red)

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Heist prep: security pass

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Security pass is an optional prep mission featured in grand theft auto online as part of the the diamond casino heist update.

The heist leader can source either level 1 or 2 security passes for the casino. These will allow players access to various areas of the establishment without having to hack keypads. There are different variants of the mission.

Alternatively, the heist leader can obtain a level 1 security pass by stealing it from the cleaning trolley inside their master penthouse, if the player owns one and if the cleaning contractor is present.

Level 1 – cleaning contractor

Cleaning contractor


• ­1 to 8 players (motorcycle club)


Mission objectives

• ­search the area for the apartment door.

• ­search the apartment for the security pass.

Technical information

Time of day

Players need to go to a semi-random location, such as in hawick or vespucci canals, to steal a security pass off a cleaning contractor. Shortly after the mission begins, lester sends the players an image of the cleaner's apartment. Once at the location, they need to use this image to find the correct apartment and enter it.

Once inside, they need to find and steal the security pass. There are two possible scenarios inside the apartment; one is that shortly after getting into the apartment, the cleaning contractor enters, and the players need to avoid her cone of vision in order not to be spotted; if a player is seen, a one-star wanted level will be obtained. The other possible scenario is that the cleaning contractor will be asleep on the couch inside the apartment, and players must avoid waking her.

Once the card is collected, the apartment must be left and players need to leave the area to complete the mission.

Lester's dialogue

Level 2 – croupier


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• ­1 to 8 players (motorcycle club)


Mission objectives

• ­wait for lester to identify the croupier.

• ­search the croupier for their security pass.

Technical information

Time of day

Players must steal a security pass off a croupier. They must travel to a semi-random location, such as vinewood hills or richman, where a party is being held, to find a croupier. Once there, players must enter the party and wait for lester to identify the target. During this time, players at the party need to drink or dance to avoid suspicion; if the suspicion bar in the bottom right of the screen fills up, the players will also need to evade a wanted level. Alternately, if the party is crashed by another rival player, the suspicion bar will disappear and the players can hang around freely.

Once lester locates the croupier, he will send players an image of them. Once located, players will find that the target is passes out, and they need to be searched for the pass. As they do not possess it, it needs to be found somewhere around the party area.

When the security pass is located and obtained, players need to leave the area to end the mission.

The diamond casino heist/preparations

this article or section refers to "enhanced version" content in the xbox one, playstation 4, and PC renditions of grand theft auto V and/or grand theft auto online, that is absent on the xbox 360 or playstation 3 versions.
For a complete list of the features of the "enhanced" version of grand theft auto V, please see here.

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Diamond casino heist preparations are freemode missions that are needed to progress the planning stage of the diamond casino heist. They can be viewed and started from the basement of arcades.

There are two types of preparation missions – required and optional. The former must be completed in order to carry out the heist, while the latter type of missions can be done to significantly lower the difficulty of the heist, but can be skipped if the heist leader wishes to do so. There are three planning boards inside the basement.

Setup board

The first board allows the player to view access point that they have photographed during the setup: casino scoping mission. On this board, the player can also start the previously mentioned mission, as well as heist prep: vault contents. The player does not have to scope out the casino for every heist, but can do it as many times as they wish. However, the vault contents mission must be completed with every heist.

After the vault contents are identified, the player gains the option of choosing one of the three possible approaches for the heist – silent & sneaky, the big con, or aggressive. The same approach cannot be chosen twice in a row, so the player must alternate between them. If the same approach is chosen after only one other approach, the casino will have better security, but there will be better rewards.

After the approach is chosen, the player can move onto the second planning board.

Prep board

On the second board are listed all the main prep work missions the player can start. On the top left, the player must first choose the gunman, driver, and hacker they wish to employ for the heist. The higher their skill, the higher cut of the total money they take. A better gunman can provide the player with better weapons, a better driver can provide them with better vehicles, and the better the hacker, the more time the players will have inside the vault before they are detected. Only after the player chooses a gunman and driver can they access other missions.

Once the player chooses a gunman, they can start the heist prep: unmarked weapons mission, in which they need to source weapons to use for the heist. When a driver is chosen, the heist prep: getaway vehicles mission can be started, where the player needs to obtain vehicles to use after robbing the casino. Once a hacker is chosen, heist prep: hacking device can be started, in which they need to steal the hacking technology from either the FIB building in pillbox hill or the server farm at NOOSE headquarters.

List of the optional crew members

this article or section refers to "enhanced version" content in the xbox one, playstation 4, and PC renditions of grand theft auto V and/or grand theft auto online, that is absent on the xbox 360 or playstation 3 versions.
For a complete list of the features of the "enhanced" version of grand theft auto V, please see here.
gunman skills cut provided unmarked weapons
slient & sneaky the big con aggressive
chester mccoy CM expert 10% pump shotgun mk II (silenced)
pistol .50 (silenced)
stun gun
ceramic pistol
pump shotgun mk II
pipe bombs
pipe wrench
carbine rifle mk II (silenced)
pistol .50 (silenced)
stun gun
bullpup rifle mk II
ceramic pistol
assault rifle mk II
pipe bombs
pipe wrench
gustavo mota expert 9% carbine rifle (silenced)
heavy pistol (silenced)
stun gun
carbine rifle
ceramic pistol
carbine rifle
proximity mines
assault shotgun (silenced)
pistol .50 (silenced)
stun gun
assault shotgun
ceramic pistol
assault shotgun
proximity mines
patrick mcreary PM good 8% combat PDW
pistol .50 (silenced)
stun gun
sawed-off shotgun
ceramic pistol
heavy shotgun
sticky bombs
assault rifle (silenced)
pistol .50 (silenced)
stun gun
compact rifle
ceramic pistol
combat MG
sticky bombs
charlie reed CR good 7% assault SMG (silenced)
pistol .50 (silenced)
stun gun
machine pistol
ceramic pistol
assault SMG
bullpup shotgun (silenced)
pistol .50 (silenced)
stun gun
sweeper shotgun
ceramic pistol
pump shotgun
karl abolaji poor 5% micro SMG (silenced)
vintage pistol (silenced)
stun gun
micro SMG
ceramic pistol
sawed-off shotgun
molotov cocktails
machine pistol (silenced)
combat pistol (silenced)
stun gun
double barrel shotgun
ceramic pistol
heavy revolver
molotov cocktails
CM unlock after purchased a bunker. PM unlock after rescued patrick mcreary from the police in a random event. CR unlock after purchased a hangar and completed the business setup mission. Drivers
driver skills cut provided getaway vehicles departure vehicle
chester mccoy expert 10% RUNE zhaba
maxwell vagrant
nagasaki outlaw
karin everon
canis kamacho
eddie toh expert 9% karin sultan classic
bravado gauntlet classic
vapid ellie
lampadati komoda
karin kuruma
taliana martinez good 7% vapid retinue mk II
declasse drift yosemite
dinka sugoi
ocelot jugular
karin sultan
zach nelson ZN good 6% maibatsu manchez
nagasaki stryder
shitzu defiler
principe lectro
bravado youga classic
karim denz poor 5% weeny issi classic
maxwell asbo
dinka blista kanjo
übermacht sentinel classic
declasse rancher XL
ZN unlocked after purchasing an MC clubhouse. Hackers
hacker skills cut provided time (secs)
unexposed exposed
avi schwartzman AS expert 10% 210 146
paige harris PH expert 9% 205 143
christian feltz good 7% 179 125
yohan blair YB good 5% 172 121
rickie lukens poor 3% 146 102
AS unlock after destroyed all 50 signal jammers. PH unlock after purhcased a terrorbyte. YB unlock after purhcased a nightclub.

General prep work

Most of these missions are listed at the bottom of the board. These are the same for every approach, and most are optional. These are:

  • Vault keycards – the only mandatory general prep work mission. Two keycards must be acquired, which will be used to access the mantrap leading in and out of the vault.

  • Guard patrol routes – the player must photograph the guards' staff roster at a duggan security meeting. This will show the positions of all security guards at the casino during the heist.

  • Duggan shipments – the player must destroy weapons and equipment that are intended for duggan's casino security team. There are ten targets around the map and the more that are destroyed, the weaker the security will be during the heist.

  • Security intel – the player must go to the rockford plaza shopping centre, where they meet vincent. After retrieving a stolen gauntlet hellfire, vincent gives the player a USB flash drive with security information. Completing this prep mission will make all security cameras and their cones of vision visible during the heist. This mission can only be started if the heist leader has previously completed all casino missions as host. The mission also does not need to be completed with every heist, but it can if the player wishes to replay it.

  • Power drills – two power drills must be acquired at a construction site. This will allow players to drill into the safety deposit boxes in the vault for extra money.

  • Masks – the heist leader can acquire custom masks from vespucci movie masks to use during the heist.

  • Security pass – the player can obtain either level 1 or 2 security passes for the heist. Alternatively, penthouse owners can steal level 1 passes from the cleaning trolley in their penthouse if the maid is present.

Approach specific prep work

For this approach, at least one type of the following disguises must be obtained, the others then being optional if the leader desires to have multiple choices when choosing an entry tactic.

  • Gruppe sechs gear part 1 – A damaged stockade must be stolen from an auto repair shop so it can be used for the heist.

  • Gruppe sechs gear part 2 – the player must infiltrate a security meeting and send an image of a stockade's licence plate to lester, as well as steal gruppe sechs outfits for use during the heist.

  • Bugstar gear part 1 – the player must steal a bugstars burrito which also contains the required equipment and outfits to be used during the heist.

  • Bugstar gear part 2 – A trashmaster full of insects must be stolen so that the team has pests to use for the bugstars approach.

  • Maintenance gear part 1 – two bags of equipment and outfits must be stolen from a maintenance crew for use during the heist.

  • Maintenance gear part 2 – an LSDWP van must be stolen and then taken to the casino. Once there, the player must pour chemicals into a broken ventilation unit atop the building. After this, the van needs to be delivered to the arcade.

If the heist leader triggered the cutscene introducing yung ancestor during the "setup: casino scoping" mission, they have an additional option for an entry approach which can be chosen after two mission are completed for yung:

  • Dead weight – yung orders the player to dispose of a dead body inside the boot of a fugitive.

  • After party – the player must take out teams of paparazzi and destroy their cameras to prevent photos of yung ancestor from being released.

The player also must complete the mandatory heist prep: vault drills mission, in which two vault drills must be stolen so the heist crew can access the vault during the heist.

The heist leader can also choose to obtain two exit disguises for use after robbing the casino by completing the optional heist prep: firefighter gear and heist prep: NOOSE gear missions.

If the player has collected all 54 collectible playing cards in freeroam, the player can choose the "high roller" exit disguise when starting the heist.


  • Thermal charges – the player must obtain thermal charger for use during the heist; these will replace the hacking done in the vault during the other two approaches. This mission is mandatory.

  • Vault explosives – plastic explosives must be stolen for use. These will replace the drilling done on the vault door during the other two approaches. This mission is mandatory.

  • Reinforced armor – the player must steal reinforced armor in order to be better protected during the heist. This mission is optional.

  • Tunnel boring machine – if the player sent an image of the sewer tunnel entrance to lester during "setup: casino scoping", they can use it as the entrance, using the boring machine obtained from this mission to drill to the vault. This mission is optional.

Finale board

The final board allows the player to start the heist, which will bring up a lobby waiting screen. Once 2-4 players are present, the heist leader can press start, which will put them back on the third planning board.

Here, the leader can choose the entry and exit points, as well as entry and exit disguises if doing the appropriate approach. They also need to choose from three different buyers. Optionally, the leader can also purchase the "clean vehicle" and "gunman decoy" options. The former will place a clean vehicle on the map, which can be used by the crew if their starting vehicles are damaged during the getaway, and to help lose the cops. The latter option will make the gunman act as a decoy during the getaway, lowering the wanted level over time.

Similar to other heists in the game, the leader must distribute the money between all players. Every member of the team must get at least 15% of the final payout.

There are two secret GTA online casino missions, and here's how you can play them

If you want to access the secret casino missions in GTA online, you're going to need to do *a lot* of drinking

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One of the less obvious additions to the game with the launch of the diamond casino and resort was the inclusion of several secret GTA online casino missions, and they're pretty tough to find – they wouldn't exactly be secrets if they were easy, right? These hidden assignments are separate from the six regular missions and general work already available at the GTA online casino, and the route to locating them involves partying, hard. If you're looking for these rare jobs in GTA online, then read on and we'll explain how to play the secret GTA online casino missions.

How to unlock the secret GTA online casino mission 'damage control'

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(image credit: rockstar games)

The method for accessing this secret GTA online casino mission is very similar to how to get the kifflom t-shirt in GTA online, except you do it in the casino rather than a nightclub. You need to hit up either the main casino bar or the one in your penthouse suite (if you've purchased that upgrade) – the penthouse bar is the easier option here, as you can quickly sprint back to it after completing the next step. Order a macbeth whisky shot, and shortly after drinking it you'll collapse and completely black out on the floor. Normally, you'll wake up in a random location, such as in your bathroom or on your bed, but if you roll the dice enough times then you might just get lucky and find the secret GTA online casino mission 'damage control'.

If you do, you'll revive at the side of the road, before casino manager ms baker calls you up and lambasts your drunken behaviour. It transpires that you stole a delivery truck in your stupor, and the secret casino work mission that begins here requires you to return the vehicle to the casino before the time limit expires. Helpfully you'll sober up pretty quickly into the journey, so completing it should just involve a simple drive, though sadly there no special reward for finishing this job. You can watch a complete run through in the video below, from influx on youtube:

How to unlock the secret GTA online casino mission 'under the influence'

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

(image credit: rockstar games)

The second secret GTA online casino mission is slightly less random, but still requires some setting up and an element of chance to access. First, visit any bar in the game and consume several alcoholic drinks until you're nice and tipsy – do not get black out drunk though, so avoid the macbeth whisky this time. Once the screen is distorted and you're staggering around, call up ms baker and choose the request work option. If you're lucky, you could trigger the secret GTA online casino mission 'under the influence'.

To complete this casino work job, you need to collect a target vehicle to deliver to the casino for a client. The twist here is, the vehicle is on the police wanted list, and a number of road blocks will appear on your minimap as soon as you set off. The effects of the alcohol will not wear off until the end of the job, so drive carefully and keep a close eye on the map to make sure you're avoiding the plentiful cops as you make your way to the casino. Again, there's no special reward for completing this mission, other than an end to your drunken haze. You can see all of this in action by watching the video below, also from influx:

So there we have it – two secret GTA online casino missions, both triggered by inappropriate levels of drinking at the bar. Rockstar loves to hide these sorts of easter eggs in their games, and as they require a decent amount of luck to discover them who knows if additional random events are hidden away in the game? We'll just have to wait and see if more are uncovered.

You can also check out our predictions for GTA 6 in the video below:

GTA 5 online casino car update adds F1 progen PR4 as free podium gift

Grand theft auto online just added the F1 progen PR4 car in the casino and it's a must-own for collectors.

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GTA 5 released it's new GTA online update earlier today and made its usual assortment of changes to the game.

This included the same updates we come to expect every thursday, from discounts and bonuses to new cars available from the games vendors.

But there was one feature that didn't change. The casino podium vehicle stayed the same and according to the details available, the roosevelt valor was once again up for grabs for the second week in a row.

However, rockstar games appear to have made a swift switcharoo just before releasing their weekly newswire blogpost.

Because now, well, the free podium car is a far more attractive proposition.

Now players can pick up an F1 car, known as the PR4.

According to rockstar games expert and insider, tezfunz2, the PR4 will be available for purchase later on but for the time being, is available from the lucky wheel in the casino.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

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It's believed that when the car is available to purchase, from legendary motorsport, it'll cost $3,515,000, which ain't cheap - that's for sure.

Here's the description for those wanting to know more.

"okay, before you click off, we know what you're thinking. The power, the handling, the aerodynamics, they're all very well but what can you possibly do with as formidable an open-wheel race car as the progen PR4 on the city streets? You're the one reckless enough to find out. You tell us."―legendary motorsport description.

UPDATE - rockstar games has now released a new blog post with more details, which you'll find underneath:

"before you can go all out in the pursuit of glory with the new open wheel race series on february 27, the diamond casino & resort is giving you the first chance to add one of these nimble and magnificent racing machines to your own garage.

"that's right -- spin the lucky wheel this week for a chance to claim the progen PR4 with the red and white redwood livery, a week before it's available from legendary motorsport.

GTA online free money: claim $1 million from rockstar before it's too late

Rockstar games is giving away a massive $2,000,000 for free – and you can claim the first half of that prize right now

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Grand theft auto fans, look sharp – you can get some free money in-game, but you have to act fast.

Rockstar games announced a really easy way to score $2,000,000 in GTA online without cheating the system, relying on glitches, and risking your account getting banned.

There are other easy ways of making money in GTA online, of course, but this is going to be the easiest method you'll ever read about.

Rockstar is offering players the chance to earn themselves a one-time windfall of cash in 2020, but in order to secure it, you're going to need to log into the game and get that cash on your account soon.

The first in-game $1 million can be earned by logging into the game on PS4, xbox one or PC by february 4 – so make sure to do it today if you don't want to lose out!

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GTA 5 news, guides and leaks

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

If you log into the game again between february 6th and 12th, you will be able to nab that other $1,000,000.

Both bonus injections of cold hard cash will automatically be added to your GTA online account, and you'll be free to spend it on whatever you want.

"GTA online will feature bonus cash of up to GTA$2,000,000 in its biggest cash giveaway yet," a statement from the developer reads.

"starting on january 30th you can earn GTA$1,000,000 just by playing before february 5th and will be able to earn another GTA$1,000,000 by playing between february 6th and february 12th."

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Rockstar games latest news

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

Another GTA Online casino lucky wheel glitch guarantees supercar prize, gta online casino 4 second method.

Once you've got that money in your account, you can spend it on anything you want – new cars, weapons, new properties, clothing, betting. You name it!

You might want to hold onto some of the cash for now, though. It looks like rockstar is due to add more content to the game pretty soon.

“there is still much more to come in 2020," the developer teases.

“next up for GTA online is the addition of an open wheel racing series featuring all new vehicle types – with tense, high speed, track-based racing where tight cornering, tactical tire choices and perfectly timed pit stops make every second count.

“plus, expect more big updates and a few surprises as we move forward into the year.

“whether you have been away for a while or have never had a chance to play before, there has never been a better time to immerse yourself in these two vast and unique living online worlds."

The game is currently available to download for free to anyone with xbox games pass – we can't recommend it more if you even just want to trial the most successful entertainment product of all time.

We'll keep you updated as rockstar announces more information about what's coming to GTA online in the future.

So, let's see, what we have: at gta online casino 4 second method
