GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Gta 5 casino ranks

Online casino sites to play on real money

That special status in the gambling house gives you access to the full GTA casino missions list and a chance at unlocking the enus paragon R armoured vehicle in GTA online. Then, if you keep spending the cash on VIP membership, you’ll be able to store it with your many other GTA casino cars in an exclusive garage. But, before that, we’re going to show you what missions you can tackle, how to host them, and where to pick up your new set of wheels. Once you’ve bought yourself VIP membership, here’s how to complete the missions to unlock a new ride

GTA casino missions list: how to get enus paragon R armoured in GTA online

Once you’ve bought yourself VIP membership, here’s how to complete the missions to unlock a new ride

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

How many casino missions are there in GTA 5? While the gleaming, glamorous exterior of the GTA diamond casino and resort looks stable and open for business from the outside, the reality is anything but. That’s where the GTA online casino missions come in: this gambling mecca is under threat from a devious texan outfit that would like nothing more than see the entire enterprise go up in smoke, and it’s up to you to stop them.

But not before you’ve had a go on the roulette tables, of course. The GTA casino update sees not just special GTA 5 casino missions hit the game, but also gambling games and some of the hottest – and vertigo-inducing – real estate in los santos. But, if you want to get the diamond resort’s narrative, you’ll have to pay the hefty GTA casino price to get VIP membership, first.

That special status in the gambling house gives you access to the full GTA casino missions list and a chance at unlocking the enus paragon R armoured vehicle in GTA online. Then, if you keep spending the cash on VIP membership, you’ll be able to store it with your many other GTA casino cars in an exclusive garage. But, before that, we’re going to show you what missions you can tackle, how to host them, and where to pick up your new set of wheels.

How to start GTA casino missions

Now that you’ve paid your way to become very important – to the casino’s finances – you can buy the master penthouse, if you didn’t get it for free by linking your rockstar social club account to your twitch prime one.

Then, after watching the relevant cutscene, wait for around ten minutes for a phone call from casino owner agatha baker inviting you to start the first mission. Some players think this wait means that the GTA casino missions not working, but you need only be patient and have a look around the resort to kill some time.

GTA casino missions list

The conclusion of your phone call should trigger your first mission map marker ‘AB’ for loose cheng. There are six GTA casino missions in total to complete from here before you can get the GTA online enus paragon R (armoured). You can complete them on any difficulty, but you will need to be the host for each of them. Here they are:

  • Loose cheng

  • House keeping

  • Strong arm tactics

  • Play to win

  • Bad beat casino

  • Cashing out

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

How to host GTA casino missions

To be the leader and host GTA online casino missions you need to start the game as an invite-only session. Then when you launch missions, you should be the host. If you find yourself in a pre-mission screen you may be joining another host’s game, so quit out and restart if you’re really determined to get the armored enus paragon R.

Equally, if you just want to get on with the missions and are not bothered with the car right now, you can just play through the missions and then replay them as the host by selecting them from the rockstar jobs menu. There’ll be plenty out there who are set on playing as the host, especially at the beginning, so a spot of patience could serve you well.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

How to get the armored enus paragon R car

You’ll know when you’ve successfully completed all casino missions in GTA 5 as leader because the ‘full house’ award will pop, and you’ll be given $100,000 more to transform into chips at the casino. But you’re not here for that: baker also texts you to say that a special car has been dropped off for you at the docks.

The GTA enus paragon R armoured location can be found at the docks to the southeast. You should see a question mark icon appear on your map. An as-yet-unliveried, black version of the car can be found surrounded by some large cranes, ready for you to drive away.

And there you go, that’s how to complete casino missions in GTA online to get the armored enus paragon R. The process shouldn’t take you too long – certainly not as long as collecting all the hidden GTA playing cards – if you already had the funds or twitch prime membership to get you started, so you’ll be able to start shooting your hidden machine guns from your new bonnet in no time.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA casino secret missions

You don’t need to do these GTA casino secret missions to earn the armored enus paragon R, just so we’re clear. Treat these as extra missions to do and get a kick out of.

Damage control

To start the damage control secret mission you’re going to need to get drunk. Head to the main casino bar or the bar in the penthouse suite if you have it. Order a macbeth whisky shot, and you’ll blackout. If you’re lucky you’ll wake up on the side of the road and the casino owner, ms baker, will ring you up to lambast you for your drunken antics. If that happens, the damage control secret mission will start. If not, you’ll need to keep drinking to get this secret GTA casino mission. The mission itself is straightforward, simply take the truck you stole back to the casino before time runs out.

Under the influence

Coincidentally, this one also involves getting drunk. This time, though, you can drink at any bar, but you don’t want to blackout. Once your tipsy, give the casino owner a ring and hit the request work option. This one also has an element of luck – it is tied to the casino after all – but if you win out, you’ll trigger the secret GTA casino mission. To complete it, all you need to do is take a vehicle to a client. The catch is that the vehicle is on the police’s wanted list, so expect some resistance.

GTA 5 - the diamond casino heist guide (GTA online)

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

First board - scoping out

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Scoping out the casino

to unlock all different options, take a photo and send it to lester. If you take a picture of an A.P (access point) or an P.O.I (point of interest), the option to send it to lester will appear.

Access points

these points are seen in the casino model (if bought). The first board will be kept once the heist is completed.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

  • Security room

  • Lobby

  • Staff elevator

  • Metal detector

  • Elevator (out of order)

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Possible targets

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.


all extras are kept once bought.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

  • Casino model (130.000$)

  • Door security (425.000$)

  • Vault door (900.000$)

(take a photo of the blueprints inside the office of the casino).

Second board - prep work

Crew choices


karl abolaji
skill: poor; cut: 5%

Charlie reed
skill: good, cut: 7%
weapons: smgs and shotguns

Gustave mota
skill: expert; cut: 9%

Chester mocoy
skill: expert; cut: 10%


karim denz
skill: poor; cut: 5%

Zach nelson
skill: good, cut: 6%

Talina martinez
skill: good; cut: 7%
cars: retinue MK2, drift yosemite, sugoi, jugular

Eddie toh
skill: expert; cut: 9%

Chester mocoy
skill: expert; cut: 10%


rickie lukens:
skill: poor; cut: 3%

Yohan blair
skill: good; cut: 5%

Christian feltz
skill: good; cut: 7%

Paige harris
skill: expert; cut: 9%

General prep works

Hacking device

get a FIB-pass from a corrupt agent, enter the FIB building and.

Patrol routes

go to a meeting of the duggan security guys, eliminate them and search for the right car. Once found, open the trunk, take a photo of the documents and send them to lester.

Duggan shipments

like a freeroam job. You have to destroy 10 shipments of these shipments, spread all over the map. Best use a helicopter for that.

Security intel

help poor vincent, who is now a mall security guy. The intel will be done in every heist when completed once.

Power drills

go to a construction site that is marked and collect either a vehicle with the drills or the drills alone. One person can carry two drills. A disguise is sometimes available.

Security pass

  • Level 1: acquired from a cleaning woman.

  • Level 2: acquired from a croupier.

We had to crash a drug-party and find the croupier to search him for his pass.

Specific prep - silent & sneaky

You have to drive round the city and shoot down drones used by the LSPD. Then just collect the dropped parts.

Go out to the desert, fight some (OP) army guys and search for the lasers. They look like this:

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

EMP device

go to LSIA and steal a cargobob. Then fly to the university, lift the EMP out (it is right on the open filed) and fly it to the substation of LS water and power right across the casino.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Infilitration suits

go out to human labs and kill the guards in your way (the alarm will trigger as soon as you enter) bags are in the rear (where you have to par the insurgent in the human labs heist). Bags look like this:

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Specific prep - the big con

Specific prep - aggressive

Thermal charges

acquire thermal charges to blow up vault door. We had to go out to sandy shores and crash a hillbilly party.

Vault explosives

we had to go out to paleto bay and recover the explosive from a sunken airplane, guarded by merryweather. Grab scuba gear and dive out to find it.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Third board - heist

Your personal weapon arsenal can be collected in either laundry or waste disposal

Silent and sneaky

Take out the electric stuff with your stun gun

Kill the guards right away, DO NOT STUN THEM! Guards with a helmet can't be killed right away. You can kill them with your knife.

  • We went in through waste disposal, disabling the first metal detector, in the area behint it.

  • After that we opened up the guard rooms and killed the guards.

  • In the elevator bay, there is a button in the middle of the security room, right by the window, that opens the door of a small vault. There is the daily income in there, that you can steal. Press the button, let one guy go in, close the door and wait until he has emptied the vault. The vault can be opened from the inside.

We waited for the elevator guard to pass and opened up the stairs access.

The big con

  • Entrance: security tunnel

  • Entry disguise: gruppe sechs

  • Exit: waste disposal

  • Exit disguise: firefighters

buyer: high level (is further away, but you get more money)

First: get into the gruppe sechs van and drive to the casino, to the security tunnel. You are being let in and have to drive down the tunnel, where your credentials are being checked and you are able to park the van.

Then, go down to the vault area, proceed through the manhole. To go through, you have to swipe two keycards at the (roughly) same time (time-window is roughly 4 seconds) and then just go down the winding tunnel.

Then you have a short cutscene, one knocks out the guard who opens the door and then you have to start heisting.

Gta 5 casino ranks

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

It is an accumulation of a sufficient number of reputation points (RP) that increases a character's "rank", a number that represents a character's overall skill and experience. To "level up" or "rank up" means to gain enough RP to reach the next level.

By ranking up, players will begin unlocking more customization options available at the different stores found online. New weapons will become available as well, allowing you to better equip yourself for harder missions. Rank is capped at 8000.

RP required

Reputation points for rank 100 and greater can be calculated with following quadratic polynomial function: f(x)=25x 2 + 23,575x - 1,023,150, where x is given rank.

Ranks 1-120

rank rep points required change from previous difference of change
1 0 0 0
2 800 +800 800
3 2100 +1300 500
4 3800 +1700 400
5 6100 +2300 600
6 9500 +3400 1100
7 12500 +3000 -400
8 16000 +3500 500
9 19800 +3800 300
10 24000 +4200 400
11 28500 +4500 300
12 33400 +4900 400
13 38700 +5300 400
14 44200 +5500 200
15 50200 +6000 500
16 56400 +6200 200
17 63000 +6600 400
18 69900 +6900 300
19 77100 +7200 300
20 84700 +7600 400
21 92500 +7800 200
22 100700 +8200 400
23 109200 +8500 300
24 118000 +8800 300
25 127100 +9100 300
26 136500 +9400 300
27 146200 +9700 300
28 156200 +10000 300
29 166500 +10300 300
30 177100 +10600 300
31 188000 +10900 300
32 199200 +11200 300
33 210700 +11500 300
34 222400 +11700 200
35 234500 +12100 400
36 246800 +12300 200
37 259400 +12600 300
38 272300 +12900 300
39 285500 +13200 300
40 299000 +13500 300
41 312700 +13700 200
42 326800 +14100 400
43 341000 +14200 100
44 355600 +14600 400
45 370500 +14900 300
46 385600 +15100 200
47 401000 +15400 300
48 416600 +15600 200
49 432600 +16000 400
50 448800 +16200 200
51 465200 +16400 200
52 482000 +16800 400
53 499000 +17000 200
54 516300 +17300 300
55 533800 +17500 200
56 551600 +17800 300
57 569600 +18000 200
58 588000 +18400 400
59 606500 +18500 100
60 625400 +18900 400
61 644500 +19100 200
62 663800 +19300 200
63 683400 +19600 300
64 703300 +19900 300
65 723400 +20100 200
66 743800 +20400 300
67 764500 +20700 300
68 785400 +20900 200
69 806500 +21100 200
70 827900 +21400 300
71 849600 +21700 300
72 871500 +21900 200
73 893600 +22100 200
74 916000 +22400 300
75 938700 +22700 300
76 961600 +22900 200
77 984700 +23100 200
78 1008100 +23400 300
79 1031800 +23700 300
80 1055700 +23900 200
81 1079800 +24100 200
82 1104200 +24400 300
83 1128800 +24600 200
84 1153700 +24900 300
85 1178800 +25100 200
86 1204200 +25400 300
87 1229800 +25600 200
88 1255600 +25800 200
89 1281700 +26100 300
90 1308100 +26400 300
91 1334600 +26500 100
92 1361400 +26800 300
93 1388500 +27100 300
94 1415800 +27300 200
95 1443300 +27500 200
96 1471100 +27800 300
97 1499100 +28000 200
98 1527300 +28200 200
99 1555800 +28500 300
100 1584350 +28550 50
101 1612950 +28600 50
102 1641600 +28650 50
103 1670300 +28700 50
104 1699050 +28750 50
105 1727850 +28800 50
106 1756700 +28850 50
107 1785600 +28900 50
108 1814550 +28950 50
109 1843550 +29000 50
110 1872600 +29050 50
111 1901700 +29100 50
112 1930850 +29150 50
113 1960050 +29200 50
114 1989300 +29250 50
115 2018600 +29300 50
116 2047950 +29350 50
117 2077350 +29400 50
118 2106800 +29450 50
119 2136300 +29500 50
120 2165850 +29550 50
in progress past 120. Maybe


The following is a list of unlockables and changes in GTA online by rank.

GTA casino missions list: how to get enus paragon R armoured in GTA online

Once you’ve bought yourself VIP membership, here’s how to complete the missions to unlock a new ride

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

How many casino missions are there in GTA 5? While the gleaming, glamorous exterior of the GTA diamond casino and resort looks stable and open for business from the outside, the reality is anything but. That’s where the GTA online casino missions come in: this gambling mecca is under threat from a devious texan outfit that would like nothing more than see the entire enterprise go up in smoke, and it’s up to you to stop them.

But not before you’ve had a go on the roulette tables, of course. The GTA casino update sees not just special GTA 5 casino missions hit the game, but also gambling games and some of the hottest – and vertigo-inducing – real estate in los santos. But, if you want to get the diamond resort’s narrative, you’ll have to pay the hefty GTA casino price to get VIP membership, first.

That special status in the gambling house gives you access to the full GTA casino missions list and a chance at unlocking the enus paragon R armoured vehicle in GTA online. Then, if you keep spending the cash on VIP membership, you’ll be able to store it with your many other GTA casino cars in an exclusive garage. But, before that, we’re going to show you what missions you can tackle, how to host them, and where to pick up your new set of wheels.

How to start GTA casino missions

Now that you’ve paid your way to become very important – to the casino’s finances – you can buy the master penthouse, if you didn’t get it for free by linking your rockstar social club account to your twitch prime one.

Then, after watching the relevant cutscene, wait for around ten minutes for a phone call from casino owner agatha baker inviting you to start the first mission. Some players think this wait means that the GTA casino missions not working, but you need only be patient and have a look around the resort to kill some time.

GTA casino missions list

The conclusion of your phone call should trigger your first mission map marker ‘AB’ for loose cheng. There are six GTA casino missions in total to complete from here before you can get the GTA online enus paragon R (armoured). You can complete them on any difficulty, but you will need to be the host for each of them. Here they are:

  • Loose cheng

  • House keeping

  • Strong arm tactics

  • Play to win

  • Bad beat casino

  • Cashing out

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

How to host GTA casino missions

To be the leader and host GTA online casino missions you need to start the game as an invite-only session. Then when you launch missions, you should be the host. If you find yourself in a pre-mission screen you may be joining another host’s game, so quit out and restart if you’re really determined to get the armored enus paragon R.

Equally, if you just want to get on with the missions and are not bothered with the car right now, you can just play through the missions and then replay them as the host by selecting them from the rockstar jobs menu. There’ll be plenty out there who are set on playing as the host, especially at the beginning, so a spot of patience could serve you well.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

How to get the armored enus paragon R car

You’ll know when you’ve successfully completed all casino missions in GTA 5 as leader because the ‘full house’ award will pop, and you’ll be given $100,000 more to transform into chips at the casino. But you’re not here for that: baker also texts you to say that a special car has been dropped off for you at the docks.

The GTA enus paragon R armoured location can be found at the docks to the southeast. You should see a question mark icon appear on your map. An as-yet-unliveried, black version of the car can be found surrounded by some large cranes, ready for you to drive away.

And there you go, that’s how to complete casino missions in GTA online to get the armored enus paragon R. The process shouldn’t take you too long – certainly not as long as collecting all the hidden GTA playing cards – if you already had the funds or twitch prime membership to get you started, so you’ll be able to start shooting your hidden machine guns from your new bonnet in no time.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA casino secret missions

You don’t need to do these GTA casino secret missions to earn the armored enus paragon R, just so we’re clear. Treat these as extra missions to do and get a kick out of.

Damage control

To start the damage control secret mission you’re going to need to get drunk. Head to the main casino bar or the bar in the penthouse suite if you have it. Order a macbeth whisky shot, and you’ll blackout. If you’re lucky you’ll wake up on the side of the road and the casino owner, ms baker, will ring you up to lambast you for your drunken antics. If that happens, the damage control secret mission will start. If not, you’ll need to keep drinking to get this secret GTA casino mission. The mission itself is straightforward, simply take the truck you stole back to the casino before time runs out.

Under the influence

Coincidentally, this one also involves getting drunk. This time, though, you can drink at any bar, but you don’t want to blackout. Once your tipsy, give the casino owner a ring and hit the request work option. This one also has an element of luck – it is tied to the casino after all – but if you win out, you’ll trigger the secret GTA casino mission. To complete it, all you need to do is take a vehicle to a client. The catch is that the vehicle is on the police’s wanted list, so expect some resistance.

Gta 5 casino ranks

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

It is an accumulation of a sufficient number of reputation points (RP) that increases a character's "rank", a number that represents a character's overall skill and experience. To "level up" or "rank up" means to gain enough RP to reach the next level.

By ranking up, players will begin unlocking more customization options available at the different stores found online. New weapons will become available as well, allowing you to better equip yourself for harder missions. Rank is capped at 8000.

RP required

Reputation points for rank 100 and greater can be calculated with following quadratic polynomial function: f(x)=25x 2 + 23,575x - 1,023,150, where x is given rank.

Ranks 1-120

rank rep points required change from previous difference of change
1 0 0 0
2 800 +800 800
3 2100 +1300 500
4 3800 +1700 400
5 6100 +2300 600
6 9500 +3400 1100
7 12500 +3000 -400
8 16000 +3500 500
9 19800 +3800 300
10 24000 +4200 400
11 28500 +4500 300
12 33400 +4900 400
13 38700 +5300 400
14 44200 +5500 200
15 50200 +6000 500
16 56400 +6200 200
17 63000 +6600 400
18 69900 +6900 300
19 77100 +7200 300
20 84700 +7600 400
21 92500 +7800 200
22 100700 +8200 400
23 109200 +8500 300
24 118000 +8800 300
25 127100 +9100 300
26 136500 +9400 300
27 146200 +9700 300
28 156200 +10000 300
29 166500 +10300 300
30 177100 +10600 300
31 188000 +10900 300
32 199200 +11200 300
33 210700 +11500 300
34 222400 +11700 200
35 234500 +12100 400
36 246800 +12300 200
37 259400 +12600 300
38 272300 +12900 300
39 285500 +13200 300
40 299000 +13500 300
41 312700 +13700 200
42 326800 +14100 400
43 341000 +14200 100
44 355600 +14600 400
45 370500 +14900 300
46 385600 +15100 200
47 401000 +15400 300
48 416600 +15600 200
49 432600 +16000 400
50 448800 +16200 200
51 465200 +16400 200
52 482000 +16800 400
53 499000 +17000 200
54 516300 +17300 300
55 533800 +17500 200
56 551600 +17800 300
57 569600 +18000 200
58 588000 +18400 400
59 606500 +18500 100
60 625400 +18900 400
61 644500 +19100 200
62 663800 +19300 200
63 683400 +19600 300
64 703300 +19900 300
65 723400 +20100 200
66 743800 +20400 300
67 764500 +20700 300
68 785400 +20900 200
69 806500 +21100 200
70 827900 +21400 300
71 849600 +21700 300
72 871500 +21900 200
73 893600 +22100 200
74 916000 +22400 300
75 938700 +22700 300
76 961600 +22900 200
77 984700 +23100 200
78 1008100 +23400 300
79 1031800 +23700 300
80 1055700 +23900 200
81 1079800 +24100 200
82 1104200 +24400 300
83 1128800 +24600 200
84 1153700 +24900 300
85 1178800 +25100 200
86 1204200 +25400 300
87 1229800 +25600 200
88 1255600 +25800 200
89 1281700 +26100 300
90 1308100 +26400 300
91 1334600 +26500 100
92 1361400 +26800 300
93 1388500 +27100 300
94 1415800 +27300 200
95 1443300 +27500 200
96 1471100 +27800 300
97 1499100 +28000 200
98 1527300 +28200 200
99 1555800 +28500 300
100 1584350 +28550 50
101 1612950 +28600 50
102 1641600 +28650 50
103 1670300 +28700 50
104 1699050 +28750 50
105 1727850 +28800 50
106 1756700 +28850 50
107 1785600 +28900 50
108 1814550 +28950 50
109 1843550 +29000 50
110 1872600 +29050 50
111 1901700 +29100 50
112 1930850 +29150 50
113 1960050 +29200 50
114 1989300 +29250 50
115 2018600 +29300 50
116 2047950 +29350 50
117 2077350 +29400 50
118 2106800 +29450 50
119 2136300 +29500 50
120 2165850 +29550 50
in progress past 120. Maybe


The following is a list of unlockables and changes in GTA online by rank.

GTA 5 casino heist COUNTDOWN: start time, patch notes, GTA online update bonus

GTA 5 casino heist will be kicking off soon in grand theft auto online. Here's all you need to know about the start time, patch notes and an update bonus.

GTA 5 casino heist update will be going live soon in grand theft auto online. The GTA casino heist patch looks like it will be the last major grand theft auto 5 online update of the year. Rockstar games announced the GTA casino heist last week with a mysterious teaser trailer which has not given much away.

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GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

The grand theft auto makers later detailed what fans will be able to expect from the GTA casino heist.

Rockstar described the GTA casino heist as “the biggest, most audacious, most complex“ heist to ever hit grand theft auto 5 online.

It’s been confirmed that the GTA casino heist will have a release date of thursday december 12 but a start time has not been announced yet.

Judging by past GTA releases, the GTA casino heist is expected to go live between 10am and 11am UK time.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA casino heist countdown - start time, patch notes, GTA 5 online update bonus (image: ROCKSTAR GAMES)


GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

For those in the states that would be between 5am and 6am eastern time and 2am and 3am pacific time.

The GTA casino heist will see players carefully plot how to break into the diamond casino & resort to raid the vault hidden deep within.

Heist crew leaders will have to set up shop at a retro arcade in los santos as they plan how to break into the GTA casino.

The GTA casino heist update will also include a few extra bonuses for grand theft auto 5 players.

The GTA update will bring with it a brand new radio station to the game - the ifruit radio.

This is hosted by danny brown and features UK rapper skepta with tracks on the station by artists like slowthai and travis scott.

GTA players will also be able to claim some more twitch prime bonuses once the GTA casino heist update goes live.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA casino heist countdown - start time, patch notes, GTA 5 online update bonus (image: ROCKSTAR GAMES)

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA casino heist countdown - start time, patch notes, GTA 5 online update bonus (image: ROCKSTAR GAMES)

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GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.


GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Those who have linked their twitch prime accounts to their rockstar games social club account by december 8 will get access to a free arcade property.

Pixel pete’s arcade can then be used as a legitimate front to prep and plan for the GTA casino job.

Here’s what else rockstar games has said about the GTA 5 online casino heist, which was detailed in a post on their official website…


Something’s up at the diamond casino & resort. Patrons have reported seeing unusual security patrols on the casino floor. Penthouse owners are receiving cryptic text messages from the cheng family holdings.

Insiders have spotted unfamiliar blueprints on agatha baker’s desk, and visitors to their website are certain the intrusions there can only mean one thing: there’s a crew getting ready to take the whole thing down.

Prepare yourself for the biggest, most audacious, most complex criminal operation ever to hit los santos in the diamond casino heist – coming december 12 to GTA online.

Infiltrating the most extravagant entertainment and luxury living complex in the entire state won’t be easy, and careful and comprehensive preparation will be rewarded to reach one hitherto unattainable goal: breach the vault at the diamond, grab the goods and exact revenge on the duggan family.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA casino heist countdown - start time, patch notes, GTA 5 online update bonus (image: ROCKSTAR GAMES)

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA casino heist countdown - start time, patch notes, GTA 5 online update bonus (image: ROCKSTAR GAMES)


The diamond casino heist is an all-new approach to heist architecture and execution: one huge gameplay-packed operation as you work with the cheng family to infiltrate the most secure building in all of los santos.

Featuring a diverse range of opportunities for set-up and prep missions that shape your plan of attack, multiple paths of approach, constantly changing security measures and a dizzying array of choices once inside.

Expect outcomes for you and your crew to change on the fly as you deal with each new situation, leading to more choices mid-mission. Even if the best laid plans go sideways, you’ll have the opportunity to keep the mission afloat without failing by shooting your way out with your remaining team lives, all allowing the heist to be highly replayable with new scenarios unfolding each time.

In order to plan the biggest heist ever perpetrated in los santos, heist crew leaders will setup an unexpected new commercial venture as a front, a retro arcade business property shrouding the nerve center within where heist operations are staged and rehearsed. While the business runs above, down below you can practice hacking keypads or cracking vault doors, store equipment and getaway vehicles, and owners of existing businesses can add a master control terminal to handle all current operations.

GTA 5 - the diamond casino heist guide (GTA online)

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

First board - scoping out

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Scoping out the casino

to unlock all different options, take a photo and send it to lester. If you take a picture of an A.P (access point) or an P.O.I (point of interest), the option to send it to lester will appear.

Access points

these points are seen in the casino model (if bought). The first board will be kept once the heist is completed.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

  • Security room

  • Lobby

  • Staff elevator

  • Metal detector

  • Elevator (out of order)

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Possible targets

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.


all extras are kept once bought.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

  • Casino model (130.000$)

  • Door security (425.000$)

  • Vault door (900.000$)

(take a photo of the blueprints inside the office of the casino).

Second board - prep work

Crew choices


karl abolaji
skill: poor; cut: 5%

Charlie reed
skill: good, cut: 7%
weapons: smgs and shotguns

Gustave mota
skill: expert; cut: 9%

Chester mocoy
skill: expert; cut: 10%


karim denz
skill: poor; cut: 5%

Zach nelson
skill: good, cut: 6%

Talina martinez
skill: good; cut: 7%
cars: retinue MK2, drift yosemite, sugoi, jugular

Eddie toh
skill: expert; cut: 9%

Chester mocoy
skill: expert; cut: 10%


rickie lukens:
skill: poor; cut: 3%

Yohan blair
skill: good; cut: 5%

Christian feltz
skill: good; cut: 7%

Paige harris
skill: expert; cut: 9%

General prep works

Hacking device

get a FIB-pass from a corrupt agent, enter the FIB building and.

Patrol routes

go to a meeting of the duggan security guys, eliminate them and search for the right car. Once found, open the trunk, take a photo of the documents and send them to lester.

Duggan shipments

like a freeroam job. You have to destroy 10 shipments of these shipments, spread all over the map. Best use a helicopter for that.

Security intel

help poor vincent, who is now a mall security guy. The intel will be done in every heist when completed once.

Power drills

go to a construction site that is marked and collect either a vehicle with the drills or the drills alone. One person can carry two drills. A disguise is sometimes available.

Security pass

  • Level 1: acquired from a cleaning woman.

  • Level 2: acquired from a croupier.

We had to crash a drug-party and find the croupier to search him for his pass.

Specific prep - silent & sneaky

You have to drive round the city and shoot down drones used by the LSPD. Then just collect the dropped parts.

Go out to the desert, fight some (OP) army guys and search for the lasers. They look like this:

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

EMP device

go to LSIA and steal a cargobob. Then fly to the university, lift the EMP out (it is right on the open filed) and fly it to the substation of LS water and power right across the casino.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Infilitration suits

go out to human labs and kill the guards in your way (the alarm will trigger as soon as you enter) bags are in the rear (where you have to par the insurgent in the human labs heist). Bags look like this:

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Specific prep - the big con

Specific prep - aggressive

Thermal charges

acquire thermal charges to blow up vault door. We had to go out to sandy shores and crash a hillbilly party.

Vault explosives

we had to go out to paleto bay and recover the explosive from a sunken airplane, guarded by merryweather. Grab scuba gear and dive out to find it.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Third board - heist

Your personal weapon arsenal can be collected in either laundry or waste disposal

Silent and sneaky

Take out the electric stuff with your stun gun

Kill the guards right away, DO NOT STUN THEM! Guards with a helmet can't be killed right away. You can kill them with your knife.

  • We went in through waste disposal, disabling the first metal detector, in the area behint it.

  • After that we opened up the guard rooms and killed the guards.

  • In the elevator bay, there is a button in the middle of the security room, right by the window, that opens the door of a small vault. There is the daily income in there, that you can steal. Press the button, let one guy go in, close the door and wait until he has emptied the vault. The vault can be opened from the inside.

We waited for the elevator guard to pass and opened up the stairs access.

The big con

  • Entrance: security tunnel

  • Entry disguise: gruppe sechs

  • Exit: waste disposal

  • Exit disguise: firefighters

buyer: high level (is further away, but you get more money)

First: get into the gruppe sechs van and drive to the casino, to the security tunnel. You are being let in and have to drive down the tunnel, where your credentials are being checked and you are able to park the van.

Then, go down to the vault area, proceed through the manhole. To go through, you have to swipe two keycards at the (roughly) same time (time-window is roughly 4 seconds) and then just go down the winding tunnel.

Then you have a short cutscene, one knocks out the guard who opens the door and then you have to start heisting.

GTA 5 diamond casino heist payout: new updates from today’s grand theft auto release

THE GTA 5 diamond casino heist is now available on PS4, xbox one and PC, and we’ve got the first reports on the potential payout.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

News on the GTA 5 diamond casino heist payout (image: ROCKSTAR GAMES)

Today’s GTA 5 update is out now and comes with a laundry list of bugfixes and game changes.

And the biggest is the launch of the GTA 5 diamond casino heist, which can now be undertaken on PS4, xbox one and PC.

And something that gamers are looking to find out is how much is the payout for completing the big grand theft auto job?

From what has been shared so far by rockstar games, GTA online gamers have to first purchase pixel pete's arcade in paleto bay.

This includes finding lester and snapping up the new property before undergoing the big casino heist. The good news for twitch prime subscribers is that you will get the new property for free.

And even if you do have to pay for it, rockstar games will refund you the in-game cash at a later date.

If you're having to buy it yourself, pixel pete's will cost $1,235,000 and then you will need to spend extra cash to provide the arcade games. Other locations are also available that cost more to buy.

“to plan a score this big you’ll need the right location, crew and gear. Fortunately for you, lester has already sourced the perfect front," rockstar games confirms.

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GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

“meet up with lester in mirror park, then tap into maze bank foreclosures to acquire the new arcade property.

“get the operation off the ground with a facelift by stocking it with some playable retro arcade cabinets and a little help from one of lester’s family friends that’s looking to break into the ‘gaming’ industry.”

After this step, you will be able to start planning your heist from the basement of the arcade.

The hideout houses three planning boards and provides a place to store sourced getaway vehicles and heist prep equipment, as well as areas to stage rehearsals to practice cracking vaults and hacking doors with your crew.

You will need to complete preparatory missions and will also have the option to document various entry points.

Completing these little sidequests like destroying supply shipments and gathering intel on security systems from an old associate and former casino employee, will reward you with more routes, approaches and options when it comes to the finale.

“you also need to make sure you have the right people at your disposal,” a message from rockstar games explains.


GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

“through lester’s nefarious network of contacts you can hire support team members: bringing on the right driver, gunman and hacker are key – for the right price you’ll be able to hire some serious experts depending on how well connected you already are.

“the diamond casino heist gives you three distinct approaches to initially choose from, with multiple ways to execute your chosen approach.

“choose silent & sneaky to enter undetected and try to make off with the haul before they even know what hit them. Engage in deception by going the big con route and masquerading as maintenance staff, pest control or other contractors.

“or opt to go in guns blazing with the aggressive approach – just be prepared to be met with increased resistance.

“for each approach, you’ll have a series of choices for how you want to complete every step of the heist. And if at any time your attempts at stealth or subterfuge somehow fail, you will still be able to complete the mission by dealing with any changing scenarios and pushing through to the end with your last remaining lives.”



According to gamers who are conducting the missions today, the total haul available to steal is around $2.1 million in GTA cash.

But when it comes to how much you actually earn, this all changes depending on how you complete the mission. You will also need to factor in everything you have purchased to make the heist possible.

As mentioned above, gamers can spend more when looking to complete the diamond casino heist in some areas, meaning your total goes down.

You also need to pay other heist members a percentage, meaning you will lose money that way.

And there are also multipliers to consider when undertaking a new heist, meaning the in-game cash payment could change each time you complete it.

It’s also being reported that lester, the NPC that helps set it all up, takes a cut along with expenses. Reports range from $60,000 to $670,000 and gamers will need to keep an eye on it themselves.

So it looks like GTA 5 heist planners could technically take home around $1.43 million from an average finale if everything goes right. There are also reports that it can be low as $600,000, depending on what happens during your playthrough.

How to level up fast in GTA online and earn reputation quickly

Getting tired of the grind? Check out these tips to getting the most out of your time in los santos' multiplayer playground

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

The trick for how to level up fast in GTA online is to earn as many reputation points (RP) as possible, as this is the levelling system which governs your status in the multiplayer world. Your player rank in GTA online is so much more that a status symbol, as it also dictates the weapons and vehicles you can buy, the missions you can undertake, what abilities you have available, and a whole lot more. The higher you level up and increase your rank, the more useful items you'll unlock – the last weapon to appear is the minigun at rank 120, while the final ability that allows you to store 10 body armour pieces in your inventory rocks up at rank 135.

You can gain reputation and increase your rank by completing missions and various other tasks, but if you want to level up fast in GTA online then you need to take part in the right activities – the same approach players would take to simply have fun or mess around like they would in the single player campaign doesn’t apply here. Helpfully we’ve taken the time to pinpoint some tips on how to earn reputation and level up fast in GTA online, so you can catch up to the people who’ve been logged on since launch day.

Spin the lucky wheel in the casino

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

(image credit: rockstar games)

Inside the diamond casino and resort you'll find the lucky wheel, which you can spin every day for a chance to win one of 20 prizes. Five of these are RP related, ranging from 2,500 to 15,000 RP awards, so you have a 25% chance of increasing your reputation with each spin. If you've already won the podium vehicle, then hit the vehicle award slot again before the weekly update refreshes the podium, you'll bank a huge 20,000 RP! Better still, if you want to follow this method to level up fast, you can use the GTA online lucky wheel glitch to have as many spins as you need to hit the prize you're after.

Focus on adversary modes

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Adversary modes brought crazy new group vs group scenarios where teams would usually play out classic movie scenes, most of which would involve one group surviving an assault from the other. These missions, that are highlighted by the tron-inspired deadline, can net you a ton of reputation since they are classified as longer missions. They can bring in thousands of points, and are just crazy fun to play – you’ll need a team though, as they can’t be done alone.

Collect cargo

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Once you get to rank 12, you’ll be able to retrieve crate drops that happen all over the map. Before it happens you’ll receive a notification on the top right corner of the screen, followed by markings on the mini map that tell you where it’s been dropped. You’ll have to kill a few well armed npcs that defend the drop, but once you do you could open up the crate to find 3,000 reputation points – some special drops have 5,000 RP. It’s one of the best ways to gain RP, that’s widely agreed upon throughout the GTA online community.

Check the newswire

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Every tuesday rockstar updates their newswire with new info and details about events that offer double the reputation. This can include specific mission types or special playlists that they put together for a unique event. No matter what it ends up being, it’s a great opportunity to get extra RP and cash. Checking the newswire can also give you tips on how to get discounts on certain vehicle purchases and free items, so it’s in your best interest to bookmark that baby.

Join an organization

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

GTA online lets you do way more than just petty one-off crimes, it lets you build an empire. Players can buy an office once they have enough money and start their own organization, and other players can then join as associates. This will be a good source of RP since you’ll have access to a group of like-minded individuals that actually want to get stuff done. You can easily earn on your own, but completing missions with a group – including many of the ones featured in this list – will earn you a nice bonus alongside your typical cut.

Go fast & furious in races

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

You can earn up to 500 RP for just completing a race, you don’t even need to win it. This isn’t as much as other missions might net you, but races are over much faster and can be done in quick succession if you want to rack up points quickly. The criminal record race can be finished in half a minute if set to only one lap. This is also better suited for starting out since it’s an easier task to tackle, however it’s not recommended once you’ve reached the upper echelon of GTA online ranks.

Lose the cops

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

While not the most efficient way to build up experience, losing the cops after building a wanted level is a consistent way to earn reputation. Each star wanted level brings in another 100 points, but be careful going for those higher levels since it can be incredibly difficult, or at least time consuming, when trying to ditch a trail that hot. This is also one of the most enjoyable ways to gain reputation since you can do almost anything you want to gain the cops attention, much like the single player campaign. It’s best to gain a wanted level by either stealing a car or killing another player, since both actions will also get you some RP on their own.

Build a playlist with the best missions

GTA casino missions list: how to get Enus Paragon R Armoured in GTA Online, gta 5 casino ranks.

Completing missions is the intended way to gain RP, as they’re the bulk of GTA online and contain all sorts of objectives and play styles. You can compile some of the missions that give out the most RP in a playlist, either by yourself or with a crew, to tackle them efficiently. Remember that missions unlock at certain ranks so you won’t be able to access them all at once.

You can also check out our predictions for GTA 6 in the video below:

GTA online: all casino lucky wheel mystery rewards revealed

Grand theft auto online players can win a wide variety of different free prizes at the diamond casino's lucky wheel and if you're lucky enough to have the pointer land on the mystery reward section, you could land yourself some epic new items.

While many players are visiting the casino to gamble their in-game dollars in the hopes of landing some mega wins at the tables, betting on horses, or even in the slot machines - the lucky wheel presents a different opportunity and has quickly become a very popular feature.

There are a wide variety of mystery gifts that can be collected from it, completely free of charge, and everybody gets a spin each time they visit the casino.

Not everybody will be aware of all of the prizes that are actually in the offering, though, and there are actually some incredible vehicles to be won.

Unless you have your attention focused on the $2 million featured vehicle in the casino, which was the truffade thrax when it opened its doors on july 23 but is set to rotate out, you will probably be crossing your fingers for the lucky wheel to land on the mystery reward section after seeing this huge list of goodies.

Full list of GTA casino lucky wheel mystery rewards

For those that don't know already, be warned. There are over 130 prizes to grind your way through; ranging from motorcycles, cars, to aircrafts.

  • 9F

  • Akuma

  • Alpha

  • Bagger

  • Baller

  • Banshee

  • Bati 801

  • Bati 801RR

  • BF injection

  • BF400

  • Bifta

  • Blade

  • Blazer

  • Blista compact

  • BMX

  • Brioso

  • Buccaneer

  • Buffalo

  • Bullet

  • Burger shot stallion

  • Carbon RS

  • Carbonizzare

  • Cheburek

  • Chino

  • Cognoscenti

  • Cognoscenti cabrio

  • Comet

  • Convertible 9F

  • Convertible rapid GT

  • Coquette

  • Coquette classic

  • Cruiser

  • Cuban 800

  • Defiler

  • Diablous

  • Dodo

  • Dominator

  • Double T

  • Dukes

  • Enduro

  • Esskey

  • Exemplar

  • F620

  • Faction

  • Fagaloa

  • Faggio

  • Faggio sport

  • FCR 1000

  • Felon

  • Felon GT

  • Feltzer

  • FQ2

  • Fugitive

  • Furore GT

  • Futo

  • Gauntlet

  • Glendale

  • Grotti turismo R

  • Hakuchou

  • Heist dinghy

  • Hexer

  • Hot rod blazer

  • Hotknife

  • Impaler

  • Infernus

  • Infernus classic

  • Intruder

  • Issi

  • Issi classic

  • Jackal

  • JB700

  • Jester

  • Jester (race car)

  • Jetmax

  • Kalahari

  • Kamacho

  • Khamelion

  • Kuruma

  • Lost slamvan

  • Mammatus

  • Manchez

  • Marquis

  • Massacro

  • Massacro (race car)

  • Merryweather mesa

  • Minivan

  • Monroe

  • Moonbeam

  • Nemesis

  • Nightblade

  • Oracle XS

  • Panto

  • Patriot

  • PCJ-600

  • Penumbra

  • Picador

  • Pigalle

  • Pißwasser dominator

  • Prairie

  • Primo

  • Rapid GT

  • Rat-truck

  • Redwood gauntlet

  • Rhapsody

  • Rocket voltic

  • Ruffian

  • Ruiner

  • Ruston

  • Sabre turbo

  • Sanchez

  • Sanchez livery

  • Schafter

  • Schafter V12

  • Scorcher

  • Seashark

  • Serrano

  • Slamvan

  • Squalo

  • Stalion

  • Street blazer

  • Stunt

  • Sultan

  • Super diamond

  • Surano

  • Tampa

  • Tornado

  • Tornado rat rod

  • Toros

  • Tri-cycles race bike

  • Vacca

  • Velum

  • Virgo

  • Virgo classic

  • Voltic

  • Voodoo

  • Washington

  • XLS

  • Zion cabrio

  • Zombie bobber

As noted earlier, players should only really have one opportunity per game to spin the wheel, but some cheaters have found a game-breaking exploit that allows them to play more than once a day. In fact, some have even claimed to have had up to 70 spins on the wheel per day.

However, it's not advisable to follow in their footsteps as you could face punishment from rockstar games later down the line for doing so.

If you're looking to get your hands on more chips to play at the tables, our comprehensive guide could help you along the way.

You might not be able to buy more spins on the lucky wheel, but with the right tactics in the casino games - and a few shreds of luck - you could be well on your way to making enough money to buy anything from this list.

So, let's see, what we have: once you’ve bought yourself VIP membership, here’s how to complete the missions to unlock a new ride at gta 5 casino ranks
